The SVSU Psychology program offers a diversity of educational experiences coupled with opportunities for hands-on learning of research and professional skills often not found in other programs. The faculty share a strong foundation in basic research, with specialization in areas that represent important features of modern psychology. The SVSU faculty attempt to provide variety in educational format with courses that range from lecture and demonstrations, to small group work, community activities, interdisciplinary seminars, and laboratory instruction.
The SVSU psychology program provides students with modern laboratory facilities that can provide valuable hands-on experience in the latest techniques and methods of research. In addition, several courses provide opportunities to acquire practical skills and experience in psychological assessment, interviewing, and field work. Students not only read about ideas or classic investigations, but learn to try these ideas out and implement their own study in various areas such as Learning, Personality, Memory and Cognition, Social Psychology, Sensory and Perceptual processes, and Motivation. The laboratory facilities at SVSU offer state-of-the-art equipment, that can provide the student with experience in computer models, data analyses, videotaping, group and child observation techniques, neurological assessment, animal and human conditioning, and interviewing skills to name a few of the areas explored.
In addition, the SVSU psychology program offers the student two student psychology organizations. The Psychology Club attempt to involve and inform the SVSU community about psychology while providing opportunities for fun and fellowship by sponsoring such activities as field trips, bake and book sales, faculty/student discussions, study groups, and community volunteer work. The SVSU psychology program also has a chapter of Psi Chi, the national honor society in psychology. Membership is by invitation to Junior and Senior students who have demonstrated a high level of academic performance. Students in Psi Chi meet with other psychology students across the nation at professional conferences, conduct research seminars and discussions, sponsor field trips, parties, and explore career opportunities in psychology.
So, whether you are learning behavior modification techniques, discussing ethical problems in human and animal research, examining criminal motivation and personalities, learning about clinical interviewing, studying social persuasion tactics, or participating in psychology social gatherings, you will find the SVSU program and faculty to stress:
Psychology at SVSU is distinctive because of the way we think learning should be distinctive!
(989) 964-4351(989) 964-4351
Department Chair
Julie Lynch
Brown 157