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Student Section

First-Year Student Orientation (SOAR)

Student Orientation, Advising and Registration

First-Year Student Orientation consists of three mandatory steps: SOAR, Fresh Start, and a First Year Advising Appointment. Click below to learn more about each step!

"Welcome to SVSU!" Canvas Course

SOAR starts with your "Welcome to SVSU!" Canvas Courses. Use this course to get familiar with the SVSU resources you get as an SVSU student. There are no tests or quizzes, and this course isn't required, but it can be a great help as you gear up to come to SOAR! 


What happens at SOAR?

All SOAR sessions are in-person and on-campus. We can't wait to see you!

Not only will you register for your first full year of courses at SOAR, but you'll also get introduced to recourses geared for your success as a Cardinal, meet fellow incoming students, and establish relationships with current students and staff. 

Check-in will open at 7:45 am, where you'll confirm your incoming credit and test scores, ensure you have your SVSU login and password, and take your SVSU ID photo. SOAR begins promptly at 8:30, so make sure you arrive with enough time to complete check-in. This is a full-day event and will last until 4:30 pm. Please plan to stay the whole day as participation in the whole event is mandatory for all incoming first-year students. 

You are welcome to bring up to two parents, guardians, or other support people to campus for the day. They will not be with you throughout your student-focused sessions, but we offer a concurrent Parent & Family Orientation event specifically planned for them on each SOAR date. These sessions are specifically for them to learn the different ways to support you while you are a Cardinal. This is an optional event, but it is highly encouraged.

If you or your guests need accommodations to fully participate in either SOAR or the Parent and Family Conference, or if you have any other questions about your program, please contact us as soon as possible.

Keep scrolling for steps on how to register for SOAR!


FRESH START 2025 (MANDATORY) - FRIDAY, AUGUST 22ND (More details to come!)

We are SO excited to see you again for the second phase of your Orientation Process - Fresh Start! 

Now that you have registered for courses and completed your SOAR program, you're ready for your official academic welcome to SVSU at Fresh Start.

At Fresh Start, you'll attend a Convocation Ceremony featuring addresses from President Grant, the SVSA Student Body President, and a keynote speaker to see your academic journey officially take off! Soon after, you'll meet fellow students in your major and make new connections with your professors within your academic major. 

Remember, this is a MANDATORY event for all incoming first-year students! If you fail to attend, a registration hold will be placed on your account until you make up your absence.   

Your First-Year Advising appointment is the third and final phase of your Orientation Process at SVSU!

First-Year Advising Appointments are individual degree planning appointments to help you create a semester-by-semester plan from now until graduation. You'll meet one-on-one with a trained advisor who will provide helpful information and important reminders to assist you in preparing for your second year's course registration. These appointments will open in mid-late September every year.

Note: This appointment is required for all first-year students, and must be completed before March 1st. 

Undecided on a major? No problem! Our advisors are trained to help you make a plan, even if you don't know what major you want to pursue. They can help you narrow down your choices and give you course suggestions that will help you explore those programs! Visit our Undecided Student Resources for more information and explore our programs of study. 

Accessibility and Accommodations

If you believe you will need services to fully participate in orientation, please contact the Orientation Office by calling (989) 964-4070 or email

  • Large print
  • Interpreting services
  • Braille
  • Extended time for placement testing
  • Assistance filling out forms
  • Assistance reading forms

For more information on accessibility services offered to students throughout the academic year, please see the Accessibility Resources and Accommodations page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is orientation necessary?

At SVSU, it is important that students become familiar with the campus, academic support services, and extracurricular opportunities. During orientation, students will schedule classes with academic advising support, be introduced to campus resources, and learn about the different ways to be involved in clubs and student organizations. SOAR also allows lasting friendships to be established as they will meet current and incoming students, staff, and faculty.

Is orientation mandatory?

Yes! SVSU requires all incoming students to attend their Orientation Programs to register for their first year of courses.

  • First-year students coming to SVSU during the Fall semester must attend a SOAR program to register for their first year of courses.
  • Transfer students, Non-Traditional First Year students, and First-Year students entering their degree program in the Winter semester are required to complete Express Orientation.

When will I receive information about SOAR?

After you have applied and been accepted to SVSU, you should receive an Admissions Packet. Included will be information on the SOAR program, as well as instructions on how to reserve your SOAR date. To make a reservation, following the steps outlined on the Next Steps page.

Will I get the SOAR orientation day I want?

Orientation days are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Once the registration is received, a confirmation screen is displayed instantly, and confirmation materials with the assigned SOAR date will be mailed to the student.

Is there an orientation session for my parents?

Yes! We offer a concurrent Parent and Family Conference at SOAR. Your parents, family, and other support members will be able to get their own Orientation while you attend yours. 

Will I see my parents during SOAR?

Parents and guests will not be permitted to accompany their student(s) through the day’s activities. Lunches are scheduled separately due to capacity limitations. 

How many students attend each SOAR?

There are up to 120 students at each SOAR event.

What accommodations are made for those with special needs?

If you will need services to fully participate in orientation such as large print, interpreting services, braille, assistance filling out or reading forms, please email SVSU is committed to providing equal access to all university services, programs, and activities. See information on policies, procedures, resources, and forms available to current students.

Who can I contact for further information?

If you have any questions, please email

How to Register for SOAR

What you will need to begin:

  1. SVSU Username and Password (If you have not done so already, create your SVSU Profile)
  2. Computer or Phone to access your Application Portal  

How to sign up for Orientation:

  1. Using your SVSU Username and Password, log into mySVSU at
  2. On the left navigation bar, scroll down to find "Tools" and select "Applications" (see Figure 1)
  3. Under the Application menu, select "Application Portal" (see Figure 1)
  4. Log into your Application portal (if necessary)
  5. From within the Application Portal select "Step 5: Register for SOAR!" (see Figure 2)
  6. Select your Orientation date by clicking on the options in the calendar. (see Figure 3) 

    Please note: The first available date will be highlighted in dark gray. You will need to click on it to continue to the next step if this is the date you would like to attend. 

  7. Click "Submit Registration Form."
  8. Fill out the form to the best of your ability and submit it. You will be asked to verify your Major, Dual Enrollment status, AP/IB coursework, and SAT/ACT scores.  
    • If you are a student who has taken Dual Enrollment, AP tests, IB tests, and the SAT/ACT, please make sure you have submitted your official documents and scores BEFORE your SOAR! They are vital to the course registration process. 
  9. Congrats! You have registered for your SOAR!

Figure 1
Red arrow pointing at mySVSU navigation bar, guiding to click on the Application Menu and the Application Portal Link

Figure 2 
Steps showing incoming student to select

Figure 3
F1 Portal Screen instructions 2

2025 SOAR Dates

Registration for all 2025 SOAR dates will open on Monday, December 2nd, 2024. 

Incoming First-Year Students for the Winter 2025 semester (beginning January 2025) will follow the steps outlined in the Transfer Student Express Orientation. 

  • Thursday, May 15 (Registration is closed - this event is at capacity!)
  • Tuesday, May 20 (Registration is closed - this event is at capacity!)
  • Friday, May 23 (Registration is closed - this event is at capacity!)
  • Wednesday, May 28 (Registration is closed - this event is at capacity!)
  • Friday, May 30 (Filling fast - register today!) 
  • Thursday, June 5
  • Wednesday, June 11
  • Friday, June 13
  • Thursday, June 19
  • Wednesday, June 25 
  • Friday, June 27 
  • Friday, July 18
  • Thursday, August 7


Wickes 117
(989) 964-4070

International Programs
Wickes 230
(989) 964-4473

Academic Advisement Center
Wickes 117