Faculty-led Research Grant
Apply to the opportunity by visiting http://svsu.infoready4.com
- Faculty Salary: If the project is carried out over Spring/Summer terms, faculty may include a $1,000 supplemental pay (inclusive of applicable wages & benefits) stipend. Faculty are limited to one stipend per Spring/Summer term, even if multiple applications are submitted.
- Student Salary: Include a request for funds for student salary per semester during the academic year and during the Spring/Summer term. Student salary is permitted to roll forward to the next semester during the grant period. Student wage rates will start at the SVSU minimum rate (currently $12.48) and can request wages up to $14/hr; however, a written rationale and evidence must be provided (for example, evidence of comparable student wages for a similar position.) Student wage increases must be approved by the review committee.
- Supplies: Submit a budget of up to $1,500 total for project supplies and explain how/why these supplies are necessary when including student(s) to carry out your project. If requested, contingency funds are restricted to no more than 10% of the total supply budget. The request will be evaluated by the review committee.
- Other Funding: Describe if and how other funds support this project.
The total requested project budget cannot exceed $10,000.
Eligibility: Proposals are accepted from full-time faculty members on continuing appointment. Endowed Professors are ineligible to apply. Faculty who have been awarded three faculty-led grants in the last five years are ineligible unless they have applied for external funding through Sponsored Programs.
To learn more about the SVSU faculty-led grant and/or to apply, download Faculty-led Research Guidelines (74KB).
Due Date: By 4:30 pm on October 31 and March 15 yearly or next business day if the due date falls on the weekend.