The General Education Committee (GEC) will use the following lists of category-specific criteria in evaluating proposals for course inclusion in General Education. The infusion of technology to enhance teaching and learning in General Education courses will be encouraged. For further information, see the catalog description of the program, the table of categories and courses, and the criteria for Communication-Intensive courses.
Successful completion of Composition I (English 111) or its equivalent (obtained through testing, transfer, etc.) will be prerequisite for enrollment in all communication-intensive courses.
Communication-intensive (CI) courses will, at minimum:
• refine students’ abilities to construct a range of coherent, effective, well-documented written and oral presentations within the discipline that - are appropriate for audience and purpose
- consider a range of perspectives and experiences
- effectively employ appropriate rhetorical strategies, such as logical, emotional and ethical appeals
• require critical use of outside resources appropriate to the course content, to - enhance students’ ability to identify and evaluate sources appropriately - refine students’ abilities to synthesize and cite materials responsibly and appropriately
• include critical reading, viewing. and/or listening to multiple modes of communication, developing skills to identify premises and assumptions of complex arguments
• require that each student complete a minimum of 10 double-spaced pages of formal writing and the equivalent of 10 double-spaced pages of informal writing (such as posts to email dialogue groups, responses, journals, etc.), divided into multiple assignments that
- attend to both process and product in instruction and evaluation
- include appropriate instructor feedback
- require that students apply feedback to revise their work
- extend and refine students’ editing skills
• require that each student engage in at least one significant formal as well as informal speaking activities that include appropriate instructor feedback
Main Student Objective
Course Requirements
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will:
Category Tripartite Goal
Main Student Objective
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will:
Category Tripartite Goal
Main Student Objective
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will:
Category Tripartite Goal
Main Student Objective
Course Requirements
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will:
Category Tripartite Goal
Courses (laboratory courses in italics)
Main Student Objective
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will:
Category Tripartite Goal
Students will have developed skills in Critical Thinking.
Main Student Objective
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will:
Category Tripartite Goal
Main Student Objective
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will:
Category Tripartite Goal
Main Student Objective
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will:
Category Tripartite Goal
Main Student Objective
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will:
Category Tripartite Goal
Main Student Objective
Course Requirements
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will:
Category Tripartite Goal
Lisa K. Boehm, Ph.D.
Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs
Wickes Hall 338
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.