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AI & Writing


AI & Writing

Generative AI writing technologies such as ChatGPT are reshaping how students learn about writing, and the Writing Center has responded with up-to-date training and services designed to help students build rhetorical and discipline-specific genre knowledge through conversation. Elements of our work incorporates AI into our sessions, with the recognition that this technology will likely be integrated into the future workplace, has the potential (with education toward critical use) to equalize social inequalities around student success, and is difficult to detect and prove (AI-detection technologies are fallible and do not constitute proof of use in plagiarism cases).

*The above statement does not constitute any official SVSU policy regarding the use of AI. It does reflect the Writing Center's interpretation of best practices toward student success.

Writing Assignments that Avoid AI

This section suggests ways to complicate AI's effectiveness in the classroom, focusing on human-centered activities and assignments.

Sample Syllabus AI Policy

Suggestions for syllabus language on AI. 

How the Writing Center can support AI-informed teaching

This document explains how the WC can fit into teaching practices that work with and around AI-assisted writing practices. This draft is written to explain our service to faculty.

*The above statement does not constitute any official SVSU policy regarding the use of AI. It does reflect the Writing Center's interpretation of best practices toward student success.

AI-Informed Tutoring Quick Guide

This document is designed to introduce tutors to using AI writing technologies in ways that preserve student-to-student dialogue in a post-AI-writing world, student-to-student dialogue being a way to cognitively model elements of the writing process, which can create moments of learning about writing. Here, the elements we aim to promote through student-to-student dialogue are higher-order concerns, such as organization, development, genre knowledge, ethics, critical thinking, and tacit expectations.

Using LLMs (121KB)

*The above statement does not constitute any official SVSU policy regarding the use of AI. It does reflect the Writing Center's interpretation of best practices toward student success.

AI & Writing Lesson 1: Research Paragraph Structure

This presentation is designed to lead Writing Center tutors or composition students through a demonstration of a theoretically informed writing process that incorporates AI. In this presentation, attendees learn the limitations of AI, learn to generate content with the technology, and discuss best practices around the software's use.

Writing Research Paragraphs with AI

Writing with LLMs Primer

This video serves as a quick primer on AI writing technologies. Instructors and students may find this a useful introduction to the capacities and constraints of software such as ChatGPT. 

Using LLMs to Generate Paragraphs

This presentation covers using AI (LLMs such as Chat GPT) to generate topic sentences, supporting information, and concluding information for body paragraphs in research writing.


Writing Center
Zahnow 250
(989) 964-6061

Dr. Bill Williamson, Acting Assistant Director
Zahnow 250B
(989) 964-2055