Tuition Assistance
The Tuition Assistance (TA) program pays the cost of tuition and some additional fees. Nearly all active duty military service members are eligible for TA. However, each service branch determines eligibility criteria that often reduce access. Tuition Assistance covers up to 100% Tuition and Fees, not to exceed $250.00 per semester credit hour or $4500.00 per fiscal year. All Active Duty Service Members (including Guard and Reserve) must contact their Education Service Officer (ESO) or Education Counselor within your branch of service prior to enrolling in any college or university.
Tuition Assistance Application Procedures for Military Services:
Army: www.armyignited
Air Force:
Coast Guard:
Michigan National Guard:
In-State Tuition
GOOD NEWS about tuition! Regardless of where you are from, if you are a member of the armed forces, you will receive in-state tuition. This also applies to your spouse and dependent children. You will receive in-state tuition as long as you remain continuously enrolled, even if you move out of state.
Transferability of Benefits
FAMILIES TOO! If you are actively serving as of 1 August 2009 and are a career service member, you can give all or part of your benefits to one person or divide them among your family members, whichever works best for you. Before your family can apply to VA, you must first process your transfer application online with DoD. The transferability application requires Internet Explorer.
(989) 964-2462(989) 964-2462
(989) 964-6095
Curtiss 121
Office M-F 8:00AM-4:30PM or by appt.