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For K-12 Teachers




Family Night Activity Checkout

Are you planning a STEM Family Night at your school this semester? We have STEM activity kits available for checkout on a first come, first served basis. Cost is just $5 per kit and includes all of the materials needed for your students and their families. Complete the STEM Family Night Activity Checkout Form at least 3 weeks prior to your event.

STEM Stars

STEM@SVSU and MiSTEM, East Central Michigan Region annually partner to recognize STEM Stars from the Great Lakes Bay Region (Arenac, Bay, Clare, Gladwin, Gratiot, Isabella, Midland, Saginaw counties). A STEM Star may be a K-12 classroom teacher, Robotics Coach, STEM Coordinator, or someone else in your district/ISD who makes incredible contributions to STEM education. A district may nominate more than one individual; however, priority will be given to nominees who have not been previous recipients of the award. All nominations will be reviewed by a committee and those selected will receive a $250 award to enhance STEM education in their classroom or program.


STEM Teacher Dinner

Each year, STEM@SVSU invites local K-12 educators to enjoy dinner, learn about upcoming STEM programs and events, and listen to an engaging keynote speaker. We also recognize STEM Stars during this event and give away teacher appreciation prizes donated by local businesses and organizations.

Past keynote speakers have included:

Dr. Jill Waliczek, Interim Co-Director of Gerstacker Fellowship Program

Dr. Deborah Huntley, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Mr. Dante Davis, Saginaw S.T.E.M. Founder

Ms. Melanie Kalmar, Corporate Vice President, Chief Information Officer, and Chief Digital Officer, Dow

Mr. Jay Gross, Educator and Speaker, Best Keynote

Mr. Matthew Felan, President and CEO, Great Lakes Bay Regional Alliance

Mr. Terry Woychowski, Vice President of North American Test Operations, Link Engineering

Dr. Greg Johnson, Science Consultant, Wayne Mathematics and Science Center

Teaching Resources

As a teacher, you are passionate about STEM concepts and want your students to experience these subjects and know that they are awesome!  STEM@SVSU helps with this by providing links to content-specific resources and to funding sources for K-12 teachers. Check out all these STEMazing resources here!

Dow Corning Foundation Fellows

The Dow Corning Foundation-SVSU-Community STEM Partnership program had a widespread impact to create positive perceptions, attitudes and knowledge of STEM. Participating teachers attended a summer workshop and developed an inquiry-based project for their school, with support from SVSU Faculty and Regional STEM professionals.

Funding for this program has ended. We will update this site if/when future funding becomes available.

Dow Science & Sustainability Education Center

The Dow Science and Sustainability Education Center featured a unique summer internship research program that promoted collaboration between high school students, teachers, SVSU students and SVSU faculty mentors. It also aims to engage the broader community with its mobile science lab, through which citizens will have opportunities to participate in scientific studies of the Saginaw Bay Watershed as well as green chemistry, biodiversity and alternate energy. 

Funding for this program has ended. We will update this site if/when future funding becomes available.

Great Lakes Bay Regional Mathematics Specialists

The GLBR Mathematics Specialist project was designed to increase student achievement by creating a cadre of Mathematics Specialists throughout the region. Mathematics Specialists are teacher leaders with strong preparation and background in mathematics content, instructional strategies, and school leadership.

Funding for this program has ended. We will update this site if/when future funding becomes available.

Contact Us


Gilbertson Hall – North Wing 142

(989) 964-4058

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