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Russell Prather: Lost In Space

2024- 2025 Exhibition Season

Winter Semester Hours:

January 8- May 2

Monday-Saturday 11 am - 3 pm

Thursdays til 6pm

Gallery Coordinator Sara Clark & Art Dept Chair Shaun Bangert 
interviewed regarding Annual Art Student Exhibit.

New Acquisition

From the living estate of former SVSU art educator and University Communications Graphic Designer, Gayle Koehler.
This 1996 watercolor triptych was inspired by Koehler's trip to Giverny, France to see the Monet's gardens. It started out as a diptych but Koehler later added to it. It was exhibited at the Scarab Club in Detroit, as well as several regional venues. The department is honored to have this gift from her family.



Gallery workstudy student Trent Caulkins was recently recognized for his piece Re Comp 2023 in the 19th Annual Juried Art Student Exhibition which continues through February 3.
Workstudy student Trent Caulkins in front of his painting Re-Comp. 23 which won a jurors award

University Art Gallery Art Acquisitions

The Department of Art and University Art Gallery Collection were just gifted three photographic works of art from retiring Professor of Art Hideki Kihata. Panorama with Doll, Door, and Lily all represent the techniques Kihata was best known for in the classes he taught for 35 years; Pin hole photography being his first love, silver Dye bleach taken as a pin hole image, and photogram collage referencing his early background in abstract painting. Department Chairperson Shaun Bangert wrote: These works are “a wonderful addition to the collection!” They will be used both educationally and for upcoming exhibitions.




The University Art Gallery will visually inspire visitors with frequently changing exhibitions that display a wide variety of contemporary art styles and media from international artists and SVSU Art Department students. Located in the Arbury Fine Arts Center, the gallery is intended as a cultural resource for our students and the surrounding regional community. The gallery has a large, well-lit viewing space and all exhibitions, lectures, and receptions are free and open to the public. For further information regarding exhibitions, open hours, and how to exhibit in our space, please navigate the appropriate links on the sidebar to the left.


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SVSU University Art Gallery Exhibitions

All gallery exhibitions, lectures and receptions are free and open to the public. Click the following link for open gallery hours or call (989) 964-2291. The University Art Gallery is located in the Arbury Fine Arts Center on the campus of Saginaw Valley State University,

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Contact Us
(989) 964-2291(989) 964-2291

UAG Coordinator

Department of Art

Shaun Bangert, Chair


University Art Gallery
Arbury Fine Arts Center
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