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Poster Presentations

Friday, April 23, 2021

3277 | Tyler Saez, Holly Bill, Tom Dillon, Quentin Jezewski
Faculty Mentor's Name: Ranjana Dutta
Department: Psychology
College: Arts and Behavorial Sciences
Supporting Program (e.g., Honors Program, UGRP, etc): UGRP
Get it over with! Insufficient Effort on a Procrastination Survey in the U.S. and China

Procrastination research relies on undergraduates' self-reports from online surveys. Recent research with insufficient effort responders (IERs) shows that even a small percentage of inattentiveness may have harmful effects on means, structural, and psychometric results of studies. Given shared traits between procrastinators and IERs (e.g., distractibility), it is imperative to study how these two concepts relate.

In this study, we examine (a) the prevalence of IERs in an online survey of procrastination, (b) the differences in means and alpha reliability of a scale of procrastination, (c) whether IERs see themselves as procrastinators, and (d) US and China differences.

Undergraduates from the Midwestern US (n = 810) and Guangdong region of China (n = 570) responded to a survey that included the Irrational Procrastination Scale (IPS;’ Steele, 2010). The survey also included three directed-response items and a self-reported diligence measure (0 = minimal effort; 3 = very diligently) in addition to average time per question and instances of straight lining provided by SurveyGizmo.

164 participants were identified as IERs (US = 86, 10.6%; China = 78, 13.5%). The IER group straight lined significantly more in both countries. The means on IPS were similar, but alpha reliabilities were significantly lower for the IER group in both countries. The IERs also had a lower GPA (significant in U.S.) but identified less as procrastinators (significant in U.S.) suggesting strategic carelessness from self-identified non-procrastinators.


Steel, P. (2010). Arousal, avoidant and decisional procrastinators: Do they exist? Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 926–934. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2010.02.025

 Tyler Saez, Holly Bill, Tom Dillon, Quentin Jezewski Report


3284 | Sydney Gainforth

Faculty Mentor:Julie Commerford

College:Arts and Behavorial Sciences
Supporting Program (e.g., Honors Program, UGRP, etc):UGRP

Analyzing the Impacts of Humans and Climate on Temperate Forest Plants (3,873KB)  

Audio Reflection


Analyzing the Impacts of Humans and Climate on Temperate Forest Plants 

Pollen can be used in many ways, such as solving crimes or recreating past landscapes. Through analyzing 46 pollen samples that were extracted from Avery Lake, Illinois, we can see what life was like at different times at this location. This site is situated near Kincaid Mounds, which is the location of the historic Mississippian people. Time periods that were examined include the Little Ice Age (LIA), that took place from about 1300AD- 1800AD, and the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA), that took place from about 950AD-1250AD. By performing an analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the pollen counts for Hickory (Carya spp.) trees, I revealed that their presence at Avery Lake is driven by human activity, but unchanged during the LIA and MCA. Additionally, at the other end of the spectrum, the presence of Pine (Pinus spp.) trees at the site was directly driven by the climate and unimpacted by humans. Overall, arboreal pollen increases when humans are absent and non-arboreal pollen increases when humans are present.


Analyzing the Impacts of Humans and Climate on Temperate Forest Plants Poster


3295 | Kelsey Lewis
Faculty Mentors: Dr. Dennis Gray, Dr. Jay Scott, Dr. Cal Borden
Department: Biology
College: Science, Engineering, & Technology
Supporting Program (e.g., Honors Program, UGRP, etc): Student-Led UGRP
Does Methylbutenol Confer Thermal Tolerance to Emitting Plants?
Photosynthesis is the most important means by which plants contribute to our world. Though important, photosynthesis is a delicate process that can experience damage from environmental stresses including light and temperature. Excessive light can result in damage by causing the production of reactive oxygen species. Extreme temperatures, on the other hand, affect the functionality of photosynthesis by altering the fluidity of a plant’s membranes. For most plants, adaptation of the membranes’ fluidity is easily accomplished. However, pines native to mountainous regions in the western U.S. experience rapid, extreme temperature fluctuations that membranes are unable to appropriately adjust to. There is growing evidence that volatile organic compounds, such as isoprene and methylbutenol (MBO), may provide thermal protection to emitting species. For this project, I will explore the purpose of MBO emission by measuring the response of plants to heat stress in both the presence and absence of MBO. The results of this project will aid me in determining if MBO provides thermal tolerance to emitting species, thereby significantly increasing our understanding of why some plants emit this costly compound.
A poster for Kelsey Lewis and their project

3318 | Anil Sah

Faculty Mentor's Name: Dr. Rajani Muraleedharan
Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
College: Science, Engineering, & Technology
Supporting Program (e.g., Honors Program, UGRP, etc): UGRP
Agricultural Monitoring using an Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV)

Ensuring the health, production, and management of crops has been one of the challenging issues due to ongoing climate change and the continuous rise in the population. In an article by the national geographic magazine, it has been estimated that by 2050, the world’s population will reach approximately 9 billion, which will lead to an increase of food demand by 70% and less arable land will be available for agricultural practices. The proposed prototype could help in crop management using an agricultural unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The UAV can also help to map the land, sense the sounding environment, adjust harvesting time, and ensure optimal growth of crops. It can also allow for farm predator analysis to determine how the crop is being attacked by larger animals. Sensors like location-based sensors (GPS, ultrasonic), barometric, temperature, humidity sensors, and optical sensors (RGB, NIR) would be used to fulfill these tasks. The cost-efficient agricultural UAV will make farmers save labor costs and increase productivity.


The poster for Anil Sah

3321 | Kaitlyn Pierce

Faculty Mentor's Name: Dr. Coote
Department: Chemistry
College: Science, Engineering, & Technology
Antifungal Assessment of a Novel Ruthenium Hydroxamate

Invasive, pathogenic fungi pose a significant health challenge, especially among those with weakened immunity. As fungal resistance develops to conventional therapies, new compounds are being sought to act as fungicides. Hydroxamates coordinated to ruthenium have been investigated as antimicrobial and anticancer agents. A novel ruthenium-based hydroxamate produced by the Warhausen group of SVSU was evaluated against S. cerevisiae. The ligated complex showed no inhibition of growth whereas the free hydroxamate inhibited growth.


Antifungal Assessment of a Novel Ruthenium Hydroxamate

3322 | Dani Toth

Faculty Mentor's Name: Julie Lynch
Arts and Behavorial Sciences
"Let's Just Call This Done": Examining College Students' Writing Revisions

Writing generally involves three interleaved processes: planning, text generation, and revision (Hayes & Flower, 1987). Many college-level writers find revision particularly challenging, although it is essential to high quality writing (Butterfield, et al., 1996). The purpose of this project is to examine the development of college students’ revision processes in depth.

The participants were 29 students at a regional, comprehensive university. Sixteen were beginning writers (having no more than one college-level writing class), and thirteen were advanced writers (either seniors or employed as writing tutors). Each completed three sessions in which they planned a persuasive essay on a given topic, wrote the essay, and revised the essay. They were instructed to do all of their writing on a computer and think aloud while they were writing. The students’ verbalizations and actions on the screen were recorded. These think aloud protocols were transcribed verbatim. Before writing, the participants filled out a survey regarding their attitudes about writing and their general writing practices. After writing, the participants answered several questions about the processes they used to write within this study.

Our preliminary results indicate that college writers tend to make more revisions involving mechanics (i.e., grammar, punctuation, wording changes) than revisions involving meaning. These results were expected given past research (Adams, et al., 2010), and this trend was stronger for beginning writers than advanced writers.

We are now conducting analyses to “dig deeper” into when and how students revise their writing. Two raters have coded the participants’ think aloud protocols using categories such as reading the draft, verbalizations about content, and verbalizations about strategies. Advanced writers made more revisions overall and more comments while thinking aloud about these revisions. Particularly, advanced writers made more comments about specific revision strategies than beginning writers did. With few exceptions, the revisions students made and the way they thought aloud about these revisions were not correlated with their survey and interview answers. Thus, there is a discrepancy between their perceived writing practices and the actual revisions they made. We are currently conducting analyses to find out which revision practices predict the quality of the participants’ essays.

This multi-method approach will provide insight into the development of students’ cognitive processes while revising and, therefore, a better understanding of how best to support students in this challenging task.

Let's Just Call This Done Examining College Students' Writing Revisions

3324 | Stephen McGraw

Faculty Mentor's Name: Lincoln, MA, DPT, CSCS; Rowley, T, PhD; Berry, D, PhD, AT, ATC
Department: Kinesiology
College: Health and Human Services
Supporting Program (e.g., Honors Program, UGRP, etc): UGRP
Reliability of the Landmine One-repetition Maximum and Comparison Between Free-weight One-repetition Maximum: A Cross-sectional Repeated Measures Study Design Protocol

Background: Testing an individual’s one-repetition maximum (1RM) allows exercise professionals to determine maximal strength for a given muscle group(s). The current literature includes many studies that test 1RM via free-weight or machine-based movements. However, there is a paucity of literature examining 1RM via landmine exercises, including the landmine row (LR). Someone performing the LR pulls the free end of the barbell toward their torso, with the opposite end on the ground. Because the LR follows a curvilinear path, the user encounters a variable resistance pattern throughout the movement. Consequently, the actual load the user encounters must be determined using a load quantification procedure that allows for direct comparison between LR 1RM and free-weight row 1RM. Objective: To determine whether the LR 1RM assessment meets criteria for a reliable strength test. Methods: Thirty individuals will be recruited to participate in three testing sessions: (1) LR familiarization and free-weight row 1RM and (2) 1RM LR testing sessions. During LR 1RM testing, the angle of the barbell will be measured at the top and bottom positions via a phone goniometry application. Data will be analyzed via intraclass correlation coefficients (2,1), coefficient of variation, paired t-test with effect size, and standard error of measurement. Discussion: The results of this study will inform a recommendation on whether 1RM assessments are reliable for LR exercises. If 1RM assessments are determined to be reliable for the LR, practitioners can prescribe exercise using a percentage of 1RM. Furthermore, future researchers can investigate other landmine exercises for 1RM reliability.

3329 | Chad Pocock, Hunter Grunwell, Dani Toth

Faculty Mentor's Name: Julie Lynch
Department: Psychology
College: Arts and Behavorial Sciences
Distractions, Self-Regulation, and Writing Processes

Throughout the writing process, distractions can direct the attention of the writer away from the main task and use up the writer’s working memory resources. Although several studies have been conducted to test the effect distractions have on the writing process, the effect is not straightforward. For instance, sometimes distractions simply slow down writing but do not affect the quality of writing (Ransdell et al., 2002). The purpose of this project is to address a gap in literature regarding the impact of distractions on the writing process as well as determine how working memory and self-regulation techniques factor into the quality of writing when distractions are present.

To date, 35 participants have been recruited from a regional, public university. They participated via a video-conference platform and their on-screen writing was recorded. The participants were instructed to complete a short essay requiring only general knowledge. They wrote under one of three conditions: baseline (no planned interruptions), controlled (planned interruptions that can be attended to when the participant chooses), and uncontrolled (planned interruptions that will require an immediate response). The planned interruptions were a series of questions which provided insight on how many other distractions the participants had while writing and the nature of these distractions.

The participants completed a survey about self-regulation and a working memory measure, both of which were used to determine how these attributes, combined with the presence of distractions, influence writing. The amount and type of distractions encountered during writing provided by the surveys were also factored into analyses.

We anticipate that the uncontrolled condition, in which distractions are delivered and attended to immediately, would impair the fluency and quality of writing the most. In further data analyses, we will explore the impact of working memory and self-regulation through regression analyses. We hypothesize that both variables will predict students’ ability to successfully deal with distractions.

A infographic on Distractions, Self-Regulation and Writing Processes

3332 | Paige Prime, Olivia Getzinger
Faculty Mentor's Name: Dr. Coote
Department: Chemistry
College: Science, Engineering, & Technology
Supporting Program (e.g., Honors Program, UGRP, etc): UGRP
Biophysical interactions of a novel, multi-substituted beta-lactone antimicrobial

Antibiotic resistance poses a continuing threat to global health as pathogenic bacteria adopt defenses against conventional b-lactam based therapies, often by the expression of b-lactamase enzymes. Large molecule drugs such as obafluorin, oxazolomycin, and curromycin feature the β-lactone functional group and have been successfully employed as antibiotics but are challenging to synthesize or isolate from natural sources.

Synthesized easily from a ketene heterodimer, a novel, small molecule b-lactone, (3S,4Z)-4-[1-(4-chlorophenyl)ethylidene]-3-methyloxetan-2-one) shows antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive M. luteus, Gram-negative E. coli K-12, as well as the fungi S. cerevisiae and C. albicans in disk diffusion assays. Binding affinity of the compound to calf thymus DNA and bovine serum albumin were investigated to characterize interactions with biomolecules.

The broad-spectrum, intermediate intensity of action of the easily synthesized small molecule support further investigation toward identifying a mechanism of action and consideration of incorporating the b-lactone moiety into future antimicrobial agents.


Biophysical interactions of a novel, multi-substituted beta-lactone antimicrobial