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Meet Our Staff


Colin Willard

Colin W. (he/him/his)

Applied Mathematics major

Actuarial Science minor

 Lita Weekley

Lita W. (she/her/hers)

Professional and Technical Writing major

Favorite Rainy day activity: I enjoy reading while sipping hot tea, with my pajamas on and being wrapped in a blanket.

headshot of Charlie C

Charlie C. (he/him/his)

Professional and Technical Writing major

Fun fact: I have two cats!

Lynn Schwartz

August S. (he/they/theirs)

English Secondary Education major

emma koscielski

Emma K. (she/her/hers)

Psychology major

History minor

Favorite rainy-day activity: Reading books and watching documentaries.

 Samantha Allen

Samantha A. (she/her/hers)

Professional and Technical Writing major

Communications minor

Favorite place to study: Big desks on the library's third floor.

Brianna Jamison

Haven J. (she/they/theirs)

Secondary English Education major


headshot of Zoey S

Zoey S. (she/her/hers)

Creative Writing major

headshot of Sarah Fairchild

Sarah F. (she/her/hers)

Professional & Technical Writing major with a minor in Creative Writing

headshot of Immanuel King

Immanuel K. (he/him/his)

Pre-Occupational Therapy major

headshot of Sandra N

Sandra N. (she/her/hers)

Nursing major

Fun fact: I think giraffes are cool

headshot of Glory K

Glory K. (she/her/hers)

Nursing major

Fun fact: I hate multiple choice and true/false questions.

headshot of Fara B

Fara B (she/her/hers)

Creative Writing major

Fun fact: I love going to concerts!

Sydney Cheney

Syd C. (he/they)

Professional and Technical Writing major

Theatre minor

Fun fact: I am a published author! 

headshot of Leah C

Leah C. (she/her/hers)

Professional and Technical Writing major

History Minor



Caitlin H.

Leah R. 


Writing Center
Zahnow 250
(989) 964-6061

Dr. Bill Williamson, Acting Assistant Director
Zahnow 250B
(989) 964-2055