The Division of Academic and Student Affairs at Saginaw Valley State University was created to support quality service and support to the university's students, personnel, colleges, and programs. The Division provides leadership across academic and student affairs programs at the University that assist students in successfully managing the academic environment. The Division advocates that learning, building partnerships and supporting quality educational programs for all students enriches the University. Our goal is to support high-quality programs and services that assist students in defining and achieving their educational goals while enhancing the student's personal, interpersonal, intellectual, and physical development. The Division of Academic and Student Affairs is committed to working with students, faculty, staff, and the larger community to ensure the effective implementation of our strategic vision of quality academic programs, a student-centered philosophy, and community engagement.
The Division of Academic and Student Affairs engages with students from the time they first think about attending college, through the admissions process, during their time at SVSU and ultimately throughout their post-graduate success. Along the way, we guide students through the complexities of university life, provide high quality academic programs, help them navigate tricky social demands, provide cultural and recreational outlets, as well as see to their physical and mental health.
Our students are highly diverse in their backgrounds. They come from as close as Carrollton and as far away as Kathmandu; they come from rural, suburban and urban environments. Some are very focused on achieving their career goals while others explore various options and pathways. Addressing the needs of such a range of students requires robust collaboration between admissions, academics, advising, student life, student affairs and various business and support offices. To facilitate these collaborations and communication, and to foster a learning environment genuinely focused on students and their success, the Division of Academic and Student Affairs was formed in 2014, seeks to provide an innovative and welcoming environment for all SVSU students.
Each of the units below is dedicated to student success, institutional strength, and serving the region and state of Michigan. As a whole, the Division of Academic and Student Affairs carries the primary responsibility for implementing the to "transform lives through educational excellence and dynamic partnerships, unleashing possibilities for impact in our community and worldwide."
Lisa Krissoff Boehm, Ph.D.
Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs
Wickes Hall 338
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.