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Student Teaching

Student Teaching is the culmination of the entire program of the College of Education. It is your opportunity to draw together what you have learned in content-area course work, psychology and education courses, and field experiences. You will work closely with your Cooperating Teacher, observing and benefiting from his or her expertise. In the final analysis, however, you must develop your own style of teaching, informed by your knowledge of students and content and how the two meaningfully connect.

Throughout your weeks of Student Teaching, you are expected to behave in a professional manner, remembering that you are a guest in the building. You will be governed by regulations which affect all teachers in your building. You should be sensitive to the unwritten mores of the staff. You are no longer a student in the eyes of the pupils, parents, teachers, and administrators, and you must make this significant shift in your thinking. Consider yourself a member of the faculty. Get acquainted with other members of the faculty and the non-teaching staff. Attend faculty meetings, parent conferences, and school events.

Steps to Student Teach

Complete major, minor and methods courses
Important Dates: Student Teaching Informational Meetings
Apply to Student Teach in Tk20
Most Frequently FAQ's About Student Teaching

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Contact Us
(989) 964-4057(989) 964-4057


James E. Tarr, Ph.D.

Acting Assistant Dean & Professor

Colleen D'Arcy, Ph.D.


College of Education Dean's Office
Gilbertson Hall, North 275
University Center, MI 48710


8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.