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Image of the Leaping Gazelle fountain in the spring with flowering trees

Mission, Vision, Values and Priorities


To transform lives through comprehensive, engaged education and experiences that prepare students for tomorrow's challenges and opportunities.


To be widely known for innovative teaching, experiential learning, and our inclusive, welcoming campus. We aspire to be the top choice for those striving for personal and professional success. Our graduates are highly regarded for their outstanding knowledge, leadership, and skills.


  • Academic Exploration
  • Student Success
  • Innovation & Institutional Excellence
  • Ethical Behavior
  • Financial and Environmental Stewardship
  • Commitment to Safety
  • Civility, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
  • Community Access, Collaboration, and Success



  1. Academic Excellence & Student Experience
  2. Campus Climate & Cultural Excellence
  3. Holistic Enrollment Growth
  4. Elevate Market Position
  5. Safety & Operational Excellence
  6. Community Partnerships and Engagement



Office of the President
Wickes 349
(989) 964-4041