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Medical Withdrawal & Tuition Refund Policy 6.2-1


Student Affairs
Authorizing Body:
President - PRES
Responsible Department:
Registrar's Office
Applies To:

Adopted Date:
Revised Date:
Print Policy


The University recognizes that cases of serious medical conditions may warrant a student’s special withdrawal and/or partial refund prorated for the instruction period not completed. This policy outlines the procedures associated with seeking a special withdraw and prorated tuition refund.   


Special prorated tuition refunds and medical withdrawals for a student’s medical condition will be considered by the Medical Withdrawal Committee. 

The medical condition must render the student unable to participate in all of the student's courses and the University must receive verified proof by a qualified health care provider that the medical condition exists, or existed, during the semester for which the refund is being sought. The University may request a second opinion.


Students seeking special consideration for a medical withdrawal must:

  1. Complete the Course Withdrawal Form (1,142KB) for all registered course(s) and submit to the Office of the Registrar.
  2. Ensure the submission of the Health Care Provider Medical Withdrawal Verification Form (267KB) .
  3. Direct a written request to the Associate Registrar or the designated Committee Chair that explains the circumstances.

A representative of the student may submit these documents on the student’s behalf.

A special prorated tuition refund and/or medical withdrawal may be awarded for a student's medical reasons if the medical condition was serious enough so that the student was unable to meet academic responsibilities for at least three weeks during a fall or winter semester or one-fifth of the length of a spring/summer session and was under the care of a qualified health care provider as documented via the Healthcare Provider Medical Withdrawal Verification Form.  The Associate Registrar or designee may verify that the qualified health care provider's document is authentic.

When the above steps have been completed and the student has been determined to qualify for withdrawal and/or refund, the Associate Registrar or designee will set the effective date and will notify the Controller or designee via the Special Refund Processing Form. The Controller or designee will compute the prorated tuition and process a refund to the student in accordance with the Tuition & Fee refund process. The decision of the Associate Registrar or designee may be appealed to the Controller, who will be the final authority.

Refunds are granted for one semester only.  Application for a medical withdrawal and/or tuition refund must be submitted no later than one semester after the date the student was incapacitated.

The student’s transcript will be adjusted to reflect the final determination of the committee or Controller.


Refund: can include a refund of payments and/or the reduction of charges made during the semester in question.

Qualified Health Care Provider: a doctor of medicine or osteopathy and the following providers so long as they are authorized to practice in the State of Michigan and are performing within the scope of their practice as defined under State law: podiatrists, dentists, clinical psychologists, optometrists, and chiropractors (limited to treatment consisting of manual manipulation of the spine to correct a subluxation as demonstrated by X-ray to exist), nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, clinical social workers and physician assistants. Christian Science practitioners may also qualify.

Related Policies & Forms:

Tuition and Fee Refund Policy 6.2-3

Health Care Provider Medical Withdrawal Verification Form (267KB)

Course Withdrawal Form (1,142KB)