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President George Grant Jr


George Grant Jr was appointed to serve as the fifth president of Saginaw Valley State University on January 1, 2023.

Dr. Grant previously served as chancellor of Pennsylvania State University Berks. Prior to that, he spent 24 years at Grand Valley State University in Michigan, including 12 years as dean of the College of Community and Public Service.

He began his professional and leadership career working in child welfare, which included foster care, adoption, and family preservation. Throughout his career, he served on numerous boards, consulted for nonprofit and for-profit organizations, provided training, conducted research, presented at national and international conferences, co-authored twelve books, and worked in private practice.

President Grant studied at Wayne County Community College prior to completing a bachelor’s degree in social work at Marygrove College in Detroit. He later completed a master’s degree in social work at Grand Valley State University and a Ph.D. in sociology at Western Michigan University. President Grant also earned a certificate from the Harvard Institute in Educational Management.

President Grant is the first person of color to serve as SVSU president. 

A Detroit native, he has welcomed the opportunity to return to his home state and to join a university that aligns with his values.

Connect with President Grant


Office of the President
Wickes 349
(989) 964-4041