The SVSU Political Science curriculum covers four traditional areas of political study: Political theory, American political institutions, public policy, and international politics. Issues of equality and justice are emphasized in the SVSU Political Science program, along with the understanding that the complexities of politics make governing anything but a simplistic process. Nearly all upper-division courses include practice in writing various kinds of documents, including argumentative essays, research papers, legal briefs, policy analyses and position papers. In addition to writing development, students learn research methods for understanding the political analysis process. Along with core courses on the American political system and world politics, students study electives in theory and culture, American political institutions, public policy, and international politics.
Interested in political and social issues and policies? Passionate about joining the discussion and making a difference? In the Political Science program at SVSU students gain an understanding of the processes and institutions through which people create a common life. In addition to producing a nationally ranked Moot Court Team and student-edited journals, the SVSU Political Science curriculum emphasizes the study of ideas, interests and expectations that people bring to making decisions about public matters. Students develop strong and effective writing skills while engaging in public theory, public policy and international relations as part of an immersive and robust experience. SVSU Political Science graduates work in law, politics, government, journalism, and education, for public and private organizations, and continue on to law school. The Political Science program doesn't just educate, it cultivates a student's critical thinking, writing and reading skills.
Cardinal Points
Student-edited journals showcase student thought and award-winning writers.
Through a 3-credit internship course, political science students gain practical experience in many facets of the political process and political engagement, either locally in Lansing or in Washington, DC. Support for travel to Lansing internships is available during the academic year, and students can take advantage of an extensive network of alumni working in the state capitol.
The SVSU Moot Court Team is nationally ranked 19th in the nation out of over 100 teams. At least one team from the Moot Court program has qualified for the national competition in every year of the program’s existence.
Highlighted Courses
Year 1
- PS 112 Politics and Writing
- PS 118 Introduction to Political Science
- PS 123 American Political System (FA)
- PS 130 World Politics
- PS 205 Comparative Government (SP/SU online)
- PS 262 State and Local Government (SP/SU online)
Year 2
- PS 225 Statistics
- PS 328 Moot Court (FA)
Year 3
- PS 363 Model United Nations (FA)
Year 4
- PS 485 Senior Seminar (WI)
Key Electives
- Faculty can advise
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Our Students After Graduation...
Warner Norcross & Judd LLP
State Department of Education
NBC Universal
Beaumont Medical Center, Southeast Michigan
United Way
U.S. Department of Labor
U.S. Secret Service
Town of Holly Springs
Graduate Programs
Baylor University
Georgetown University (Law)
Marquette University(Law)
Michigan State University
Santa Clara University School of Law
University of Michigan (Law)
University of Nebraska
University of Oregon (Law)
Wayne State University
William and Mary Law School
Career Opportunities
Bay City Commissioner, 5th Ward
Bay City Commission President, 3rd Ward
Deputy Policy Director, Michigan Environmental Council
President, Bay Area Chamber of Commerce
Bay Regional Coordinator, for the office of US Senator Gary Peters
District Chief of Staff, for the office of US Representative John Moolenaar
- 5% projected growth for the employment of political scientists through 2028. (U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics)
- $117,570 is the median yearly pay for the employment of a political scientist in the U.S. (U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics)
- With a bachelor’s degree from SVSU’s Political Science program, career doors are open to a multitude of fields including within the local, state and federal government. Fields range from law and politics to international affairs, business, non-profit, media, education and so many more.
Cardinal Successes
The stories below offer insight into how our students have turned their SVSU education into successful opportunities yielding real-world success.

Samantha Jackson Small Town to Big Lawfirm

Gabe Klotz Collegiate Courtroom Competition Winner