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Visual Arts Education (BA)


Students in the Visual Arts Education program are trained to help future generations explore the creative world made possible through artistic perception. With access to courses ranging from photography to sculpture to painting and more, students are encouraged to find their artistic niche and pursue it as a concentration. Expert faculty, from both the art and education departments, connect with students and guide them on their collegiate journey through the basics of design, drawing, and curriculum and instructional courses. Through interactive course work, students are introduced to the fundamentals of different mediums and art history, and eventually, apply their skills to teaching. SVSU's diverse range of opportunities from fieldwork to lectures and exhibits allows majors within the program to not just grow but flourish!

Cardinal Points

  • Acclaimed artists showcase their work via lectures and exhibitions, offering students the chance to ask questions with and learn from those in their perspective fields.

  • Students pursuing a degree in Visual Arts Education can apply for a plethora of art and education scholarships through SVSU. 

  • Students have the opportunity to exhibit their work through the journal, Still Life, the University Art Department Gallery and International Sculpture Day.

SVSU's Visual Arts Education program offers a strong foundation in design, drawing and history. Students majoring in the program have the opportunity to explore various methods of teaching and curriculum design, while also pursuing their interests in painting, sculpture, ceramics and photography. Life as a Visual Arts Major includes an adventurous curriculum, a concentration on their preferred medium of choice and engaging field study courses! 

Highlighted Courses

Year 1

  • ART 111 Two-Dimensional Design
  • ART 112 Three-Dimensional Design
  • ART 121 Intro to Drawing

Year 2

  • ART 122 Intermediate Drawing
  • ART 201 History of Art I: Prehistory - Middle Ages
  • ART 202 History of Art II: Renaissance to Present

Year 3

  • ART 319 Methods of Teaching Visual Arts: K - 6
  • ART 320 Methods of Teaching Visual Arts: 6 - 12
  • TEMS 301 Community Culture & Change
  • TEMS 302 General Methods in Teaching Secondary & Middle School

Year 4

  • ART 487 Visual Art Educator
  • TEMS 303 Technology for Middle/Secondary Student Achievement
  • TEMS 308 Curriculum and Instruction M/S Schools
  • TEMS 312 Teaching Reading in the Content Area Secondary - Middle

Key Electives

  • ART 223 Intro to Painting
  • ART 250 Introduction to Graphic Design
  • ART 302 Medieval Art History
  • ART 322 Intermediate Sculpture
  • ART 327 Intermediate Ceramics
  • ART 335 Survey of Photography

Click here to see a listing of programs




Our Students After Graduation...


Career Opportunities

High School Teacher
Middle School Teacher
Elementary School Teacher

  • 4% projected growth for employment of high school teachers with a bachelor’s degree through 2028. (U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • $60,320 is the median yearly pay for a high school teacher in the U.S. (U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • With a bachelor’s degree from SVSU’s Visual Arts Education program, students are prepared to teach art as an elementary, middle or high school teacher.