Students should proactively reach out to the faculty member during the semester to discuss concerns about their grades. Students are encouraged to read the course syllabus and understand how their grades will be determined.
The grade grievance procedure begins with the student emailing the faculty member to request an informal review after a final course grade has been officially filed. This review consists of a discussion with the faculty member regarding the disputed grade. (Preferably, the discussion should be held in-person. Phone or remote meeting may be used if an in-person meeting is not possible. Email should not be the only mode of communication unless it is not possible to communicate using an interactive, real-time method of communicating.) Students should provide a reason for requesting the grade change. Often, a satisfactory resolution occurs during this step.
If the informal review (Step 1) does not lead to a satisfactory resolution, the student should consider the nature of their complaint and whether they have evidence of the following:
The grade grievance policy and procedure is designed to protect students from receiving final grades that are inconsistent with the grading policy or unfair to one student relative to others in the course. For example, a grade will not be raised because a faculty member graded tests strictly, as long as the faculty member applied the same rigorous standards to all students.
The student has thirty (30) calendar days from the date that grades are due to the Office of the Registrar to submit a formal written grievance via the Student Grade Grievance Form. A copy will automatically be sent to the faculty member, the appropriate chairperson, the appropriate dean, and the Student Association Grade Grievance Committee Representative. Grade grievance hearings rely on facts and evidence. The student shall supply the following information:
Evidence that Step 1 occurred must also be submitted, such as email correspondence, a note from the professor, etc.
The faculty member must respond in writing to the student within four (4) weekdays* of receipt of the grievance, indicating whether the proposed resolution is accepted or rejected, or offering an alternative resolution. (Copies of that response will be sent to the appropriate chairperson, the appropriate dean, and the Student Association Grade Grievance Committee Representative.)
*Weekdays are Monday through Friday, excluding University holidays or days the campus is closed.
If the faculty member’s response is not acceptable to the student, the student has three (3) weekdays* to make a written request to the appropriate chairperson for a recommendation on the grievance. Copies must be sent to the faculty member, the appropriate chairperson, the appropriate dean, and the Student Association Grade Grievance Committee Representative.
(If the faculty member is the chairperson, the procedure moves to Step 4.) The chairperson must evaluate the case and provide the student and faculty member with a written statement agreeing with the student or the faculty member or proposing an alternative resolution within six (6) weekdays*. Copies must also be sent to the appropriate dean, and the Student Association Grade Grievance Committee Representative.
If the chairperson’s recommendation is satisfactory to both the faculty member and the student, the resolution will be implemented and the grievance will be terminated. Otherwise, the case will automatically continue to Step 4.
*Weekdays are Monday through Friday, excluding University holidays or days the campus is closed.
If the grievance is not resolved at the previous step, the student has three (3) weekdays* to request in writing that the appropriate academic dean call for a hearing in front of the Grade Grievance Committee. Copies of this request will be sent to the faculty member, the appropriate chairperson, and the Student Association Grade Grievance Committee Representative.
The Grade Grievance Committee will consist of three (3) students from the Student Association Grade Grievance Committee (selected by the Representative chairperson or their designee); and three (3) faculty members selected by the Faculty Association President or their designee from a pool of faculty members designated by the Faculty Association Executive Board, and will be chaired by the appropriate dean or their designee.
The Grade Grievance Committee shall meet to review the case and hear evidence. It shall provide the student and faculty member involved the opportunity to present arguments at separate times. The committee shall reach a decision by a recorded roll call vote. In case of a tie, the dean or their designee will cast the deciding vote. The decision of the Grade Grievance Committee will be presented in writing by the dean or their designee to the student, faculty member and chairperson within ten (10) weekdays* of the hearing.
*Weekdays are Monday through Friday, excluding University holidays or days the campus is closed.
If the decision of the Committee is unsatisfactory to the student or the faculty member, either may request that the grievance be reviewed by the Provost. This request must be made within three (3) weekdays* of the receipt of the Committee's decision. (Grade Grievance Appeal (Step 5) Form) The decision of the Provost must be presented to the faculty member, student, dean, chairperson and the Grade Grievance Committee within six (6) weekdays* of the appeal. The decision of the Provost is final.
*Weekdays are Monday through Friday, excluding University holidays or days the campus is closed.
*Weekdays are Monday through Friday, excluding University holidays or days the campus is closed.
Calendar days are any days of the week, including holidays and weekends.
If any of the above deadlines are not met by the student, the grievance will be considered invalid and dropped, unless, due to extenuating circumstances, the Provost grants an extension of time.
In the event that any of the above deadlines of Steps 1 through 4 are not met by the faculty member, the chairperson or the dean, the matter will automatically be referred to the next step of the process. If the deadlines of step five (5) are not met by the Provost, the resolution of the grievance will stand as determined by the committee.
Communication for the steps above will be handled through an electronic Grade Grievance Process and email. Students and faculty involved in a grade grievance should check their SVSU email regularly. Grade Grievance Application
If the student and/or faculty member involved in the grievance is not available due to the former not being enrolled in a current term or the latter not assigned teaching duties in a current term, the Provost will establish appropriate and reasonable extensions of time.