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SUPO Newsletter Logo 2025

September 2024


to promote accessible, quality educational opportunities that empower all


There are many holidays in September that may be relevant to education, including holidays that may be celebrated in schools and other holidays that may be used as opportunities for classroom activities: 

  • September 2: Labor Day 
  • September 5: International Day of Charity 
  • September 8: International Literacy Day 
  • September 10: World Suicide Prevention Day and National Grandparent's Day 
  • September 11: Patriot Day (9/11 Remembrance Day) 
  • September 16: Mexican Independence Day 
  • September 17: Constitution Day 
  • September 21: International Day of Peace 
  • September 22: First Day of Autumn 
  • September 22–28: Banned Books Week 
  • September 24: National Voter Registration Day and National Day of Arts in Care Homes
  • September 27: Native Americans Day 


The School/University Partnership Office at SVSU is pleased to announce that we have partnered with Thrun Law Firm to provide virtual training, appropriate for K-12 academies, regarding the 2024 Title IX regulations. Attorneys from Thrun will be presenting information and will provide an opportunity for questions.  This training session will be relevant for all members of the Title IX team including coordinators and investigators as well as all academy administration teams.  This training can serve as your annual training requirement.  We look forward to you joining us for this opportunity.   

DATE: September 12, 2024 
TIME: 9:00 am - 12:30 pm 
PLATFORM: Zoom (the zoom link will be provided after registration is completed)

Please register here.


Laws and procedures regarding purchasing for schools can sometimes seem confusing or complex. Here are some guidelines to assist school leaders and school boards as to what should occur.

  • State law requires formal sealed bids for purchases at or above a specified amount. For 2023, that amount is $29,572 and this is adjusted annually for inflation. School board purchasing policies can lower amounts for bids if desired but many use the State amount.
  • A verbal or written quote or estimate obtained via phone, email, or in-person IS NOT a formal bid under State law.
  • The formal bid process requires schools to advertise for bids at least one day in each of two consecutive weeks. For complex projects, schools may develop an RFP or Request for Proposals that interested parties can obtain in person at the school or via email or mail.
  • School leaders also can send RFPs to any specific vendors they would like to offer the chance to bid.
  • The advertisement should include the specific dates, times, and locations for bids to be received and opened which can be one and the same. Many schools open bids immediately following the receiving deadline and share with vendors.
  • Any bids received after the receipt deadline MUST be rejected. It is a good practice to write down the date and time each bid is received on the bid envelopes.
  • Bids should be opened by administration at the specified time and place identified in the RFP, which is open to vendors and the public.
  • It is NOT a normal or sound business practice to have board members open sealed bids and or to open sealed bids at board meetings.
  • Once bids are received and opened, the school leader and/or staff with the expertise in the purchase requirements should analyze the bids to ensure that requirements of the RPF are met, and to review other important information such as verification of costs, quality of product, hidden costs, quality or history of service, references, etc.
  • Administration prepares a board agenda item that includes a recommendation for board approval of the preferred vendor with supporting rationale. A summary of all bids should be included with the board agenda item such as summary bid pages from each vendor.
  • The State does not require the bidding of services such as attorneys or auditors but that does not preclude school leaders and school boards from either formal bidding or informal quotes as desired.
  • If there are contracts involved with any proposed purchases of goods or services, the school attorney should review and provide a written opinion on the contract terms including any recommended changes prior to board approval.
  • Finally, remember that some contracts such as for Educational Service Providers and building leases are required to be reviewed by SVSU before board approval.


THEME: Together We Grow – Experiencing the Impacts of Poverty
DATE: Friday, November 22, 2024
TIME: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
LOCATION: Bachand Hall – First Floor – HHS Gym (connected to Gilbertson Hall)

Link to RSVP for the School Leader Network Meeting Please respond by October 31, 2024

Helpful Tips:

  • Wear comfortable clothing
  • Invite your buildings counselor, parent liaison, or other staff that support students and families in poverty
  • Be prepared to work with people you do not know
  • Be familiar with your academy’s data regarding transportation, meal service, before and after school care, and programs to support students impacted by poverty.

*Save the date - February 7, 2025 - School Leader Network Meeting #3 – Balancing Leadership



24-25 School Innovation Grant Description (47KB)
24-25 School Innovation Grant Application (41KB)
24-25 School Innovation Grant Report Form (56KB)

Up to $15,000 per school building

DUE: September 27, 2024



24-25 Teacher/Staff Innovation Grant Description (48KB)
24-25 Teacher/Staff Innovation Grant Application (41KB)
24-25 Teacher/Staff Innovation Grant Report Form (60KB)

Up to $1,000 (up to two programs per building)

Due: December 2, 2024

**Contact Chantra Williams ( for support in writing teacher or school grants.


Grant information link for science teachers.


Each year the Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU) School/University Partnership Office (SUPO) is pleased to welcome students from the charter schools it authorizes to SVSU's main campus. SVSU SUPO tours usually last longer than typical campus tours because they take a deep exploration into what is happening at the university. We strongly believe that students that step foot on campus can better envision themselves attending college.

Space is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Maximum of 100 students per visit.

Register for your visit at:



Legal News in Student Services

Thrun Law: Enrollment Refresher: Required Documents, Residency, and Schools of Choice

Special Education Records

The IDEA requires a student’s new school to take reasonable steps to promptly obtain the student’s records and a student’s former school to promptly respond to a request for such records. Parental consent is not required to disclose such records to a school in which the student is seeking enrollment. Special education records include IEPs, evaluations, documentation from outside providers, and supporting documents.

Best Practice Corner

24-25 SUPO Special Education Focus

This school year, SUPO will assist our districts in developing supportive guidance documents to effectively implement special education services and programs. Each month, we will focus on specific components of these guidance documents recommended for inclusion in a district's IDEA offers of FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education).

Previously Shared: MDE Guidance for Special Education Staffing

IDEA and MARSE require districts to provide all necessary programs and services for students to achieve meaningful educational benefits as determined by their IEP. This includes ensuring adequate staffing for required positions. While MDE provided documentation on this in June 2023, it remains relevant today as we continue to face challenges with staffing in our schools.

If your district needs to fill a position to provide FAPE, please notify our office. We are here to assist in ensuring that the IEP needs of the student are being met.


Implemented in the fall of 2004, the Public School Academy (PSA) Scholarship Program was created by the School/University Partnership Office (SUPO) at Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU) to make college accessible and affordable for all students who graduate from their authorized PSAs. The PSA Scholarship Offers high school seniors who graduate from an SVSU Authorized PSA that are admissible to SVSU, a 4-year $8,000 renewable scholarship.

In an effort to increase University graduation and retention rates, SUPO developed the Public School Academy Transition Program. Founded in the fall of 2011, the PSA Transition Program works in partnership with SVSU's enrollment management and student service offices to:

  • recruit students from SVSU's Public School Academies,
  • provide financial support through the PSA Scholarship, and
  • provide the academic support needed to retain and graduate students.

Students who receive a PSA scholarship enter the Transition Program and are placed into an intense college readiness program that provides support in and outside of the classroom. Some of the supports include volunteer experiences, leadership experiences, employment, professional development opportunities, social-emotional support, study abroad experiences and academic advising.



Teaching is more than just delivering lessons—it's about nurturing and supporting the emotional well-being of our students. Educators are often on the front lines, helping students recognize, validate, and manage their emotions. However, the daily demands of the classroom, from last-minute parent meetings to managing disruptive behavior, can leave teachers feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. These common stressors can sometimes trigger unexpected reactions. The good news? There are effective strategies you can implement to navigate these challenges with confidence and care. Join us for this essential workshop, where you'll learn practical tools to maintain your emotional well-being while supporting your students.

School leaders can register to have this PD provided for their staff. One month’s advance registration is required. This PD can be provided virtually and/or in-person based on weather and location.

Register Here


DATE: September 23, 2024
: 11:00 AM – Noon 

Join Zoom Meeting at

Meeting ID: 859 9598 4688


World Narcolepsy Day (September 22) is a day dedicated to raising awareness of narcolepsy on a global scale. Co-led by patient advocacy organizations across six continents, World Narcolepsy Day inspires action, increases public knowledge, and elevates the voices of people living with narcolepsy worldwide. Get involved and use the hashtag #WorldNarcolepsyDay.

TOPIC: Narcolepsy Day Virtual Presentation via Zoom
DATE: September 20, 2024
TIME: 9:00 – 10:00 am Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Register for a Narcolepsy Presentation to be delivered to your class by a person with Narcolepsy (click the link) – You will receive the Zoom link to view and passcode on the registration form.

  • Staff and students will be able to ask questions
  • Engage in discussions
  • Learn more about the importance of sleep

*Presentations may also be requested for different times and dates by emailing


School/University Partnership Office
Office Location: Gilbertson Hall
Phone: (989) 964-4623