Click here to access a database and learn more about Undergraduate Research Program (UGRP) funding received by faculty, staff and students at SVSU to conduct their research.
Student Name: Nathaniel James
Conference Attended: 2024 Society for Neuroscience 55th Annual Research Conference
Location of Conference: Chicago, IL
Title of Paper: Environmentally relevant exposure to bisphenol-A in the perinatal and juvenile period impacts morphology and reproductive behavior of rats.
Student Name: Sara Long
Conference Attended: 2024 Society for Neuroscience 55th Annual Research Conference
Location of Conference: Chicago, IL
Title of Paper: Positive chemotaxis to bisphenol A: Potential neurochemical signal affecting growth, development, and behavior of the nematode (Caenorhabditis elegans)
Student Name: Olivia Konsdorf
Conference Attended: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America
Location of Conference: Phoenix, AZ
Title of Paper: Proposal for Student Travel Allocation to Attend the Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America in Phoenix, Arizona
Student Name: Ella Randolph
Conference Attended: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America
Location of Conference: Phoenix, AZ
Title of Paper: Global characterization of endosymbiont meta-communities associated with Bemisia tabaci mitotypes
Student Name: Ian Diefenbach
Conference Attended: Annual Conference of the Society for Marketing Advances
Location of Conference: Tampa, FL
Title of Paper: Not Your Grandparent's Nostalgia
Student Name: Parker Dietzel
Conference Attended: Central States American College of Sports Medicine (CSACSM) 2025
Location of Conference: Fayetteville, AR
Title of Paper: 2025 CSACSM Conference Travel Grant
Student Name: Tori Ott
Conference Attended: 2023 Botanical Society of America
Location of Conference: Boise, ID
Title of Paper: Effects of watering treatments on growth and development of important crop species
Student Name: Joshua Brandel
Conference Attended: 2023 Botanical Society of America
Location of Conference: Boise, ID
Title of Paper: The effect of flooding duration on aerenchyma formation in winter wheat roots
Student Name: Gavin Zimmer and Flora Szklenar
Conference Attended: 2023 IEEE Holm Conference
Location of Conference: Seattle, WA
Title of Paper: Presentation of Research at the IEEE Holm Conference
Student Name: Ashley Barney, Amelia Corne and Stephanie Tumblin
Conference Attended: Michigan Annual Early Childhood Conference
Location of Conference: Grand Rapids, MI
Title of Paper: Great Lakes Bay Family Readers
Student Name: Evangeline Cruz
Conference Attended: 2024 Central States Communication Association Annual Convention
Location of Conference: Grand Rapids, MI
Title of Paper: Central States Communication Association Travel Application
Student Name: Tara Klich
Conference Attended: National Conference for Undergraduate Research
Location of Conference: Long Beach, CA
Title of Paper: Travel Grant Proposal - The National Conference for Undergraduate Research 2024
Student Name: Emma Urbaniak, Karasyn Kraska and Audrey Weiss
Conference Attended: Midwestern Psychological Association
Location of Conference: Chicago, IL
Title of Paper: The Effect of Distractions on Writing
Student Name: Keri Maricle
Conference Attended: American Psychological Association
Location of Conference: Seattle, WA
Title of Paper: Presenting Undergraduate Research on Pronoun Disclosure Norms in Academic Settings at APA 2024 in Seattle
Student Name: Wesley Beck
Conference Attended: American Society for Engineering Education
Location of Conference: Baltimore, MD
Title of Paper: A Study on Student Success in Circuit Theory with Complimentary Videotaped Problem-Solving Demonstrations in Challenging Times
Student Name: Emily Buska
Conference Attended: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB)
Location of Conference: Austin, TX
Title of Paper: The impact of a predator, Largemouth Bass, on the shelter usage of the Rusty Crayfish
Student Name: Travis Faustin
Conference Attended: Midwestern Psychological Association annual meeting
Location of Conference: Chicago, IL
Title of Paper: Confronting death: A mixed-methods exploration of beliefs and existential angst
Student Name: Brycen Halfmann
Conference Attended: IEMDC 2023
Location of Conference: San Francisco, CA
Title of Paper: Asymmetric Parameter Influence Analysis in PMSM Position Sensor Offset Error Diagnosis
Student Names: Hope Kuenker and Elaine Curtis
Conference Attended: Midwest Criminal Justice Association Conference
Location of Conference: Chicago, IL
Title of Paper: Utilizing Students with the Victim Services Unit
Student Name: Garrett Lewis
Conference Attended: IEMDC 2023
Location of Conference: San Francisco, CA
Title of Paper: Asymmetric Parameter Influence Analysis in PMSM Position Sensor Offset Error Diagnosis
Student Names: Ajay Kumar Sah
Conference Attended: 7th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference
Location of Conference: Las Vegas, NV
Title of Paper: Flow Induced by a Two Stage EHD Gas Pump with Uneven Applied Voltages
Student Names: Gracie Snyder, Hunter Grunwell
Conference Attended: Midwestern Psychological Association Conference
Location of Conference: Chicago, IL
Title of Paper: Writing at Home: Distractions and Writing Processes in a Remote Environment
Student Names: Laura Shearer, Laurina Mandeville
Conference Attended: 2022 APS Annual Convention
Location of Conference: Chicago, IL
Title of Paper: Too Busy and Couldn't Care Less: Emerging Profile of Insufficient Effort Responders in the U.S.
Student Names: Joseph LaVigne
Conference Attended: 2022 AAPT Summer Conference
Location of Conference: Grand Rapids, MI
Title of Paper: A Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor for Application Based Labs
Due to the pandemic, there was no student funded travel during FY 2021.
Student Names: Amina Shrestha, Rhishav Mahaju
Conference Attended: IEEE UEMCON 2019
Location of Conference: Columbia University, NY
Title of Paper: On Stability of Current Controlled Drives with Delay in Feedback Path
Student Name: Bianka Wang
Conference Attended: Mathematical Association of America (MAA) MathFest
Location of Conference: Cincinnati, OH
Title of Paper: Into the Power Functions
Student Name: Deepak Neupane
Conference Attended: 18th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications - ICMLA 2019
Location of Conference: Boca Raton, FL
Title of Paper: Web User Authentication Using Chosen Word Keystroke Dynamics
Student Names: Grace Trombley and Brendon Cousino
Conference Attended: 5th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC 2020) – Conference Cancelled due to COVID-19
Location of Conference: New Orleans, LA
Title of Paper: Flow Induced by a Two Stage Electrohydrodynamic Gas Pump in a Square Channel
Student Name: Imani Clark
Conference Attended: Central States Communication Association 2020 Annual Conference – Conference Cancelled due to COVID-19
Location of Conference: Chicago, IL
Title of Paper: Breaking Barriers in the Classroom
Student Names: Imari Tetu, Caroline Sawatzki, Elizabeth Kennedy, Hannah Mose, Natalie Delemeester
Conference Attended: 2019 IWCA-NCPTW Annual Conference
Location of Conference: Columbus, OH
Title of Paper: The Art of Seeing the Un-seen: Who Doesn’t Visit the Writing Center, and Why?
Student Names: Jacob Zona and Grace Macomber
Conference Attended: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
Location of Conference: Austin, TX
Title of Paper: Effects of Population Structure on Crayfish Behavior
Student Names: Sophia Bradley, Emma Trierweiler, and Amber Nikel
Conference Attended: Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood
Location of Conference: Toronto, ON, Canada
Title of Paper: Suicide Risk and Prevention Experiment
Student Name: Alexander Shibilski
Conference Attended: 2018 IEEE UEMCON (Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference)
Location of Conference: New York, NY
Title of Paper: Clock Variation Impact on Digital Filter Performance
Student Name: Alexandria Miller
Conference Attended: Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Conference
Location of Conference: Portland, OR
Title of Paper: Poisoned Water Cultures: The Lasting Effects of the Flint Water Crisis
Student Name: Amy Beek, Jessica July, Tristen Juergens
Conference Attended: MiAEYC - Early Childhood Conference
Location of Conference: Grand Rapids, MI
Title of Paper: Early Childhood Conference
Student Name: Beatrice Fant
Conference Attended: FIE Student Global Leadership Conference
Location of Conference: South Kensington, London, England UK
Title of Paper: Student Global Leadership Conference 2019
Student Name: Breanna Siegrist
Conference Attended: Central States Conference
Location of Conference: Omaha, NE
Title of Paper: Teaching and Talking About Difficult Topics in the Classroom: A Dialogue with Students and Faculty
Student Name: Carlee Giordano
Conference Attended: Pacific University 2019 Conference on Masculinities and Gender
Location of Conference: Portland, OR
Title of Paper: Conference on Masculinities and Gender
Student Name: Faith LaFramboise
Conference Attended: 2019 American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) annual meeting
Location of Conference: Orlando, FL
Title of Paper: Travel to 2019 American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida
Student Name: Frederich Schulz, Zachary Schwab, Justin Schram, Carter Eckhardt
Conference Attended: American Association of Geographers
Location of Conference: Washington D.C
Title of Paper: SVSU Geospatial Student Travel to AAG Conference
Student Name: Megan Ford
Conference Attended: 2019 Society of Business, Industry, and Economics academic conference
Location of Conference: Destin, FL
Title of Paper: Data Analytics Case Studies for Accounting Curriculum
Student Name: Nora Lipetzky and Gabriel Klotz
Conference Attended: CARE Conference
Location of Conference: Las Vegas, NV
Title of Paper: Moot Court & Active Learning
Student Name: Reecha Upadhyay
Conference Attended: 2019 Joint Mathematics Meeting
Location of Conference: Baltimore, MD
Title of Paper: Mathematical Meeting and More
Student Name: Savanah Feldpausch
Conference Attended: Mid-West American College of Sports Medicine(MWACSM)
Location of Conference: Grand Rapids, MI
Title of Paper: Sports Nutrition Knowledge, Education, and Beliefs of a Division II Athletic Staff
Student Name: Shelby Hagle
Conference Attended: 31st APS Annual Convention
Location of Conference: Washington, D.C.
Title of Paper: Chronic Procrastinators Start Early but May Not Delay Pervasively across Domains
Student Names: Alexis Maroney, Conrad Carroll, Bradley Hunt, Chelsea Harmon, Paul Braman, Andrea Nikolai, Kathlyn Underwood
Conference Attended: American Chemical Society
Location of Conference: New Orleans, LA
Title of Paper: Urban and rural phosphorus contributions of the Pinnepog River Watershed to Saginaw Bay
Student Name: Alissa Rutkowski
Conference Attended: Annual Global Business Conference
Location of Conference: Croatia
Title of Paper: Challenges of Shifting towards Sustainable Packaging in the Cosmetic Industry
Student Name: Arti Patel
Conference Attended: ACS National Meeting
Location of Conference: Washington D.C
Title of Paper: Exploring the coordination mod and redox properties of d8-metal hydroxamate complexes
Student Name: Ashley Teets
Conference Attended: National Athletic Trainers' Association Symposia
Location of Conference: New Orleans
Title of Paper: Anthropometric and Somatotype Characteristics Among Adolescent Males Participating in Sanctioned Soccer Organizations: A Systematic Review
Student Name: Bradley Ross
Conference Attended: ACS National Meeting
Location of Conference: Washington D.C
Title of Paper: Synthesis, Characterization, Electrochemical and Spectroelectrochemical Investigation of Group 8 Metal-Hydroxamate Complexes
Student Names: Drew J Whitney, McCall A Conley, Stephanie G Heckroth, Samuel R Oswald
Conference Attended: Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood
Location of Conference: Washington D.C
Title of Paper: Does Empathy Trump Hate
Student Name: Hali Motley
Conference Attended: Oxford Business and Economics Conference
Location of Conference: England
Title of Paper: The Effects of Intensive experiential Start-Up Simulations on Attitudes Toward Entrepreneurial outcomes
Student Names: Heather Usakowski and Chelsea Klinebriel
Conference Attended: BPD Annual Conference
Location of Conference: Atlanta, GA
Title of Paper: A Missing Piece of Care: Regulation
Student Name: Jennifer Hacker
Conference Attended: Society for Neuroscience Annual Research Conference
Location of Conference: Washington D.C
Title of Paper: Effects of Developmental Aromatase Inhibition, Metabolism Suppression, and Endocrine Disruption on Parturition and Early Postnatal Neuromuscular Function in the Norway Rat (Rattus norvegicus)
Student Name: Jordan Hessbrook
Conference Attended: East Central Writing Center Association
Location of Conference: Columbus, OH
Title of Paper: Operational Templates: Fostering High School Writing Center Development
Student Name: Kiersten Mead
Conference Attended: The National American College of Sports Medicine Conference
Location of Conference: Minneapolis, MN
Title of Paper: Prenatal Healthcare Provider Physical Activity and Nutrition Discussions According to BMI
Student Names: Kimberlee MacDonald, Morgan Bechler and Brittney Davidson
Conference Attended: Michigan AEYC Annual Early Childhood Conference
Location of Conference: Grand Rapids, MI
Title of Paper: Bring Nature into the Classroom
Student Names: MacKenzie Bethune, Birch Bradford, Michael Hansen, Sarah Herbert and Hunter Koch
Conference Attended: American Association of Geographers Conference
Location of Conference: New Orleans, LA
Title of Paper: Spatial Dimensions of the Opioid Epidemic: Greater Saginaw, MI
Student Name: Olivia Bishop
Conference Attended: Society for Neuroscience Annual Research Conference
Location of Conference: Washington D.C
Title of Paper: Effects of Developmental Aromatase Inhibition, Metabolism Suppression, and Endocrine Disruption on Parturition and Early Postnatal Neuromuscular Function in the Norway Rat (Rattus norvegicus)
Student Names: Samantha Geffert and Renee Okenka
Conference Attended: International Writing Center Association
Location of Conference: Chicago, IL
Title of Paper: Writing Center Tutors as Double Agents: Reflecting on Our Work with Non-Native English Speakers in Japan and the U.S.
Student Name: Tyler Newell
Conference Attended: Western Economic Association International Annual Conference
Location of Conference: Australia
Title of Paper: The Effects of Study Abroad Participation on Post-Graduate Earnings and Additional Education
Student Name: Victoria Phelps
Conference Attended: International Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts (ICFA)
Location of Conference: Orlando, FL
Title of Paper: Navigating Enfreaked Disabilities in the Realms of Victorian Fairy Tales