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2019 STEM Scholars Camps

In 2019, we welcomed nearly 50 high school students to SVSU to explore topics including Health and Human Services, App Designs for Smart Phones, and Coding & Networking. Participants engaged in hands-on activities and gained insight into related career fields, which supported their understanding of science and its impact on their career paths.

Students participated from the following school districts: Bay City Public Schools, Bullock Creek School District, Caro Community Schools, Chesaning Union Schools, Clio Area Schools, Essexville-Hampton Public Schools, Grand Blanc Community Schools, Meridian Public Schools, Midland Public Schools, Saginaw City School District, and Saginaw Township Community Schools.

Coding & Networking STEM Camp

This camp focused on coding with Java and creating computer networks. Participants worked with flow charts to understand the basics of Java programming (data types, loops, conditionals, and functions), utilize them to design prototype/solution for a given problem, debug using tracing techniques, and write simple Java programs. In addition, students also set up small Local Area Network (LAN), used ping and traceroute tools to test the systems in a network, and the Wireshark tool to explore data transfer and data headers.

Health & Human Services STEM Camp

The Health and Human Services STEM Camp introduced students to a variety of health professions and health topics, issues, opportunities and applications. The primary objective was to promote health, wellness, nutrition, health professions and public health awareness while providing hands-on activities in Public Health, Exercise Science, Medical Laboratory Science, Neuroscience, Physicians’ Assistants, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Environmental Health. Activities included: Chronic Care Simulations, Drunk Driving Simulation, Neuroscience Simulations, Wilderness Splinting activities, Medical Laboratory Science testing activities, hands on experience with local farmers and gardeners at the Downtown Saginaw Farmers’ Market, Nursing simulation activities, exposure to Human Performance Testing, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy learning activities, Environmental Health Water quality testing, and Poverty Simulations.

UX Design (App Design for Your Smartphone)

In this camp, participants explored the basics for what is needed to build an app. This covered the fundamentals of four career paths: Information Architect, Usability Studies Specialist, Graphic User Interface Designer, and App Programmer. Students created their own working app mock-up on their smart phones to display to friends and family.

Contact Us

Jake Lounsbury

Gilbertson Hall - North Wing 142

(989) 964-4058

STEM poster with cardinal head

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