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Communication Intensive (CI) Courses

As part of SVSU’s General Education program, Communication Intensive (CI) Courses are another important component of writing at SVSU. At a minimum, CI courses do the following:

  • develop students’ abilities in a range of written and oral modes of academic discourse, with an emphasis on developing the ability to construct coherent, well-documented arguments in the presence of a wide range of perspective and experiences 
  • refine students’ abilities to consider audience and to employ rhetorical strategies that communicate appropriately 
  • include critical reading, viewing, and/or listening to several modes of communication with attention to developing skills necessary to identify premises and assumptions in complex arguments made from a range of perspectives 
  • require critical use of outside resources appropriate to the course content, such as library and internet resources 
  • refine students’ abilities to incorporate cited materials responsibly and effectively 
  • require attention to both process and product in instruction and evaluation 
  • extend and refine students’ editing skills 
  • require that each student complete a minimum of 10 double-spaced pages of formal writing and the equivalent of 10 double-spaced pages of drafts and informal writing (such as posts to email dialogue groups, responses, journals, etc.) divided into multiple assignments that include appropriate feedback require that each student engage in significant speaking activities (in a variety of forms) that include appropriate feedback

For more resources on teaching CI courses, contact Dr. Kim Lacey, Writing Program Administrator, at or (989) 964-2016

Contact Us
(989) 964-2016(989) 964-2016

Dr. Kim Lacey, Writing Program Administrator


Brown Hall 358


WPA Office Hours: Mondays, 10:00-11:00 a.m.