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Curriculum and Academic Policies Committee (CAPC)

CAPC is referred to either by its pronounceable acronym (“cap- see”) or as “Curriculum/Academic Policies Committee,” is responsible for review and recommendation on all proposals dealing with any change in undergraduate curricula, including changes in existing courses, deletions of courses, addition of new courses, addition or deletion of entire programs, and maintenance of the academic calendar. Specific academic policies like admission, retention, probation, dismissal standards, and standards for academic honors also come to CAPC for approval. CAPC membership consists of six faculty members, one Dean, one student selected by the student government, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or their designee (see section F4 of the Contract).

AY 2024-2025 Committee Members

Member             Seat
Dr. Andrew Chubb             Chair, Dean of SET
Daniel Strasz             Registrar 
Kimberly Salto             Student Representative
Dr. Amy Pierce             Arts & Humanities
Dr. Prashanth Anekal             Business
Dr. Amy Guenther             Education
Dr. Bonnie Harmer             Health & Human Services
Dr. Joshua Mike             Science, Engineering & Technology
Dr. Jeanne Malmberg             Social Sciences

Please see to access the online curriculum management process.

Committee Charge

Except for those at the graduate level, the Curriculum/Academic Policies Committee (CAPC) shall review and make recommendations on all proposals dealing with any change in existing curriculum, new courses, new academic programs and the academic calendar.


Lisa Krissoff Boehm, Ph.D.
Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Wickes Hall 338
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.