Public Relations & Communications
Authorizing Body:
Vice President for Administration & Business Affairs – VP-ABA
Responsible Department:
University Communications
Applies To:
Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU) recognizes the importance and utility of social media in communicating with students, prospective enrollees, alumni, employees and others. Further, social media is a means for all employees to further the University’s mission and vision. The University requires students and employees to demonstrate commonly accepted professional standards and uphold the existing legal and university policies while using social media.
SVSU has established that a student’s university email account is an appropriate mechanism for official University correspondence (Student Email Communication Policy); social media is an auxiliary, unofficial means of information exchange.
Official Social Media Channels
Official social media channels are defined as those that represent the university and have oversight by university employees. Official social media channels are approved by University Communications and may be listed on any webpage under domain, or in any print or electronic publications. See . These include, but are not limited to, accounts for colleges, offices and departments; and include social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, etc.
Rights and Responsibilities
This policy is for employees and students who, as part of their defined job responsibilities/role, are administrators or are expected to post content (pictures, video and text) to official Saginaw Valley State University social media channels.
This policy DOES NOT pertain to social media channels of registered student organizations.
Administrators of official social media channels have the right and responsibility to:
Violations by students will be subject to discipline under the appropriate student policies and Code of Student Conduct .
Employees who use social media improperly may be subject to discipline by the appropriate supervisor who has the authority to make use of progressive discipline measures pursuant to university policy, up to and including suspension, dismissal and termination. Existing university grievance and review processes shall apply to any such action.
Criteria for obtaining and maintaining official status: