Click on a department name below to read abstracts and learn more about funded UGRP Faculty-led Research projects in that field.
Applicant: Sylvia Fromherz Sharp
Title: Is Interference by Microplastics with Phagocytosis Strictly Size-Dependent or Dependent on Particle Composition?
Field of Study: Biology
Period of Study: May 10, 2021 – April 30, 2022
Proposal Abstract: Microplastics are small (<5 mm) spheres of malleable organic polymers such as polystyrene that are not biodegradable and are a growing environmental concern as they accumulate in environments. Microplastics are taken up by phagocytosis in the unicellular aquatic ciliate, Tetrahymena pyriformis. In recent studies, we have monitored uptake of blue-dyed microplastics of various size including 1 µm and 6µm diameter microplastics and have compared such uptake to that of India Ink particles (average diameter 200 nm). We find that uptake of both India Ink and microplastics of any size is linear over at least a 30 min time course; however, uptake of 6 µm beads surprisingly interferes with subsequent uptake of India Ink while small (1 µm) beads cause no such interference. The goal of the proposed research is to better understand the mechanism underlying this size-dependent interference. We hypothesize that both 5 µm yeast and 5 µm microplastics particles will interfere with subsequent phagocytosis, suggesting size and not particle composition is the primary determinant of interference.
Applicant: Sylvia Fromherz Sharp
Title: How Does Uptake of Polystyrene Microplastics Impact Phagocytosis in a Model Eukaryote, Tetrahymena pyriformis?
Submitted: March 2020
Abstract: Microplastics are small (<5 mm) spheres of malleable organic polymers such as polystyrene that are not biodegradable and are a growing environmental concern as they accumulate in environments. Microplastics are taken up by phagocytosis in the unicellular aquatic ciliate, Tetrahymena pyriformis. In recent studies, we have monitored uptake of blue-dyed microplastics of various sizes ranging from 1-6 μm in diameter and have compared such uptake to that of India Ink particles (average diameter 200 nm). We find that uptake of both India Ink and microplastics of any size is linear over at least a 30 min time course; however, uptake of 6 μm beads surprisingly interferes with subsequent uptake of India Ink. The goal of the proposed research is to better understand the mechanism underlying this interference. We hypothesize that 200 nm microplastics particles, similar in size to India Ink, will not interfere with subsequent India Ink uptake and will test this hypothesis. We will also test the hypothesis that uptake of India Ink will have no effect on subsequent uptake of either 200 nm or 6 μm microplastics. The suite of experimental results will help us determine if size is a determining factor in the negative impact of microplastics on phagocytosis.
Applicant: Sylvia Fromherz
Title: Applying a rapid antibody-based assay to quantify levels of the critical neuron-survival factor, neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) in mid-stage chicken embryos
Submitted: March 2018
Proposal Abstract: Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) is a protein in chickens and humans that is required for survival of target neurons. During embryogenesis, NT-3 secreted from select muscle cells interacts with receptor proteins on the cell surface of nearby “spatial sensing” (proprioceptive) neurons, where NT-3 sends a positive survival signal. Only those proprioceptive neurons that interact with NT-3 survive and treatments that interfere with NT-3 production or block the interaction with proprioceptive neuron targets result in inappropriate neuron cell death. Several neurodegenerative diseases are associated with improper levels of NT-3. To profile NT-3 levels in disease states, my laboratory is developing methods to quantify NT-3 in the embryonic chicken. Western blotting, which we are currently developing, has the advantage of being very specific for the mature, secreted form of NT-3 but is laborious, technically difficult and costly. Recently, an antibody-based approach (chicken NT-3 Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay, ELISA) to rapidly screen for levels of NT-3 protein in chicken has been developed (MyBiosource, 2018). The proposed research will support the training and research efforts of two students to help determine if the NT-3 ELISA approach is an improvement with respect to time, cost and/or efficacy over Western blotting to monitor the NT-3 protein profile.
Applicant: Sylvia Fromherz
Title: Determining the Role of the Neurotrophin-3 Signaling Pathway in Vitamin B6-Induced Death of Sensory Neurons
Submitted: March 2017
Project Abstract: Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin sold in vitamin supplements. Under some circumstances e.g. with a ‘more is better’ mentality, certain individuals consume mega-doses of vitamin B6 and relatively high doses of this vitamin are recommended for pregnant women. Unfortunately, high doses of vitamin B6 over sustained periods can lead to permanent neurological damage. Such neurological damage manifests as a type of sensory neuropathy, where the ability to sense movements and positioning of the body (proprioception) is disrupted. Previous research in chick embryos has demonstrated that high doses of pyridoxine results in the selective death of proprioceptive (“spatial-sensing”) neurons. Intriguingly, in the rat, co-administration of a signaling peptide known as neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) blocks the vitamin B6-induced neuropathy. NT-3 is normally secreted by muscle cells that associate with proprioceptive neurons; NT-3 is in fact required for survival of these neurons. Thus, vitamin B6 may exert its toxic effects through disruption of the NT-3 signaling pathway. The proposed research will support the training and research efforts of three students to help test the hypothesis that loss of sensory neurons due to toxic levels of vitamin B6 occurs through disruption of the NT-3 signaling pathway.
Applicant: Dennis Gray
Title: Identifying the genomic sequence of MBO synthase in Pinus contorta & Pinus banksiana
Period of Study: Winter 2020, SPSU2020
Proposal Abstract: The goal of this faculty led undergraduate research project is to provide training for two undergraduates in molecular biology techniques through the identification of the genomic sequence of the gene encoding the methylbutenol synthase enzyme in Pine trees (genus Pinus). This undergraduate project is part of a larger project aimed at reconstructing the evolutionary history of MBO emission within the pines, and testing the hypothesis that MBO emission evolved once and has been lost on numerous occasions. As evidence for loss of MBO emission in non-emitting taxa we will look for non-functional versions of the MBO synthase gene in non- emitting pines. Through this project the student will learn to extract DNA, set up PCR, analyze the PCR products using gel electrophoresis, clone genes into Plasmid vectors, and to sequence the cloned genes. Students will receive one-on-one training and mentoring in the lab and learn to work as part of a research team towards a common goal. The project will result in the identification of new gene sequences, provide data students can use in poster presentations and may lead to a publication.
Applicant: Dennis Gray
Title: Cloning and expression of the MFH gene from Abies alba: an isoprene synthase gene candidate
Submitted: March 2019
Proposal Abstract: The goal of this faculty led undergraduate research project is to provide training for undergraduate students in molecular biology techniques through the identification of a novel gene encoding the isoprene synthase enzyme in Fir trees native the Mediterranean region of Europe (Genus Abies). Through this project the student will learn a variety of skills including RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, PCR, gel electrophoresis, cloning genes into Plasmid vectors, and expressing recombinant proteins in E. coli bacterial hosts. The students will receive one-on-one training and mentoring in the lab and learn to work as part of a research team towards a common goal. The project will result in the characterization of a new isoprene synthase gene candidate in Abies, provide data students can use in poster presentations, and may lead to a publication.
Applicant: Dennis Gray
Title: 5’ RACE amplification of two candidate isoprene synthase genes in Abies sp.
Submitted: October 2018
Proposal Abstract: The goal of this faculty led undergraduate research project is to provide training undergraduate students in molecular biology techniques through the identification of a novel gene encoding the isoprene synthase enzyme in Fir trees native the Mediterranean region of Europe (Genus Abies). Through this project the student will learn a variety of skills including RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, PCR, gel electrophoresis, cloning genes into Plasmid vectors, and to expressing recombinant proteins in coli bacterial hosts. The students will receive one-on-one training and mentoring in the lab and learn to work as part of a research team towards a common goal. The project will result in the identification of two new full length gene sequences, provide data the students can use in poster presentations, and may lead to a publication.
Applicant: Dennis Gray
Title: Recapitulating the evolution of MBO synthase
Submitted: October 2018
Proposal Abstract: Methylbutenol is a five carbon molecule produced in large amounts by many but not all species of Pine. Molecular evidence suggests that the MBO synthase enzyme evolved from a monoterpene synthase ancestor through a reduction in the enzyme active site volume allowing the switch from a 10 carbon substrate to a 5 carbon substrate. This project will investigate the idea that genetic constraints played a role in shaping the evolution and distribution of MBO emission within the pines by extending the work begun in summer 2018 as part of a faculty research grant. Specifically this proposal will perform the enzyme characterization needed to determine whether reconstructed ancestral genes possess constraints on the evolutionary potential to give rise to MBO synthases.
This project will provide training for one undergraduate student in molecular biology and biochemistry techniques. The student will receive one-on-one training and mentoring in the lab and learn to work as part of a research team towards a common goal.
Applicant: Dennis Gray
Title: Assessing the Role of Genetic Constraints in Shaping the Evolution of MBO emission
Submitted: March 2018
Proposal Abstract: Methylbutenol is a five carbon molecule produced in large amounts by many but not all species of Pine. Molecular evidence suggests that the MBO synthase enzyme evolved from a monoterpene synthase ancestor through a reduction in the enzyme active site volume allowing the switch from a 10 carbon substrate to a 5 carbon substrate. This project will investigate the idea that genetic constraints played a role in shaping the evolution and distribution of MBO emission within the pines by completing the work begun in summer 2018 as part of a faculty research grant. Specifically this proposal will perform the enzyme characterization needed to determine whether monoterpene synthases derived from both an MBO emitting species (Pinus contorta), a non-emitting species (Pinus banksiana), and a reconstructed ancestral enzyme were successfully converted into MBO synthases through the reduction of active site volume. This will determine whether the shift from monoterpene synthase to MBO synthase function is constrained in the non-emitting species. This project will provide training for three undergraduate students in molecular biology and biochemistry techniques. The students will receive one-on-one training and mentoring in the lab and learn to work as part of a research team towards a common goal.
Applicant: Dennis Gray
Title: Completing the sequence of two candidate isoprene synthase genes in Abies sp.
Submitted: October 2017
Project Abstract: The goal of this faculty led undergraduate research project is to provide training for one undergraduate student in molecular biology techniques through the identification of a novel gene encoding the isoprene synthase enzyme in Fir trees native the Mediterranean region of Europe (Genus Abies). Through this project the student will learn to extract RNA, synthesize cDNA, set up PCR and run gel electrophoresis, clone genes into Plasmid vectors, and to express recombinant proteins in E. coli bacterial hosts. The student will receive one-on-one training and mentoring in the lab and learn to work as part of a research team towards a common goal. The project will result in the identification of two new full length gene sequences, provide data the student can use in poster presentations, and may lead to a publication.
Applicant: Gary Lange
Title: Research Examining the Shaping of Development from Alterations of the Environment: Study of Endocrine Disruption in a Project with Five Foci
Period of Support: May, 2023 – May, 2024
Abstract: This work is a single project focused on mentoring of students in neuroendocrine research that has five experimental foci. Individual students may participate across all five foci but will specialize in 1-2 of these foci. All five foci experimentally assess the impact of environmental change on development, growth, morphology, and behavior of organisms.
One strand in this work (w/two foci) examines endocrine disruption in rats. In a second strand, (w/two foci) research will examine environmental and endocrine disrupting effects in fruit flies. A third strand (w/one focus) examines effects of medical pollutants on growth, development, and behavior of nematodes.
All three animal models are well established models for biological research and findings are translational to other organisms, including humans. In the rat research, exogenous exposure to a mixture of environmentally relevant chemical pollutants in early prenatal and/or perinatal development will occur, and exposed pups will be assessed for impacts on growth, development and behavior from parturition through to adulthood. In the fly research, the dual effects of either high ambient temperatures OR ambiguous gravity…. PLUS exposure to an endocrine disruptor will be examined from the egg stage of development through adulthood to assess for impacts on growth, development and behavior, and neurobiology of the fly. In the nematode research, exposure to environmentally relevant levels of medical pollutants will be assessed for impacts on growth and behavior from larval stage to adulthood.
Applicant: Gary Lange
Title: Research in the Study of the Shaping of Development from Perturbations in Environmental Factors and Endocrine System Disruption in Three Projects
Period of Support: May 1, 2022 – April 30, 2023
Abstract: This project consists of three related but distinct foci that student(s) will work on. All three projects experimentally assess the impact of environmentally relevant pollutants on the development, growth, morphology and behavior of organisms. In this work, one strand will focus on these effects related to work with rats, but will consist of two distinct parts, exploration of prenatal effects and exploration of perinatal effects of endocrine disrupting compounds. In the other strand, focus will be on environmental and endocrine disrupting effects related to work with fruit flies. Both animal models (rats and fruit flies) are well established, frequently utilized models for biological research and their findings are translational to other organisms, including humans. In the rat model research, exogenous exposure to a mixture of environmentally relevant chemical pollutants in early prenatal and/or perinatal development will occur and exposed pups will be assessed for impacts on growth, development and behavior through to adulthood. In the fly model research, the dual effects of ambiguous gravity and endocrine disruption will be examined from the egg stage of development through to adulthood to assess for impacts on growth, development and behavior of the fly. research attempts to further refine our understanding on how environmental pressures that a developing organism face will impact their growth, behavior, and ultimately the differentiation of their brain. Embryological stages of development are the periods at which an organism is most susceptible to effects of environmental pressures that will shape body morphology, including brain organization and function. Mentoring of a student(s) in this work will be especially helpful for students who wish to pursue post-baccalaureate opportunities such as biological research in graduate school, or advanced study in medical schools, veterinary schools, and other biologically oriented professional schools.
Applicant: Gary Lange
Title: A Proposal to Examine the Effects of Ambiguous Gravitational Cues on Development and Behavior of the Fruit Fly (Drosophila melanogaster)
Submitted: March 2018
Proposal Abstract: This research will examine the effects of ambiguous gravitational forces on the development and behavior of the fruit fly. Fruit fly eggs will be oviposited into standard food media and held within standard vials. These vials will slowly rotate three dimensionally. This rotation will cause the environment that the eggs hatch and develop in to experience continuously changing (ambiguous) gravitational forces of normal Earth gravity. This approach to the study of gravity on development is novel on several levels and complements existing and planned work. Prior Earth-based studies on the effects of gravity tend to focus on exposure to hypergravity, whereas work being undertaken at the NASA Space Station Laboratory for Fruit Flies focuses on research related to the effects of microgravity. This research complements and expands upon both strands of gravity research. This work will involve significant faculty/student collaboration to mentor students to design and conduct experimental research.
Students will be mentored in ethics and practice of research in biology, animal use, methods of biology research, guided in analysis of research data, and mentored in professional practices related to presentation of research at scientific meetings.
Applicant: Kenneth Luzynski
Title: Mosquito Monitoring in Mid-Michigan
Period of Support: January 3, 2024 – December 20, 2024
Abstract: Background: Within the Saginaw Bay Area mosquitos are vectors for pathogens that cause diseases like West Nile Virus and multiple nervous system disorders. The low, flat wetlands of the Saginaw Bay region of Michigan provide ample habitat for mosquitos to breed, making it important to monitor the local mosquito populations for pathogens. Understanding the prevalence, range, and climate effects on the changing distribution of mosquito populations and their associated pathogens can help public health officials monitor risks and target interventions.
Project Goals: The goal of this project is for SVSU students to partner with local mosquito control districts to collect mosquito specimens from the Saginaw Bay Area. Students will then conduct trapping and genetic testing to identify any human pathogens present in the mosquitos. The results of these analyses will be presented to mosquito control agencies for inclusion in their annual reports and to inform their abatement plans.
Student Training: Undergraduate students interested in biology, public health, and related disciplines will be recruited and trained in proper field collection techniques of adult mosquitos. In the lab, students will learn to extract genetic material from specimens and use DNA sequencing and bioinformatics to identify pathogens. Proper data collection and skill with statistical programs will also be developed.
Anticipated Results: Students will collect mosquito specimens from a variety of habitats around the Saginaw Bay region and determine the presence and identity of specific mosquito-borne pathogens. This project will provide the students with valuable research skills while generating important public health data for the region. The pathogen testing results will be shared with local mosquito control commissions for inclusion in their annual report. Furthermore, students can present results at several regional meetings organized by pest management, public health, and bioinformatic research societies.
Applicant: Brian Maricle
Title: Effects of water stress on Michigan crop species
Period of Support: January 10 through August 12, 2022
Abstract: The three major crops grown in Michigan are corn, soybean, and wheat, and the two most prominent abiotic stresses for crops in Michigan are drought and waterlogging. Work is proposed to investigate aspects of growth, photosynthesis, and morphology of these plants in drought and flooding treatments in greenhouse experiments. Undergraduate students will formulate specific hypotheses, design experiments, set up treatments, and will be trained in the specific measures to perform. It is hypothesized that effects of drought or waterlogging can be measured physiologically at cell or tissue levels in plants, and longer-term responses are manifested in morphological or anatomical characters that conserve water or protect metabolic processes. It is anticipated that specific mechanisms of drought or waterlogging tolerance will be elucidated in the work. Students will present their results at professional meetings and potentially publish the work in a peer-reviewed journal.
Applicant: Arthur Martin
Title: Effects of Population Structure on Crayfish Behavior
Submitted: March 2020
Abstract: Animals compete for resources by engaging in agonistic interactions. The size of conspecifics plays an important role in determining the outcomes of interactions. This study attempts to empirically address the influence of population structure on aggression by examining the duration and frequency of interactions. Variably sized populations of four crayfish each are provided with four identical shelters and are recorded for 24-hour trials to determine fight duration, frequency, and outcome. This project is a component of a broader study to provide empirical evidence to better understand the relationship and dynamics between self and mutual assessment in populations, and to develop a better understanding of how population structure affects the intricacies of aggressive behavior in animal contests.
This experience is an intense research experience that trains students for graduate and professional school. Students work independently and carry-out experimental trials, statistically analyze data, and develop presentations from their work. Weekly meetings are held between myself and the researchers to develop the skills listed above as well as expand their knowledge by reading the literature related to this study. This type of training coupled with presentation building will enhance each student’s ability to disseminate a scientific study. This unique training will give them an edge over other graduates as they apply for graduate programs and jobs.
Applicant: Jorge Paredes-Montero
Title: Faculty-led discovery of insect microbiomes with undergraduate researchers
Period of Support: July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024
Abstract: Insects are more than just pests - they are fascinating creatures with complex relationships with the tiny bacteria that live inside them. This project will explore the microbiomes of two insect species that are of agricultural importance, using cutting-edge technologies and bioinformatics tools. Student researchers will be an integral part of the team, gaining hands-on experience in DNA extraction, primer design, next-generation sequencing, and data analysis. By characterizing the intricate symbiotic relationships between insects and their bacteria, this project will provide insights into the fundamental principles of animal-microbiome interactions - insights that could be applied to other animals, including humans. Ultimately, this research could lead to novel strategies for managing insect pests, as well as a deeper understanding of the fascinating world of insect-microbe interactions.
Applicant: Jennifer Chaytor
Title: Synthesis of C-Linked Carbohydrates with Potential Anti-Hyperglycemic Activity
Period of Support: May 1, 2024 – April 30, 2025
Abstract: The project “Synthesis of C-Linked Carbohydrates with Potential Anti-Hyperglycemic Activity will be conducted under the mentorship of Dr. Jennifer Chaytor. During this project, undergraduate students will conduct organic chemistry multi-step reactions to synthesize novel carbohydrates. The students will conduct all synthetic experiments and confirm the identity of all intermediates and target compounds using spectroscopic methods. The structures of the target compounds are similar to known compounds that exhibit anti-hyperglycemic activity. Following completion of the synthesis, the synthesized compounds can be tested and evaluated for anti-hyperglycemic activity. Compounds that display anti-hyperglycemic activity could be used as novel treatments for Type II diabetes.
Applicant: Jennifer Chaytor
Title: Preparation of Glycosides as Potential Antihyperglycemic Agents and Carbohydrate Gelators
Field of Study: Chemistry
Period of Support: June 28, 2021 – April 30, 2022
Abstract: In the project "Preparation of Glycosides as Potential Anti-hyperglycemic Agents and Carbohydrate Gelators" carried out in Dr. Jennifer Chaytor's laboratory, glycosides will be synthesized by undergraduate student researchers via carbohydrate chemistry. The first part of this project will investigate the anti-hyperglycemic effect of aryl-C-glycosides in order to potentially use these compounds to treat Type II diabetes. The target compounds have a carbohydrate moiety linked to an aromatic portion via a short linker, and both the carbohydrate and aromatic portions can be varied to provide a small library of compounds. Their structures were designed based upon known anti-hyperglycemic agents which have therapeutic potential for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus. The second part of this project will examine the ability of O-glycosides to form gels. Previous work in our laboratory has shown that galactose functionalized with an alcohol has gelforming properties. We will examine the optimal length of the carbon chain on the alcohol to maximize gelformation. These compounds will then be tested for their ability to remove phosphates from wastewater as well as water from the Saginaw Bay.
Applicant: Jennifer Chaytor
Title: Preparation of Glycosides as Potential Anti-hyperglycemic Agents and Carbohydrate Gelators
Period of Student: January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020
Proposal Abstract: In the project "Preparation of Glycosides as Potential Anti-hyperglycemic Agents and Carbohydrate Gelators" carried out in Dr. Jennifer Chaytor's laboratory, glycosides will be synthesized by undergraduate student researchers via carbohydrate chemistry. The first part of this project will investigate the anti-hyperglycemic effect of aryl-C-glycosides in order to potentially use these compounds to treat Type II diabetes. The target compounds have a carbohydrate moiety linked to an aromatic portion via a short linker, and both the carbohydrate and aromatic portions can be varied to provide a small library of compounds. Their structures were designed based upon known anti-hyperglycemic agents which have therapeutic potential for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus. The second part of this project will examine the ability of O-glycosides to form gels. Previous work in our laboratory has shown that galactose functionalized with an alcohol has gel-forming properties. We will examine the optimal length of the carbon chain on the alcohol to maximize gel-formation. These compounds will then be tested for their ability to remove phosphates from wastewater as well as water from the Saginaw Bay.
Applicant: Jennifer Chaytor
Title: Preparation of Glycosides as Potential Antihyperglycemic Agents and Carbohydrate Gelators
Submitted: March 2019
Proposal Abstract: In the project "Preparation of Glycosides as Potential Antihyperglycemic Agents and Carbohydrate Gelators" carried out in Dr. Jennifer Chaytor's laboratory, glycosides will be synthesized by undergraduate student researchers via carbohydrate chemistry. The first part of this project will investigate the anti-hyperglycemic effect of aryl-C-glycosides in order to potentially use these compounds to treat Type II diabetes. The target compounds have a carbohydrate moiety linked to an aromatic portion via a short linker, and both the carbohydrate and aromatic portions can be varied to provide a small library of compounds. Their structures were designed based upon known antihyperglycemic agents which have therapeutic potential for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus. The second part of this project will examine the ability of O-glycosides to form gels. Previous work in our laboratory has shown that galactose functionalized with an alcohol has gel-forming properties. We will examine the optimal length of the carbon chain on the alcohol to maximize gel-formation. These compounds will then be tested for their ability to remove phosphates from wastewater as well as water from the Saginaw Bay.
Applicant: Jennifer Chaytor
Title: Investigating the Impact of Writing Ability and Study Skills on Organic Chemistry Performance
Co-Applicant: Stephanie Brouet and M. Patricia Cavanaugh
Submitted: March 2018
Proposal Abstract: A study plan and writing assignment has been given to all CHEM 230 students for several years. The instructors have noticed large differences in writing ability and study plan quality across the many submissions. In this project, the CHEM 230 study plan and narrative assignment will be assessed for study plan quality and writing quality in an attempt to correlate study skills and/or writing ability to success in organic chemistry. Undergraduate students will develop rubrics to assess writing quality and study plan quality, evaluate de-identified submitted assignments, and analyze the results to observe whether a correlation between writing quality, study plan quality, and organic chemistry success can be identified. The undergraduate students will meet frequently with their faculty mentors to discuss their progress. The results of this project will be presented by the undergraduate students and their faculty mentors at conferences and in workshops.
Applicant: Kyle Cissell
Title: Assessment of Staphylococcus epidermidis Biofilm Inhibition Using Essential Oils and Quantitation of Bacterial Genomic DNA Using ddPCR
Submitted: October 2020
Proposal Abstract: Our skin is a host to many harmless microorganisms. Among these is Staphylococcus epidermidis. This bacterium, although harmless to our epithelia, is an opportunistic pathogen when entering the bloodstream. Due to S. epidermidis’ prevalence, and the fact that it readily forms biofilms, its potential as an infectious agent is high among patients with pre-existing ailments. As we have previously found in faculty-led UGRP projects, essential oils are effective antibacterial agents. However, their effectiveness at preventing biofilm formation is an area that requires attention. In the proposed research, S. epidermidis will be cultured and grown on polystyrene and polyurethane surfaces to form biofilms. These surfaces will be treated with the essential oils Lemongrass, Clove bud, and Cinnamon to determine if biofilm formation occurs. Additionally, since it is known that the intracellular adhesion locus (ica) in S. epidermidis is responsible for biofilm formation, we aim to quantitate the copies of genomic DNA present in bacterial cells, using droplet digital Polymerase Chain Reaction (ddPCR) to determine a relationship with ica-specific genes in biofilm-forming bacteria vs. bacteria that have not formed biofilms. In doing so, target genomic DNA sequences may be identified as a treatment target. Additionally, students will wrap up research that could not be finished in 2020 due to Covid-19. This work involves determining the active ingredient(s) in Clove Bud oil responsible for antibacterial activity and determining its minimum inhibitory concentration.
Applicant: Kyle Cissell
Title: Evaluating Silver Nanoparticles and Essential Oils as Antibacterial Agents for Staphylococcus epidermidis Using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
Submitted: October 2018
Proposal Abstract: Our skin is a host to many harmless microorganisms. Among these is Staphylococcus epidermidis. This bacterium, although harmless to our epithelia, is an opportunistic pathogen when entering the bloodstream. Upon infection, epidermidis can be difficult to eradicate, especially when the host has other bacterial or viral infections. It is thus important to identify effective antibacterial agents for S. epidermidis. Both silver nanoparticles and essential oils have been identified as antibacterial agents; however, direct comparisons for their antibacterial effects on S. epidermidis warrants attention. In the proposed research, silver nanoparticles and essential oils including lavender, lemongrass, cinnamon, and clove will be evaluated as antibacterial agents of S. epidermidis both qualitatively and quantitatively. The qualitative antibacterial evaluation will be performed by assessing inhibition of growth on nutrient-containing agar plates. For quantitative antibacterial evaluation, cultured S. epidermidis will be mixed with leucine and extracted. Since S. epidermidis metabolizes leucine to produce isovaleric acid, we will evaluate inhibition of bacterial growth through measuring an inhibition of isovaleric acid production with a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer. To this end, silver nanoparticles which we have readily synthesized, along with essential oils purchased through a health food store, will be added to cultured bacteria to determine an optimal treatment for S. epidermidis infection. Through a prior faculty-led UGRP project, we successfully developed a method to quantitate active ingredients in essential oils. We will implement that method in this work to relate the concentration of active ingredients to the growth inhibition of S. epidermidis bacteria.
Applicant: Kyle Cissell
Title: Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Lemongrass and Lavender Essential Oils for Active Ingredient Content
Submitted: October 2017
Proposal Abstract: Essential oils are becoming a popular alternative to prescription medication. Although they are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States, there are no requirements to state the concentrations of essential oils' active ingredients on the bottle. Because dosage is critical in any form of therapy, it is important to know the concentration of essential oils prior to application. The focus of this research is the identification and determination of active ingredients and their concentrations in lemongrass and lavender essential oils from two distributors (doTERRA and Young Living) using a gas chromatography mass spectrometer. The student hired for this research will first identify known active ingredients in the lemongrass and lavender essential oils and will develop an extraction method for these active ingredients using a variety of solvents. Following extraction, the student hired for the project will develop a standard addition calibration method to determine the concentrations of active ingredients in the oils. Once complete, these developed methods will allow for a simple method to assess the concentrations of active ingredients in essential oils.
Applicant: Michael Coote
Title: Functionalized Cellulose Filtration of DEHP Found in Intravenous Medication Administration Sets
Period of Support: May 1, 2022 – April 30, 2023
Abstract: DEHP (diethylhexyl phthalate) is a plasticizer in the phthalate class of compounds which have been linked to a host of deleterious physical affects through endocrine disruption. While regulation has been implemented in many areas (e.g. children’s toys), DEHP is still found in intravenous administration sets used for medication administration. The proposed investigation seeks to develop material for use in a disposable, inline filtration system to selectively mitigate DEHP found in intravenous administration tubing. Cellulose will be functionalized to mimic DEHP functional groups (Figure 1) providing selective interactions with DEHP leached into solution and acting as an inexpensive adjunct method to reduce/ remove DEHP until its complete removal from IV administration sets is legislated or it is removed voluntarily by manufacturers. Anticipated outcomes of the project will be the fabrication of a successful, inexpensive and easily synthesized solid phase material capable of reducing/removing DEHP found in medical contexts while student researchers learn contemporary synthetic and analytical laboratory techniques such as cellulose functionalization, compound characterization, spectroscopy, scientific calculations, report writing and record keeping, and scholarly review and communications.
Applicant: Michael Coote
Title: Antimicrobial/antimycotic properties of novel beta-lactones
Period of Study: January 2020 - December 2020 (Winter and Fall semesters)
Proposal Abstract: The proposed investigation seeks to determine the antimicrobial efficacy of 10 novel beta-lactone compounds1 (Figure 1), specifically bactericidal or bacteriostatic behavior against representative Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Additionally, a new concern has emerged from Candida auris, a drug resistant fungus that is posing a dire threat in healthcare facilities globally.2 As certain compounds have shown crossover efficacy against infectious threats from both the Bacteria and Fungi Kingdoms, the method will also be applied against a representative fungus. Should any of the candidates prove effective as antimicrobial or antimycotic agents, this investigation will provide the basis for development of a new weapon in the fight against infection-based morbidity and mortality.
Figure 1. Novel beta-lactone antimicrobial candidates
Student workers will be supervised directly by the PI to reinforce proper laboratory techniques and maximize resource efficiency with respect to time and materials. Student workers will also be encouraged and expected to work with other students/groups as needed. Anticipated outcomes of the project will be to identify any antimicrobial candidates while learning contemporary biochemical laboratory techniques such as bacterial culture, spectroscopy, scientific calculations, report writing and record keeping, and scholarly review and communications.
Applicant: Tami Sivy
Title: Partnerships with local health departments to validate rapid bacterial testing
Submitted: March 2017
Project Abstract: Health departments rely on testing that requires an overnight incubation period to determine whether a beach should be closed due to microbial contamination. It is necessary to adopt methods that make this determination in a timelier manner to eliminate the possibility of human contact with contaminated waters during the incubation time. We have been working for several testing seasons with the EPA and Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to develop such a method. This testing relies on extracting amplifying the DNA from particular fecal indicator bacteria in order to determine the levels for potential pathogens in water. It significantly reduces the testing period, to about 4 hours, but it requires dedicated instrumentation and substantial expertise by the laboratory personnel conducting the analysis. SVSU students have played an important role in the adoption of the rapid testing and will continue to do so. In the coming summer, we plan to continue conducting paired comparisons between the rapid method and the standard method in order to complete validation of the rapid testing protocol. We will run samples from 20-25 freshwater sites each week, paying particular attention to quality control and reproducibility. This testing will be done in collaboration with the health departments from several area counties.
Applicant: Adam Warhausen
Title: Removal of Aqueous Metal Ions and or Agriculturally Relevant Antibiotics using Biochar
Period of Support: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022
Abstract: The project “Removal of Aqueous Metal Ions and or Agriculturally Relevant Antibiotics using Biochar” will be carried out in associate professor, Dr. Adam Warhausen’s inorganic chemistry research lab. Biochar is a substance produced from buring biomass in a low oxygen environment. It is of interest because it contains hydroxyl, carboxylate, ketone, and ether functional groups on its surface which can act as an absorbant.1 The biochar utilized will be both a commercially available product and biochar that has been created “in-house” at SVSU using an unwanted invasive species such as the common reed, Phragmites Australis. This would be a natural and readily available resource that possesses numerous chelating functional groups which could afford a means for metal and or antibiotic removal from aqueous systems. Efforts will be made to recruit Freshmen and Sophomore students from my CHEM 111 and CHEM 112 course. This will ensure that students are aware of opportunities such as this are available to them at SVSU. The research carried out by undergraduate students will be directly supervised to teach critical laboratory skills and safety. Such skills include spectroscopic analysis, reading and reviewing scholarly journals, notebook keeping, scientific writing, and verbal communication by presenting results at a local or national scientific meeting.
Applicant: Adam Warhausen
Title: Development and electrochemical analysis of synthetic models for d8 metal-containing biomolecules containing hydroxamate and or nitrosyl ligands
Submitted: March 2019
Proposal Abstract: The project “Development and electrochemical analysis of synthetic models for d8 metal-containing biomolecules containing hydroxamate and or nitrosyl ligands” will be carried out in assistant professor, Dr. Adam Warhausen’s inorganic chemistry research lab. The interactions of nitric oxide (NO) with bioavailable metals are a very well-studied field of chemistry. However, there is much to be learned about organic molecules that have the ability or capability of generating NO in vivo. Promisingly, hydroxamic acids, which are well known organic molecules that have been suspected to be NO donors are a prime example of a system that is ripe for investigation. Hydroxamic acids are unique compounds that are utilized by lower organisms to sequester iron and by humans in a pharmaceutical capacity. If these compounds bind iron and are being utilized as drugs and are present in the body, do they also have the ability to interact with iron containing proteins/enzymes or donate NO in a redox environment? This project aims to test if the newly synthesized metal-hydroxamate model complexes possess this ability as well. Also, a deliberate effort will be made to synthesize the suspected oxidation products, more specifically a d8 metal-containing nitrosyl complex. The research carried out by undergraduate students will be directly supervised to teach critical laboratory skills and safety. Such skills include air-sensitive synthetic techniques, spectroscopic analysis, reading and reviewing scholarly journals, notebook keeping, scientific writing, and verbal communication by presenting results at a local or national scientific meeting. This work aims to study how hydroxamic acids interact with synthetic models of iron-containing biomolecules utilizing other d8 metals (Fe, Ru, and Os) and how they respond to oxidative conditions through analysis with cyclic voltammetry.
Applicant: Adam Warhausen
Title: Development of Synthetic Models for metal-containing Biomolecules Containing Hydroxamte Ligands with an Emphasis on Understanding their Redox Behavior
Submitted: March 2017
Project Abstract: The project “Development of Synthetic Models for metal-containing Biomolecules Containing Hydroxamte Ligands with an Emphasis on Understanding their Redox Behavior” will be carried out in assistant professor, Dr. Adam Warhausen’s inorganic chemistry research lab. The interactions of nitric oxide (NO) with bioavailable metals are a very well-studied field of chemistry. However, there is much to be learned about organic molecules that have the ability or capability of generating NO in vivo. Promisingly, hydroxamic acids, which are well known organic molecules that have been suspected to be NO donors are a prime example of a system that is ripe for investigation. Hydroxamic acids are unique compounds that are utilized by lower organisms to sequester iron and by humans in a pharmaceutical capacity. If these compounds bind iron and are being utilized as drugs and are present in the body, do they also have the ability to interact with iron containing proteins/enzymes or donate NO in a redox environment. Also, hydroxamic acids have been known to have antimicrobial activities. This project aims to test if the newly synthesized metal-hydroxamate complexes possess this ability as well. The research carried out by undergraduate students will be directly supervised in order to teach critical laboratory skills and safety. Such skills include air-sensitive synthetic techniques, spectroscopic analysis, reading and reviewing scholarly journals, notebook keeping, scientific writing, and verbal communication by presenting results at a local or national scientific meeting. This work aims to study how hydroxamic acids interact with synthetic models of metal-containing biomolecules and how they respond to oxidative conditions through analysis with cyclic voltammetry and explore any antimicrobial character.
Applicant: Poonam Dharam
Title: Authentication Technique to Handle DDoS attacks in Proxy -Based Architecture
Period of Study: Winter 2020, Spring/Summer 2020
Proposal Abstract: Recent years have witnessed an increase in Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks against high-profile targets. To handle such attacks, proxy-based network architectures have been implemented to manage and load-balance incoming traffic by spawning new servers in the event of unexpected rise in network traffic. However, DDoS attacks continue to persist with the attack target shifting from main backend servers to proxy servers. The redirection of users to one of the available proxy servers leads to users discovering the IP address of proxy servers. A botnet can then be used by the attacker to generate huge amount of traffic and direct them to the proxy server thus causing DDoS. An authentication technique to verify that each request arriving at a proxy server is directed by a load balancer can help us handle DDoS by ensuring that the incoming requests are uniformly distributed and avoiding the illegitimate requests from occupying server’s resources. This project involves setting up a testbed to perform intensive simulations to test the efficacy of our proposed solution.
Applicant: Avishek Mukherjee
Title: Estimation of CSI using Positional Antenna Configurations in Indoor Wireless Networks
Period of Support: June 27, 2022 – April 30, 2023
Abstract: In this proposal, I propose CSIFinder, a class of signal processing algorithms to estimate the Channel State Information (CSI) in indoor wireless networks. In Wi-Fi networks, the CSI is a vector of complex numbers that can be used to indicate the quality of the wireless channel. The CSI can be measured between any transmitter and receiver antenna pair and is measured at the receiver and sent back to the transmitter to make decisions like rate and channel selection, among others. The CSI is measured for each receiver and transmitter antenna pair so for a 3x3 antenna system (i.e., the receiver has three antennas, and the sender has three antennas) the CSI typically exceeds 1500 bytes of data, which incurs a large overhead when sending it back to the transmitter. This proposal investigates the possibility of estimating the CSI in the space domain, which is predicting the CSI between a transmitter and receiver antenna pair by looking at the CSI of an adjacent antenna pair. In addition, CSIFinder also looks at the possibility of estimating the CSI for a single antenna pair positioned at various angles to determine the best angular positioning of the transmitting antenna on a router. If successful, this will solve a key problem facing wireless networks today. With wireless devices utilizing increasingly larger antenna arrays and occupying larger frequency spectrums, measuring the CSI between all transmitting and receiving pairs on all wireless channels can be time consuming. Approximating some of these measurements, will allow network access points to quickly decide on modulation parameters and achieve better service with higher speeds.
Applicant: Avishek Mukherjee
Title: Estimation of the Wireless Signal Field using LTE Log Data
Submitted: March 2020
Abstract: The evolution of wireless technology has revolutionized telecommunication and become a key area for economic development. However, the speed and latency of current or next generation network standards may not be enough to meet rapidly growing user data traffic. For example, cellular ser- vice providers are forced to impose data limits that reduce user satisfaction. In this proposal, I plan to find solutions to a key problem in wireless networks, which in turn will improve their performance and enable new applications. Specifically, I will investigate the problem of accurately estimating the wireless signal field using Long Term Evolution (LTE) log data. An accurate estimation allows optimal allocation of network resources and set system parameters like azimuth and tilt angles of antennas to meet the demand. While this study is conducted on cellular networks, the findings would apply to any wireless standard that uses Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation.
Applicant: Aos Mulahuwaish
Title: Emotional Analytics in Cybersecurity: Deciphering Threat Sentiment from Social Media Dynamics using Machine Learning
Period of Support: May 10, 2024 – April 30, 2025
Abstract: The emotional undertones of social media content, especially on platforms like Twitter, have often been overlooked in the domain of cybersecurity. Before a cyber threat materializes, there's a buzz, a change in sentiment and emotion within the cybersecurity community and its observers. This research aims to delve into the intricate tapestry of emotions and sentiments expressed in tweets related to potential cyber threats, drawing correlations between these sentiments and the actual escalation of these threats in the real world. By employing advanced sentiment analysis algorithms, our framework will decipher the emotional intensity and nuances behind tweets. We theorize that heightened negative sentiments or drastic shifts in emotions could act as precursors to significant cyber threats or attacks. A dataset comprising tweets from influential cybersecurity accounts, enthusiasts, and even potential threat actors, spanning over 18 months, will be the foundation of this research. We'll utilize machine learning models optimized for sentiment analysis, such as BERT and Transformer-based models, to dissect and understand these emotions. Ensuring student participation remains a keystone of this research. Students will immerse themselves in the world of emotional analytics, bridging the gap between human psychology and cybersecurity. This unique blend promises to offer them a fresh perspective, potentially inspiring them to undertake further explorations in this interdisciplinary realm. This project underscores SVSU's pioneering spirit in promoting undergraduate research that merges traditional boundaries.
Applicant: Aos Mulahuwaish
Title: A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Beaconing for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Period of Support: May 1, 2022 – April 30, 2023
Abstract: Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is an emerging technology field that allows vehicles to communicate together in the absence of fixed infrastructure. The basic premise of VANET is that a vehicle can detect other vehicles in the vicinity. This cognizance awareness of other vehicles can be achieved through beaconing. Shortly, many VANET applications will rely on beaconing to enhance information sharing. Further, the uneven distribution of vehicles, ranging from dense rush hour traffic to sparse late-night volumes, creates a pressing need for an adaptive beaconing rate control mechanism to compromise network load and precise awareness between vehicles. To this end, we propose an intelligent Adaptive Beaconing Rate (ABR) approach based on fuzzy logic to control beaconing frequency by considering traffic characteristics. The proposed ABR considers the percentage of vehicles traveling in the same direction and the status of vehicles as inputs of the fuzzy decision-making system to tune the beaconing rate according to the vehicular traffic characteristics. To achieve a fair comparison with fixed beaconing schemes, we will implement the ABR approach in JIST/SWANs simulation. This project ensures student participation in all phases of research in recent wireless networks algorithms and technology for solving practical problems, from developing and implementing the algorithms to writing manuscripts as a co-author at the end. Having the student engaged in state-of-the-art research would add a new dimension to his/her knowledge base and encourage him/her to pursue scholarly activities and higher studies in the future. Overall, research of this kind would promote SVSU’s undergraduate research activities.
Applicant: Aos Mulahuwaish
Title: Deep Neural Networks for Bot Detection
Period of Support: May 1, 2022 – April 30, 2023
Abstract: Detecting bots, automated social media accounts governed by software but disguising as human users has strong implications. For example, bots have been used to sway political elections by distorting online discourse, manipulating the stock market, or pushing anti-vaccine conspiracy theories that caused health epidemics. Most techniques proposed to date detect bots at the account level by processing many social media posts and leveraging network structure, temporal dynamics, sentiment analysis, etc. In this proposal, we propose a deep neural network based on contextual long short-term memory (LSTM) architecture that exploits both content and metadata to detect bots at the tweet level: contextual features are extracted from user metadata and fed as an auxiliary input to LSTM deep nets processing the tweet text, we also propose a technique based on synthetic minority oversampling to generate a large labeled dataset suitable for deep nets training, from a minimal amount of labeled data (roughly 3,000 examples of sophisticated Twitter bots). This project ensures student participation in all phases of research in recent neural networks and machine learning algorithms and techniques for solving practical problems, from data collection, data analytics, and the implementation of the algorithms to writing manuscripts as a co-author at the end. Having the student engaged in state-of-the-art research would add a new dimension to his/her knowledge base and encourage him/her to pursue scholarly activities and higher studies in the future. Overall, research of this kind would promote SVSU’s undergraduate research activities.
Applicant: Aos Mulahuwaish
Title: Epidemic Model Guided Machine Learning for COVID-19 Forecasts in the United States
Field of Study: Computer Science and Information Systems
Period of Support: May 10, 2021 – April 30, 2022
Abstract: Since the initial reports of the Coronavirus surfacing in Wuhan, China, the novel virus currently without a cure has spread like wildfire worldwide, the virus spread exponentially across all inhabited continent, catching local governments by surprise in many cases and bringing the world economy to a standstill. As local authorities work on a response to deal with the virus, the scientific community has stepped in to help analyze and predict the pattern and conditions that would influence the spread of this unforgiving virus. Using existing statistical modeling tools to the latest artificial intelligence technology, the scientific community has used public and privately available data to help with predictions. Much of this data research has enabled local authorities to plan their response – whether to deploy tightly available medical resources like ventilators or how and when to enforce policies to social distance, including lockdowns. This project aims to develop a new machine learning model and/or deep learning model for predicting the spreading progression of COVID-19 with consideration of intercity travel and the difference between the number of confirmed cases and actual infected cases and to apply the model to provide a realistic prediction for some cities in the United States under different scenarios of active intervention.
Applicant: Aos Mulahuwaish
Title: Detecting and Characterizing Internet Memes with Multi-modal Deep Learning
Submitted: October 2020
Abstract: Combining humor with cultural relevance, Internet memes have become a ubiquitous artifact of the digital age. As Richard Dawkins described in his book The Selfish Gene, memes behave like cultural genes as they propagate and evolve through a complex process of ‘mutation’ and ‘inheritance’. On the Internet, these memes activate inherent biases in a culture or society, sometimes replacing logical approaches to a persuasive argument. Despite their fair share of success on the Internet, their detection, and evolution have remained understudied. In this proposal, I propose to use and evaluate Meme-Hunter, a multi-modal deep learning model to classify images on the Internet as memes vs nonmemes and compare this to unimodal approaches. I will then use image similarity, meme specific optical character recognition, and face detection to find and study families of memes shared on Twitter for a different dataset.
Applicant: Aos Mulahuwaish
Title: Analysis Effect of Different Image Compression Techniques on Rate of Detection of GAN Generated Fake Images
Submitted: March 2020
Abstract: In this research proposal, we plan to compare the performance of generative adversarial network (GAN) using deep learning methods on detection of fake images after the tampered images are processed through most commonly used image compression techniques in the social media platforms. This research aims to lay a foundation to proposing a universal detector that can accurately detect if the image that is found in social media platform are doctored or real.
Applicant: Mohammad Khan
Title: System design to explore sustainable energy subsequent to solar energy harvesting through solar cage
Period of Support: June 1, 2024 – April 30, 2025
Abstract: Renewable energy is of great focus to reduce carbon emission and climate change. As one result, solar energy harvesting is gaining traction throughout the globe. However, how much energy harvesting is sustainable? The project aims to answer the question indirectly. The study focuses on designing and building a structure, called solar cage, and designing a circuit to harvest solar energy through connected photovoltaic cells, PV cells, and modeling the energy remaining in the solar cage. The varying light intensity outside the cage will be utilized to model the remaining energy inside. According to the proposed model, the structure and circuit will be designed, simulated, built, and tested. The final outcomes will be numerical values for the harvested and remaining energy and can indicate the sustainability of a healthy biome.
Applicant: Mohammad Khan
Title: Circuit Design with Hall Effect Sensor Network for Hybrid Applications
Period of Support: May 15, 2023 – April 30, 2024
Abstract: The voltage mapping of a Hall effect sensor for a varying magnetic field can offer both tactile and non-tactile applications of it. The study will focus on designing circuits and programming based on the pattern of voltages for a given sensor with varying magnetic field. The proximity detection of a Hall effect sensor by using a magnetic field is the primary goal. The detection will be done for a single sensor and then will be expanded for a network of sensors. The detection of proximity of the sensor has the potential in hybrid, tactile and non-tactile, applications of it.
Applicant: Mohammad Khan
Title: Eye Diagram Utilization in Failures Detection for Electronic Interconnects
Period of Support: May 16, 2022 - April 16, 2023
Abstract: Interconnect failure occurs in solder connects even in cutting edge technologies. The proposed method is designed to explore the reliability of the interconnect based on eye diagram. The reliability issues are common in electronic packaging technologies such as ‘Thru Silicon Via’, ball grid array, flip chip, Quilt Packaging, etc. Identification of the failures is one key step when the fabrication process needs to proceed for the next step. The proposed study will focus on the performance of the interconnects at structural failures. The failures will be introduced in the interconnects in multifarious forms of cracks and the performance will be evaluated by signal integrity. This method can act as an alternative method for measuring contact resistance or imaging the surface of the contact to explore reliability in the middle of processing of the interconnect. Additionally, the method can be utilized by researchers for further enhancement of computational study on interconnect failure detection.
Applicant: Mohammad Khan
Title: Exploring an application of Hall effect Sensor for Tactile and Non-tactile use
Period of Support: May 1, 2022 – April 30, 2023
Abstract: Electronic circuitry for tactile application is widely used now a days. A hybrid application, both tactile and nontactile, can offer a new option. The Hall effect sensor can potentially be used for tactile and non-tactile purpose. Under the influence of a directional magnetic field and electric fields, the electrons or holes are accumulated on one side of a semiconductor based on its type and opposite charge on the other side. Based on the charges, a voltage is developed. The developed voltage is dependent of the fields applied. The study will focus on generating a pattern of voltages for a given sensor with varying magnetic field. Initially, for the study purpose, Arduino uno will be utilized to process the sensed data. The mapping of the sensed voltage can indicate a way to apply setup for the intended purpose.
Applicant: Mohammad Khan
Title: Design and implementation of an electronic system for a controlled heat source
Field of Study: Electrical & Computer Engineering
Period of Support: May 10, 2021 – April 30, 2022
Abstract: A large change in temperature because of an accident can cause structural damage and loss of life. The probable temperature distribution, gradient and peak values around a heat source can be utilized to design a system to provide a prompt response. In an accident, the regular temperature distribution will be disrupted which can be used to trigger a circuit to control the energy supply to the source. In normal condition, the temperature around the heat source compared to that at the source itself is small, as found from studies, due to the insulating property of air. However, in the case of an accident, the differential values of temperatures at points of interest with respect to the ambient temperature will be significant. Traditional detector systems can work in most cases; however, the energy delivered to the source may not be stopped that would exacerbate the situation. The distribution of temperature around the source can dictate the possible location of the detectors that can ensure safety. The optimum locations for detectors will reduce the number of detectors which will monitor a catastrophic change in temperature. An array of detectors can be utilized to generate signals, for which an electronic circuit needs to be designed to control the heat sources. As a result of the detection of temperature deviation and control, a safer heat energy source can potentially be ensured. The detection system should work on realistic model of temperature distribution. Based on the model, the control circuit can operate with the signals from optimum number of sensors. The final target is to design and implement an electronic control system that can operate on the energy supply for the heat source.
Applicant: Mohammad Khan
Title: Electromagnetic Detection of Failures in Electronic Interconnects
Submitted: October 2020
Abstract: The electric reliability of interconnects is of great importance as it ensures signal transmission between chips or circuits for desired operation. Detecting faults, cracks and defects by milling is a traditional method, however the process can introduce process-induced failure; the process can also be inconvenient to some extent for encapsulated structures. An alternative method for fault detection can be electromagnetic method. As a first step for the method, a simulation model for interconnects can estimate performance parameters such as insertion loss and return loss. An introduction of crack, a partial crack or narrowing of the interconnects can manifest variation of the parameters. This project intends to find a pattern of changes in the loss estimates for the variation. Finally, this study to explore robustness of interconnects in electronic circuits can be useful when the circuit is considered for space vehicles commuting between earth and the space.
Applicant: Mohammad Khan
Title: Thermoelectric and Thermomechanical Study of Interconnect Materials Reliability
Submitted: March 2020
Abstract: The electrical interconnects remain as bottlenecks to the speed of the multi-module systems for the length of a transmission line. One solution to it is to fabricate chips and combine them by interconnects, contacts, that apparently operates as a single chip. The solder paste can be used to fabricate contacts of smaller size, as in pin transfer method, compared to traditional soldering. The circuits with contacts –solder contacts—go through temperature cycling during its operation. The model to investigate the contacts for reliability has been developed by the faculty and has been used to predict reliability. The electric-thermal and thermo-mechanical interaction for interconnects will be studied through simulation by the developed model with novel solder pastes with nano-composites: leaded and lead free. Students will be instructed for each step of research work. They will be provided articles to study, and given instruction on how to setup the simulator, to model the structures, to simulate them and to analyze results. They will also be trained on how to write manuscript for scientific results dissemination. With the available parameters, the structure—interconnects— will be simulated to explore the elastic and inelastic deformation, the critical areas for failure and reliability. Moreover, the simulation can indicate structures or materials with ductile and fatigue properties that improve reliability and lifetime with constraints such as elastic limit, ultimate strength of the novel solder pastes. The project will finally enhance the knowledge of reliability of interconnect in electronic systems.
Applicant: Sandun Kuruppu
Title: Mechatronic System Development and Motor Control Algorithm Development
Submitted: March 2018
Proposal Abstract: Mechatronic applications are proliferating due to automation in industrial, residential and transportation sectors. Such applications involve the integration of electric machines, electronics, microprocessors and software in a seamless manner. Therefore, skills associated with development of such systems are essential for engineering students. The proposed faculty-led research project entails the development of a motor control algorithm in an embedded system and fabrication of a mechanical assembly for the mechatronic system under faculty supervision. The electric motors considered are brushed DC and permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). Synchronous machine will be controlled with a control strategy known as field oriented control. This strategy requires a position sensing and current measurements on a three-phase inverter stage. Three phase voltages applied to the electric motor will be calculated based on the position of the motor magnets so that the electromagnetic field generated by the motor windings are positioned to obtain optimal torque output. The mechanical assembly fabrication is for a linear actuator system for the Cardinal racing team. An example design is shown in the figure below. The assembly need to be machined, welded, and integrated to the race car for testing.
Applicant: Sandun Kuruppu
Title: Clock Frequency Variation and Drift Impact on Embedded System Performance
Submitted: October 2017
Project Abstract: Embedded systems consist of digital signal processors or micro-processors. A microprocessor requires a clock signal for operation. All data manipulation and computations within a microprocessor, including program counter, arithmetic and logic units, instruction decoding, A/D conversion and data transfers events are executed at the rising and falling edges of a clock signal (Figure 01). Further, embedded system applications depend on the clock timing for accurate interpretation of measurements (velocity, acceleration etc…). Therefore the clock signal timing accuracy is of utmost importance to guarantee reliable performance. But, in practice the accuracy of the oscillators and clock signal rely on many factors such as, type of clock, noise, temperature, tolerance of clock accuracy. The student research project is intended towards analyzing the impact of constant clock error and a drifting clock signal impact on embedded systems such as motor drives.
Applicant: Arundhati Bagchi Misra
Title: Student Loan and Euler Lagrange equation
Submitted: March 2018
Proposal Abstract: In mathematics we use derivatives to find maximum and minimum values of a function. First derivative of a function gives us the point where a function can be maximum or minimum. This method is particularly useful when we have functions of one or two variables. But when we deal with functionals that depend on multiple variables and also on other simpler functions and their derivatives, we need to use some advanced differentiation technique. This is where Euler Lagrange equation is relevant. The Euler-Lagrange equation allows us to find functions for which a given functional is stationary. When we are dealing with a differentiable function or functional we know it is stationary at its local maxima and minima. This enables us to use Euler-Lagrange equation for solving optimization problems in different fields. In this project, I will consider sample problems to find the optimum amount of student loans to improve graduation rates.
Applicant: Arundhati Bagchi Misra
Title: Application of Euler Lagrange equation
Submitted: October 2017
Proposal Abstract: In mathematics we use derivatives to find maximum and minimum values of a function. First derivative of a function gives us the point where a function can be maximum or minimum. This method is particularly useful when we have functions of one or two variables. But when we deal with functionals that depend on multiple variables and also on other simpler functions and their derivatives, we need to use some advanced differentiation technique. This is where Euler Lagrange equation is relevant. The Euler-Lagrange equation allows us to find functions for which a given functional is stationary. When we are dealing with a differentiable function or functional we know it is stationary at its local maxima and minima. This enables us to use Euler-Lagrange equation for solving optimization problems in different fields. In this project, I will consider sample problems to find the optimum amount of student loans to improve graduation rates.
Applicant: Curtis Grosse
Title: Modern Portfolio Theory Statistical Investment Model - Phase 2
Submitted: March 2018
Proposal Abstract: The purpose of this project is to research and test a refined “Phase 2” version of our statistical growth investment strategy model that generated superior risk-adjusted returns during “Phase 1”. Phase 1 was funded by UGRP in our March 2015 proposal and led to positive evidence-based outcomes; however, certain databases used then have led to sub-optimal results in more recent history. These lessons learned are incorporated into this Phase 2 proposal. We will make these adjustments during our Phase 2. For example, my two SVSU student researchers will use a more refined collection of criteria when selecting stocks. These sound techniques of selecting and analyzing data will be emphasized and taught to student researchers. Based on the success experienced so far, we continue to have a long-term goal of a possible application of the research to generate funds for underserved SVSU student scholarships. The overall value changes for the model portfolio are somewhat independent of the broader stock market movements. Specifically, the stock selection process uses a hedge fund long/short strategy. It is not based on the popular “day-trading” or “buy-and-hold” approaches. The student will learn how this model should theoretically generate at least half the return of the S&P 500 benchmark with less than half the risk. If this goal is realized, then standard statistical ratios will capture this success. Our Phase 2 model consists of buying about 10 stocks long and shorting about 5 other stocks. The students will help select these in a systematic way, such that overall portfolio risk is minimized. This research phase uses the refined list of sources and databases that were most successful from our updated Phase 1 historical data. These stocks are evaluated for both fundamental and quantitative factors. The former highlights accounting criteria while the latter captures price momentum and institutional demand for the stocks. The student will learn the differences and their respective pros and cons. We use sound statistical calculations and standard measures of risk (such as standard deviation) to assess the results. While the results for an individual year may vary, the goal is to generate relatively good returns over time.
Applicant: Garry Johns
Title: Using Derived Graphs to Investigate Discrete Mathematical Models
Submitted: March 2018
Proposal Abstract: A graph is a mathematical model used in discrete mathematics to study networks, computer architecture and organizational charts. The graph can be redrawn as a second graph that emphasizes patterns or symmetries in the initial graph. This new graph is called a derived graph. This summer, I plan to work on two types of derived graphs – compression graphs and 3-line graphs. Both topics would be accessible to an upper-level mathematics student and would provide them with a valuable research experience.
The student will participate in a literature review and report on their findings in order to deepen their background understanding and see the proof methods used. They will review existing results, and make generalizations and conjectures. The student will view selected TED Talk videos to observe what research presentations look and sound like. Finally, the student researcher will write formal proofs for the conjectures we show to be true. This research problem includes several parts, so I am confident that we will be successful in accomplishing at least partial results. These results will be included in a paper that we will co-author and present at a professional meeting during the 2018-2019 academic year.
Applicant: Garry Johns
Title: Using Experimental Mathematics to Investigate the Signal Detection Problem
Submitted: March 2017
Project Abstract: Experimental mathematics is a newly developed approach to discovering mathematical truths by using computers to run computations, look for patterns, or develop conjectures that may then be proved with traditional methods. In this project we propose using experimental mathematics with a computer algorithm we developed to continue our work on an application of the theoretical area of closed modular graph colorings known as the signal detection problem. This cell phone security problem determines the channel to use when making a call based on preset signals emitted from nearby cell phone towers to insure privacy. Our goals are to determine the smallest number of preset signals that are needed and which towers should emit which signals given various tower configurations.
The students will participate in a literature review and report on their findings in order to deepen their background understanding and see the proof methods used. They will review existing results, make generalizations and conjectures, and test them using the computer algorithm we wrote. We will attend a professional meeting so that the students may observe what research presentations look and sound like. Finally, they will write formal proofs for the conjectures we show to be true. This research problem includes several parts, so I am confident that we will be successful in accomplishing at least partial results. These results will be included in a paper that we will co-author and present at a national meeting in the fall.
Applicant: Grace McClurkin
Title: Investigating Generalizations of Zero Divisor Graphs
Submitted: October 2020
Abstract: Over the past twenty years, there has been a trend within commutative algebra to associate graphs to algebraic structures in an effort to investigate how properties of the algebraic structure influence properties of the associated graph and vice versa. My research engages commutative algebra and graph theory through the study of zero-divisor graphs (an instance of graphs associated to algebraic structures) and their generalizations. Over the course of this project, I plan to work with two student researchers to study the classic zero-divisor graph and its variants. Students will learn how to read, communicate, and create mathematics individually and together.
Applicant: Joshua Mike
Title: Exploring complex data sets through topological data analysis, continued
Period of Support: May 20, 2021 – August 13, 2021
Abstract: Topological data analysis (TDA) has grown drastically over the past 15 years since the advent of persistent homology, but this new discipline still has many open avenues for new methods, potential applications, and new modes of analysis. This research will investigate datasets with a geometric lens by applying non-parametric or data reduction techniques to a complex real-world data set.
My primary aim is to continue the UGRP which I started this winter semester. Over the course of this project, I will work with up to three student researchers to elucidate datasets with general data science and TDA techniques in multiple domain applications, including chemistry, biology, com- puter science, or mathematics itself. All students will learn how to approach high-dimensional or large datasets and improve their skills in reading, writing, and communicating mathematical and statistical results. Depending on their discipline and focus, students may additionally learn non- linear methods for visualizing high-dimensional data, gain a better intuitive understanding of how geometry informs analysis, and/or learn to code methodology in python.
Applicant: Joshua Mike
Title: Exploring complex data sets through topological data analysis
Submitted: October 2020
Abstract: Topological data analysis (TDA) has grown drastically over the past 15 years since the advent of persistent homology, but this new discipline still has many open avenues for new methods, potential applications, and new modes of analysis. This research will investigate datasets with a geometric lens by applying non-parametric or data reduction techniques to a complex real-world data set. Over the course of this project, I will work with two student researchers to elucidate datasets with general data science and TDA techniques in multiple domain applications, including chemistry, biology, computer science, or mathematics itself. All students will learn how to approach high-dimensional or large datasets and improve their skills in reading, writing, and communicating mathematical and statistical results. Depending on their discipline and focus, students may additionally learn nonlinear methods for visualizing high-dimensional data, gain a better intuitive understanding of how geometry informs analysis, and/or learn to code methodology in python.
Applicant: Aneesha Gogineni
Title: Design 3D Models for Virtual Reality Lessons
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Period of Support: August 30, 2021 – April 30, 2022
Abstract: Virtual reality (VR) is becoming a popular educational tool which has interactive tools like animations, videos, quizzes etc. in an online platform. These features create the need to use this didactic tool to demonstrate mechanical engineering concepts via three-dimensional (3D) models. Virtual reality lessons will be prepared and implemented using Braun Fellowship fund for thermodynamics and heat transfer courses. To prepare virtual reality lessons, application-based mechanical engineering 3D models should be developed in SolidWorks and then exported to virtual reality platform where animations, videos and quizzes will be prepared by Instructor. The objective of the present study is to develop mechanical engineering application-based 3D models in SolidWorks.
Applicant: Aneesha Gogineni
Steady and Unsteady State Heat Transfer Analysis Using Different Materials
Submitted: March 2019
Proposal Abstract: The objective of the current project is to determine different material properties using steady and unsteady state heat transfer equipment available in the Heat Transfer Lab. ME 420 is a senior level class where students utilize steady and unsteady state equipment for measuring material properties of stainless steel and brass (one shape and size only). This equipment can measure material properties of any material, size and shape. The present project seeks funding for hiring a student and for preparing different material samples at different sizes and shapes at SVSU’s machine lab.
Applicant: Aneesha Gogineni
Title: Heating And Cooling Load Calculations In Pioneer Hall
Submitted: October 2017
Project Abstract: The proposed project determines the heating & cooling load values in Pioneer Hall. The cooling load calculations are conducted using Transfer Function Method. Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) involves many design procedures out of which load calculation is the primary step. Temperatures change with season and number of persons in the room change based on business hours. SVSU has four semesters and Pioneer Hall has high occupancy rate during fall and winter when compared to spring and summer semesters. Pioneer Hall is chosen for study as this building has uneven airflow rates during working hours. HVAC system is designed based on estimated heating & cooling load calculations. Verifying the load values will improve the airflow rate and indoor air quality of the HVAC system. This study can also estimate the energy consumption in the building.
Applicant: Aneesha Gogineni
Title: Power Generation and Heat Transfer Analysis of Compact Heat Exchanger With Shell and Conical Tube Heat Exchanger
Submitted: March 2017
Project Abstract: The current research objective is to determine the power generated from the temperature difference of two fluids that will flow through a compact heat exchanger with conical coil. Waste heat from several applications is major problem in our day-to-day life. Heat exchanger remove this excess heat and is converted to useful work. High temperature gas or fluids are sent into the heat exchanger from one side of the heat exchanger and to reduce this heat, low temperature fluid is sent through the other side. However, the difference between the high and low temperature fluids can generate electricity. Thus, the proposed research determines the power generated by these fluids before entering the heat exchanger. This research is conducted with the help of an undergraduate student. Guidance will be provided to student in setting up the equipment. In the second phase, student will help me with collecting results and in presenting them in a conference.
Applicant: John Herman
Title: Development Of A Library Of Engine Oil And Rtv Sealant Interactions
Submitted: March 2019
Project Abstract: Since the 1980s, manufacturers have used RTV (Room Temperature Vulcanizing) silicone as well as conventional formed gaskets to seal valve covers, oil pans, transmission pans, and other similar parts. By applying a thin bead of RTV, parts are assembled and sealed in one step.
One test used to evaluate effects of an engine oil on polymer (i.e. seal) properties is ASTM D7216. This method evaluates four standardized polymer materials’ changes in hardness, tensile strength, and elongation after exposure to an elevated temperature oil bath. This research builds on previous work in which specialized procedures were developed for sample preparation and testing in order to study the interaction of RTV sealant and engine oil.
This work aims to expand the knowledge gained with a single RTV product and oil and begin to build a library documenting the interactions of additional RTV sealants and engine oils. Reporting of findings to the industrial engineering community will expand the knowledge base of RTV sealants, offering potential improvements to engine joint applications exposed to engine oil. Improving such joint sealing would result in potential warranty claim reductions to the manufacturer, improved customer satisfaction, and minimization of oil contamination of the environment.
Applicant: John Herman
Title: Effects of Engine Oil on RTV Sealant
Submitted: October 2017
Project Abstract: Since the 1980s, manufacturers have used RTV (Room Temperature Vulcanizing) silicone as well as conventional formed gaskets to seal valve covers, oil pans, transmission pans, and other similar parts. By applying a thin bead of RTV, parts are assembled and sealed in one step.
One test used to evaluate effects of an engine oil on polymer (i.e. seal) properties is ASTM
D7216. This test method evaluates four standardized polymer materials’ changes in hardness, tensile strength, and elongation after exposure to an elevated temperature oil bath. With minor modifications, this method can be used to evaluate changes in RTV’s properties exposed to a “standard” oil.
This research will test RTV and one standard material in accordance with ASTM D7216. Through this approach, it will be possible to compare an oil’s effects on RTV versus materials vulcanized at high temperature and pressure. One challenge, RTV is a viscous fluid in its uncured state; for ASTM D7216, RTV needs to be tested in a cured state. Thus, sample preparation is expected to pose some challenges in this research.
The reporting of test findings to the industrial engineering community could lead to new
methodologies of evaluating engine sealant materials and methods.
Applicant: AKM Monayem Mazumder
Title: A Single Stage Corona Wind Generator
Period of Support: August 28, 2023 – August 17, 2024
Abstract: Earlier studies have shown that corona wind generator is effective for gas pumping. In this study, fluid flow driven by a single stage corona wind generator in a square channel will be significantly examined by experiments. The generation of corona wind is done by electrohydrodynamic (EHD) technique also known as EHD gas pump. The corona wind produced by the generator with three different sizes of the grounded electrode (in terms of its length): 0.5-inch, 1-inch, and 2-inch (1.27-cm, 2.54-cm, and 5.08-cm) with 12 emitting electrodes will be examined by experimental measurement. These three configurations will be evaluated for a wide range of operating voltages starting from 20 kV up to 28 kV. To achieve the maximum enhancement in gas pumping, the emitting electrodes will be flush mounted on the channel walls so that the induced flow produced directly disturbs the boundary layer thickness. This will be leading to a higher velocity near the channel walls and resulting in an inverted parabolic velocity profile at the center of the channel, which is opposite to the fully developed velocity profile of a forced flow. Fluid velocities will be measured at three cross-sections along the channel length and then integrated to obtain the volume flow rate. In addition to the volume flow rate produced, the performance of the pump will be evaluated using an energy efficiency factor. The EHD technique has a great potential for many engineering applications. Students will perform a literature review for EHD techniques to gain complete research experience. They will involve the experimental setup design needed to perform the experiments. In that way, students will gain hands-on experience.
Applicant: A K M Monayem H. Mazumder
Tile: Performance Enhancement of Two-Stage EHD Gas Pump in a Rectangular Channel
Period of Support: May 1, 2022 – April 30, 2023
Abstract: Fluid flow driven by a two-stage electrohydrodynamic (EHD) gas pump will be critically examined by experiments and numerical simulations. The flow will be induced by pump with 8 emitting electrodes in two-stage charged at a combination of three different operating voltages (20 kV, 24 kV, and 28 kV). A numerical model will be developed based on the experimental study. The three-dimensional governing equations for the electric and flow fields will solve using the finite volume method. The EHD-induced flow will calculate first, and its results will be compared with the experimental data to validate the computational code. The numerical results enable vivid flow visualizations inside the channel, providing a great understanding of the development of the induced flow. The two-stage EHD gas pump, which can be produced and sustained air flows with a maximum volume flow rate will be considered more efficient when it is operated with uneven applied voltages. Students will perform a literature review for EHD techniques to gain complete research experience. They will involve the experimental setup design needed to perform the experiments. In that way, students will gain hands-on experience.
Applicant: A K M Monayem Mazumder
Title: Emitting Electrodes Effect on a Two-Stage EHD Gas Pump with Uneven Applied Voltages
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Period of Support: May 10, 2021 – April 30, 2022
Abstract: Fluid flow driven by a two-stage electrohydrodynamic (EHD) gas pump will be critically examined by experiments and numerical simulations. The flow will be induced by pump with 24 emitting electrodes in twostage charged at a combination of three different operating voltages (20 kV, 24 kV, and 28 kV). A numerical model will be developed based on the experimental study. The three-dimensional governing equations for the electric and flow fields will solve using the finite volume method. The EHD-induced flow will calculate first, and its results will be compared with the experimental data to validate the computational code. The numerical results enable vivid flow visualizations inside the channel, providing a great understanding of the development of the induced flow. The two-stage EHD gas pump, which can be produced and sustained air flows with a maximum volume flow rate will be considered more efficient when it is operated with uneven applied voltages.
Applicant: A K M Monayem Mazumder
Title: Uneven Applied Voltages Effect on a Two-Stage Electrohydrodynamic Gas Pump
Period of Study: Spring/Summer 2020, Fall 2020 and Winter 2021
Proposal Abstract: Fluid flow driven by a two-stage electrohydrodynamic (EHD) gas pump will be critically examined by experiments and numerical simulations. I will first conduct experiments to provide important information for solving electric field by numerical simulations. The flow will be induced by the pump with 56 emitting electrodes in two-stage charged at a combination of three different operating voltages (20 kV, 24 kV, and 28 kV) for possible performance improvement. A numerical model will be developed based on the experimental study. The three-dimensional (3D) governing equations for the electric and flow fields will solve using the finite volume method. The EHD-induced flow will calculate first, and its results will be compared with the experimental data to validate the computational code. The numerical results enable vivid flow visualizations inside the channel, providing a great understanding of the development of the induced flow. The two-stage EHD gas pump, which can be produced and sustained air flows with a maximum volume flow rate will be considered more efficient when it is operated with uneven applied voltages.
Applicant: A K M Monayem Mazumder
Title: Effects Of Emitting Electrodes On A Two-Stage Electrohydrodynamic Gas Pump Performance
Submitted: March 2019
Project Abstract: Fluid flow inside a channel by a two-stage EHD gas pump will be critically examined using both experimental measurement and numerical simulations. Experiments will be conducted first to provide important information for the computing of electric field in the numerical study. The EHD-induced flow of the pump with three different numbers of emitting electrode configurations: 8, 24, and 56 emitting electrodes in two-stage will be calculated first, and its results will be compared with the experimental data to validate the computational model. The EHD gas pump of three emitting electrode configurations will be tested for a wide range of operating voltages starting from the corona onset up to 28 kV. Both corona current and corona wind velocity inside the channel will measure for operations using positive corona discharges.
Based on the experimental study, a numerical model will be developed. The three-dimensional governing equations for the electric and flow fields will be solved using the finite volume method. The EHD-Induced flow will be calculated first, and its results will be compared with the experimental data to validate the computational code. The numerical results enable vivid flow visualizations inside the channel, providing a greater understanding of the development of the induced flow.
Applicant: Christopher Nakamura
Title: Low-cost Ultrafast Pulsed Laser Sources for Advanced Lab Instruction and Research
Period of Support: May 1, 2023 – April 30, 2024
Abstract: Short pulses of laser light (less than 0.5 ns in duration) have become an important tool for a range of physics research. These pulses, termed ultrafast pulses, are useful for a variety of reasons. The shortness of the pulses allows us to study very fast physical processes, in a manner that is similar to how a short camera flash can capture clear photographs of quickly moving objects. Also, since the laser pulses deliver energy in a much shorter duration, the light can often be made more intense than the light produced by the same laser operating continuously. Ultrafast lasers have been very expensive and not very accessible in undergraduate research or teaching laboratories. In the proposed research students will work on how to create inexpensive (<$500) sources of pulses <0.1 ns in duration, measure the properties of the laser output and understand the theory behind these laser systems. This work has the potential to fulfill a gap in the upper-division laboratory physics education research resources, and a very empowering gap at that. These lasers have the potential to open up a variety of experiments in optics, photonics and atomic physics that have previously only be accessible at universities with access to expensive research-grade ultrafast optics systems. While the high power and commensurate high intensities will remain largely inaccessible, the possibility of amplifying the output of these lasers is one that should be investigated further, once we have these lasers working.
Applicant: Christopher Nakamura
Title: Development and Validation of Reaction Time Forced-Choice Response Instrumentation Using a Physics Context
Field of Study: Physics
Period of Support: May 10, 2021 – August 30, 2021
Abstract: We propose research to develop and test forced-choice (participants must chose an answer) response questions for assessing student understanding of physics ideas that have both theoretical and experimental importance. Response correctness and reaction time are the primary measurable quantities of interest. This project is part of a larger on-going program of research conducted by the PIs looking at how experimental activities can impact student understanding/learning of physics. The goal is to develop questions that can serve as an indicator of understanding or change in understanding when students participate in various educational interventions, particularly those involving hands-on experimental equipment. This research program is targeted at the broader physics education research (PER) question of how experimental laboratory exercises can affect student understanding of physics and/or student experimental/critical thinking skills.
Applicant: Christopher Nakamura
Title: The Development of an Integrated Lab-Lecture Design for Teaching an Upper-Division Optics Courses
Submitted: March 2017
Project Abstract: The proposed research seeks to develop a set of optics laboratory activities that will form a starting point for lab manual and/or physical optics curriculum. The activities will be appropriate for a junior/senior physics class, and will be deployed and evaluated via a case study research design in the Winter of 2018. Two paid students will actively work, primarily over the spring and summer of 2017, with the faculty PI to develop and test the lab activities. The project goal is to highlight the connections between optical theory, which is necessarily mathematical and abstract, and optics applications and experiments, which are also of central importance. The project will be based on established theoretical ideas from a constructivist perspective on learning and will benefit from lessons learned via established and successful curriculum-development projects at the introductory undergraduate level (e.g. Workshop Physics and Studio Physics). At the same time, it seeks to push further into new territory, exploring how theory and experiment can be interwoven at the upper-division level.
Applicant: Kavindya Senanayake
Title: Synthesis of gold Nanostructures
Period of Support: July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024
Abstract: The project proposal has presented to synthesize anisotropic gold nanostructures including nanoparticles, nanorods, nanostars, and nanotriangles. The seeded synthesis method will be followed during the project, which involves the process of synthesis of the seed solution of gold nanocolloids prior to the principal synthesis process of gold nanostructures. The surface morphology, size, and shape of the synthesized nanostructures will be determined using electron microscopy. The change of the localized surface plasmon resonance of the nanostructures due to the shape and the size with the synthesis route, the concentration, temperature, and reaction time is expected to be determined by using UV visible spectroscopy. The final objective of the proposed research will be achieved in a three-phase method by synthesizing the seed solution, synthesizing the nanostructures, and stabilizing and characterizing the synthesized nanostructures.
Applicant: Kavindya Senanayake
Title: Diffusion of Fluorophores in Polymers and Biopolymeric liquids
Field of Study: Physics
Period of Support: May 10, 2021 – April 30, 2022
Abstract: Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) is a biocompatible water-soluble polymer. PVA is widely used in industrial applications, such as thickeners, films, fibers, and membranes. As a model protein conjugates, bovine serum albumin (BSA) fluorescence conjugates will be used in this project. The project proposal has presented to study the dynamical properties and the interaction of bovine serum albumin (BSA) fluorescence conjugates in Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA). Translational diffusion coefficients of the conjugates will be determined using the Fluorescence microscopy and MATLAB image analysis package. The change of the hydrodynamic size of the particle due to the interactions with the liquid/gel is expected to be determined by comparing the experimental diffusion coefficient with the theoretical model relevant to the system. The final objective of the proposed research will be achieved in a three-phase method by undergraduate students by performing the experiment in a simple liquid (buffer solution), then in a viscous liquid (Glycerin), and finally using viscoelastic liquid (PVA).
Applicant: Matthew Vannette
Title: Growth of Transparent Ferroelectric Crystals
Submitted: March 2018
Proposal Abstract: The study of transparent crystals with interesting optical and thermodynamic properties provides fertile ground for student research opportunities. In order to prepare suitable samples appropriate growth equipment must exist and procedures must be established. Through the course of this project we intend to construct an apparatus to facilitate the growth of high quality single crystals from aqueous solution. Once the equipment is constructed, growth protocols for several systems will be determined. Quality of samples will be assessed by optical clarity.