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Why Writing Matters

Why Writing Matters

"The ability to communicate in written form ranks at the top of the requirements for employers looking to hire business students."

-Danilo Sirias, Professor of Management

Why Writing Matters in Business and Management

Critical thinking, effective organization, and writing skills are developed through the process of preparing reports. Research has repeatedly shown that among the skills most important to employers are critical thinking and writing. So when you complete a writing assignment, you are "filling your backpack" with the skills highly desired by your future employers!

Typical Writing Assignments

Common requirements include essay questions on exams, memos, e-mail messages, web pages, short assignments on specific topics, and research projects.

Qualities of Good Writing

An outstanding paper in Business should be clear, concise, and without flowery extras. In addition, papers must avoid plagiarism by using all necessary and appropriate citations. Finally, an outstanding paper should be carefully proofread to avoid spelling and grammatical errors.

Appropriate Types of Evidence & Support

The kind of evidence expected will vary according to the type of writing assignment. Generally, academic works published in peer-reviewed publications are considered appropriate citations. If primary data is used, appropriate research methods are expected. For reports of a more practical nature, The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, or a trade publication (such as HR Magazine) might also be considered as credible evidence.

Citation Conventions

These may vary depending on the instructor. Manuscript guidelines commonly used in the Scott L. Carmona College of Business are derived from the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) (16th Ed.; 2010; University of Chicago Press). Consult with your professor to be sure your documentation and writing format meet the requirements for the class.

Special Comments

  • Proofread, proofread, proofread! (Spellchecking is only part of the process)
  • Use an outline to organize your arguments
  • Adjust writing style to the needs of the assignment and your target reader
  • Critically evaluate the articles you read and use for supporting evidence
  • Use a standard format for headings and subheadings (e.g., CMS)


Faculty Perspectives 
on Writing

George Puia

Kylie Goggins

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