Please explore the following pages to find information regarding directions to the Testing Center, proctoring fees, scheduling, use of calculators, and study materials for testing.
For additional help, please visit the campus map below.
Exam |
Proctoring Fee |
Important Information |
Make-Up Testing |
No charge |
Students must have their instructor’s permission to take a make-up exam in the Testing Center. |
Accuplacer Math Retake |
$10.00 |
There is no charge for students who are taking placement tests for the first time with the Testing Center. However, only Math Placement Tests can be retaken. Students are only allowed to retake the exam once, per the Math Department’s policy.
Note: Examinees taking their placement tests via the Accuplacer Voucher Program may be subject to proctoring fees, payable to the institution they have chosen to take their exam(s) with. SVSU and the Testing Center are not responsible for paying these or any other fees for students needing testing. |
Proctored Exams for SVSU Students |
$10.00 |
These are exams for SVSU students who are taking classes at other colleges or universities (i.e., an SVSU student who is taking an online course at, for example, the University of Oklahoma over the summer, but is still in Michigan.) |
Accuplacer Remote Placement Testing for Non-SVSU Students |
$15.00 |
These are exams for students who wish to take an Accuplacer Placement Exam for an institution other than SVSU, using the Accuplacer Voucher Program. |
ServSafe Certification Examination |
$15.00 |
These tests are for those who need to the ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification. Testers should contact the Testing Center Coordinator to request further details and to schedule their appointment. |
Proctored Exams for Non-SVSU Students |
$20.00 |
These tests are for non-SVSU distance learners who are taking tests for other academic institutions. Students requiring multiple exams must register for the appropriate number of testing appointments. |
$30.00 |
The fee listed here is the proctoring fee only. Testers must purchase their CLEP exam ticket directly from CollegeBoard. Tickets must be presented to Testing Center staff on exam day. |
CS150 Assessment |
$30.00 |
The fee listed here is the proctoring fee only. Testers must purchase their CS150 Assessment by following the directions sent via email by the Testing Center. The registration process is time sensitive; students should set up their account and purchase their test no less than 4 days prior to the date of their appointment. |
Board Examinations |
$75.00 for 3 hours - if additional time is needed, another window must be purchased |
The Center is certified to give a variety of board exams. Please contact the Testing Center Coordinator to verify the Center's ability to proctor a certain examination and to arrange the date and time for testing. Note: The Center cannot proctor PearsonVue certifications. |
The Testing Center utilizes RegisterBlast, a third-party company, for scheduling exams, as well as collecting proctoring fees. Testers wishing to schedule an appointment should go to RegisterBlast and fill out the appropriate form provided on the website. (For additional scheduling directions, see the appropriate exam under “Exams Offered” on the Testing Center’s website.) If payment is required, examinees will be prompted to pay at the end of the registration process via a debit/credit card. The Center is not able to take cash payments for testing.
Once the form and payment have been submitted, a confirmation will be sent to the email provided on the RegisterBlast form. Examinees should read this in detail as it shows confirmation of payment, the title of the exam, the date and time the test was scheduled for, and the Testing Center’s rules.
Please note that CLEP, the CS150 Assessment, and board exams require additional payments made to testing companies before the scheduled test date.
Testers are required to present a physical photo ID (student ID, driver's license, passport, or state ID) on test day; electronic versions or "photos" of the original ID will not be accepted. No exceptions can be made to this policy.
Each organization that is affiliated with the Testing Center at SVSU has a different policy regarding the usage of calculators. These policies will be strictly adhered to. Please see below for each organizations’ policy. SVSU students that have a documented calculator accommodation must be registered with the Office of Accessibility Resources and Accommodations. Non-SVSU students who also need this accommodation must contact both the Center and the appropriate testing organization to seek approval to use a calculator.
Information regarding personal calculators: The Center has several scientific calculators which testers are welcome to use during their exam if the test's policy allows. Students should bring a graphing calculator with them if their test requires one; however, please note that the memory of any calculator brought into the Center will be wiped clean before and after testing.
Exam |
Calculator Policy |
Make-Up Tests |
The policy is dependent on each instructor. Cell phones or other electronic devices are not permissible as calculators. |
Proctored Exams |
The policy is dependent on each instructor. Cell phones or other electronic devices are not permissible as calculators. |
Board Exams |
The policy is dependent on both the Board of Registry as well as which exam is being administered. Cell phones or other electronic devices are not permissible as calculators. |
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) |
No outside are calculators allowed. For math tests, only the built-in CLEP calculator may be used. |
Accuplacer Placement Exams |
No outside calculators are allowed. A calculator, which is allowed only on certain math questions, is already built into the Accuplacer program. |
CS150 Assessment |
No calculator is allowed. However, students are allowed to use formulas in Excel for any calculations needed. |
ServSafe |
No calculator is allowed. |
Exam |
Study Options |
Reading Placement Exams |
Accuplacer provides a study application. To access it, visit the Accuplacer website. |
Math Placement Exams |
Accuplacer provides a study application. To access it, visit the Accuplacer website. It is also recommended that testers make an appointment with the Math and Physics Resource Center, which is located on the second floor of the Zahnow Library for additional help. |
Course Exams |
SVSU students who need help studying for their course exams can visit the Center for Academic Achievement, which is located on the second floor of the Zahnow Library. |
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) |
CLEP offers online study guides through the CollegeBoard website. It is highly recommended that students only use current study materials for their exams as CollegeBoard creates new study materials yearly for their updated exams. |
CS150 Assessment |
A list of possible topics to study may be found on the Center’s CS150 Assessment website under “Exam Directions, Preparation and Study Topics.” |
ServSafe |
Testers should contact the ServSafe National Restaurant Association directly for study materials. The Center is only a proctoring location and does not have access to any form of instruction. |
The Testing Center @ SVSU
Zahnow 308
(989) 964-2820