Faculty Course Student Evaluations
- Evaluation Headersheet (88KB) - MUST include a completed header form with each evaluation.
- For questions regarding course evaluations, contact Brian Thomas at 989-964-7320 or bjthoma1@svsu.edu
- The student evaluation dropbox will remain in the Library just inside the 1st-floor main Library entrance (across from the main desk).
- Each semester, priority evaluations should be available within one week of drop-off. Evaluation team chairs will receive an email from Jaclyn (jbmclean@svsu.edu) that the evaluations are ready to be picked up. Only the chair of the evaluation team may pick up the priority evaluations.
- Standard evaluations should be available after about one month into the new semester. When ready, you will receive communication via email that evaluations can be picked up in the Library at the main 1st-floor desk. After you receive this email, you will have two weeks to pick up your evaluations from the Library. Any evaluations not picked up during that time will be delivered to the appropriate Dean's office for disbursement to faculty in sealed envelopes.
- Adjunct evaluations will also be delivered to the Dean's offices at this time.
- For more detailed information go to https://librarysubjectguides.svsu.edu/facultyevaluations
Lisa K. Boehm, Ph.D.
Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs
Wickes Hall 338
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.