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Administrative/Professional Employee Additional Earnings at SVSU 2.7-1


Human Resources
Authorizing Body:
Vice President for Administration & Business Affairs – VP-ABA
Responsible Department:
Human Resources
Applies To:

Adopted Date:
Revised Date:
Print Policy

General Purpose

To provide direction and guidance in determining situations that are appropriate for Administrative/Professional (A/P) employees to earn supplemental or additional wages or salary and to outline the administrative processes that are to be utilized to authorize any additional or supplemental earnings.

Exempt Administrative Professional Employees

In accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, exempt employees are not entitled to overtime pay for time worked over forty (40) hours per week.

  1. Expectations for Exempt A/P Employees
    • Exempt A/P employees are expected to fulfill their specific and associated job responsibilities without receiving additional compensation. Individual job responsibilities may require an A/P employee to work more than forty (40) hours and/or more than five (5) days a week. This may also include working non-traditional schedules and hours to resolve problems or handle special situations. The salary of A/P employees is determined with these expectations in mind.
  2. Additional, Supplemental, Temporary or Interim Assignments
    • When an A/P employee is formally given an additional, supplemental, temporary or interim assignment that is not ordinarily part of the responsibilities assigned to the employee's position, additional compensation may be authorized by processing a Supplemental Assignment & Pay Authorization form (contact Human Resources).
    • Appropriate examples would include academic adjunct teaching assignments, continuing education instructional assignments, formal assignment of significant and substantially different responsibilities for a period of time, or providing services unrelated to the employee's normal job responsibilities.
  3. Teaching Courses for Credit
    • When teaching courses for credit, A/P employees may teach one (1) course and related lab per semester up to a maximum of two (2) per academic year (August 25 through August 24).
    • No class is to be taught during an employee's regular working schedule. Exceptions must be for very special circumstances and will require the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Administration and Business Affairs.
    • Employees teaching courses for credit will be paid at the departmental adjunct rate.
    • Deans, Vice Presidents and the President are not eligible to receive payment for teaching courses.
  4. "On-Call" Responsibilities
    • As a normal part of the job responsibilities, certain A/P positions may require incumbents to be "on-call" in order to respond to University needs. A/P employees in on-call positions will be notified by their supervisor when they are required to be on call. Employees in these positions are not eligible to receive additional or supplemental pay.
    • If an employee is formally assigned on-call responsibilities that are not a normal part of their job responsibilities, additional or supplemental pay may be appropriate. The Supplemental Assignment & Pay Authorization form may be used to process payment in this situation.

Non-exempt Administrative/Professional Employees

In accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, non-exempt employees are entitled to overtime pay for time worked over forty (40) hours per week.

  1. Expectations for Non-Exempt A/P Employees
    • Non-exempt A/P employees are expected to fulfill their specific and associated job responsibilities and are paid an hourly wage.
    • If a non-exempt A/P employee works over forty (40) hours in a week they must either:
      • be paid at a rate of time-and-one-half for time worked over forty (40) hours in the week or,
      • accrue compensatory time at the rate of time and one-half for the time worked over forty (40) hours.
    • Non-exempt A/P employees are not to work more than their scheduled hours without the prior approval of their supervisor.
  2. Additional, Supplemental, Temporary or Interim Assignments
    • Section B-2 also applies to non-exempt A/P employees.
  3. Teaching Courses for Credit
    • Section B-3 also applies to non-exempt A/P employees.
  4. "On-Call" Responsibilities
    • If an hourly employee is formally assigned on-call responsibilities, additional or supplemental pay may be appropriate. The Supplemental Assignment & Pay Authorization form may be used to process payment in this situation.
    • If an hourly employee is called in to work, the employee must be paid their normal hourly rate for this time worked. If the call-in results in the employee working over forty (40) hours in one week, time-and-one-half must either be paid or accrued in the employee's compensatory time bank.

Limit on Additional Earnings

Total additional earnings cannot exceed twenty (20%) percent of base salary in each calendar year.

Copyrighted Material – Rights

The United States Copyright Act of 1976 provides that copyright owners have the exclusive right to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute, perform, display, transfer ownership, rent or lend their creations. Virtually all work by an author/creator is copyrighted the moment it is written or created. In the case of works made for hire, the employer for whom the work is prepared is considered the author and owns all of the rights in the copyrighted material, unless the parties have expressly agreed otherwise in a written instrument signed by them.

When exempt and non-exempt A/P employees author or create copyrighted material while in the service of the University and/or with the support of University funds (including salary or wages), facilities or equipment, the University shall own and hold title to the work. As the copyright owner, the University shall have the exclusive right to control the copying of the copyrighted working, including the exclusive right to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute, perform, display, transfer ownership, rent or lend the copyrighted work. The University shall also be entitled to any and all royalties, payments or proceeds of any kind resulting from its exercise of these exclusive rights.