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John Chavers: Recently Seen; When No One Else was Looking

B/w image taken by John Chavers in Reykjavik of Olufur Eliasons Studio showing artwork with geometric tiles and sun spot illuminations
Above: Detail from Olufur Eliason Studio, Reykjavak

August 12 - September 14
Reception and Welcome Back Party: September 5th, 4-6 p.m.

Artist Bio

John Chavers is a US-based visual artist and photographer currently working with digital images. His artistic practice stems from experimental engagement with everyday computer technology and the reinterpretation and manipulation of common objects and scenes.
Recent group and solo exhibitions since 2017 include:
The College of the Sequoias
The Bosque Gallery at Lone Star College
The Viterbo University Art Gallery
The Missoula Art Museum
The Foundry Art Center
Amarillo Museum of Art
Mary Cosgrove Dolphin Gallery
Orr Street Studios
Rochester Contemporary Art Center
Purdue University Fountain Gallery
The Gallery at The Association of Icelandic Visual Artists (SÍM), Reykjavík, Iceland The Deiglan Gilfélagið Gallery, Akureyri, Iceland

Please enjoy a preview of the exhibition below:

All gallery exhibitions, lectures and receptions are free and open to the public. Click the following link for open gallery hours or call (989) 964-2291. The University Art Gallery is located in the Arbury Fine Arts Center on the campus of Saginaw Valley State University,

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(989) 964-2291(989) 964-2291

UAG Coordinator

Department of Art

Shaun Bangert, Chair


University Art Gallery
Arbury Fine Arts Center
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