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SVSU Media Relations Guidelines 2.5-1


Public Relations & Communications
Authorizing Body:
President - PRES
Responsible Department:
University Communications
Applies To:

Contractors & Vendors, Faculty, Staff, Students
Adopted Date:
Revised Date:
Print Policy


As a public institution, Saginaw Valley State University and its programs, activities, and plans are of special interest to the public. Effective communication with the news media is an essential element of SVSU's ability to promote continued public support for the University.  The University recognizes the important role of the news media as a channel of communication with the public and will provide journalists with timely and accurate information.  This policy is intended to inform the campus community, the public, and the news media regarding access and interaction. 


University Communications serves as SVSU's primary point of contact for the news media and serves as the source of official information from the University. Faculty and staff members who wish to initiate contact with the news media, or who receive news media inquiries, should coordinate with University Communications.

When public comment on behalf of the university is requested, University Communications will work with senior leaders to identify an appropriate spokesperson(s). Only those designated by administration are authorized to speak on behalf of the university or interpret university policy.

Consistent with the exercise of academic freedom, faculty are free to discuss topics related to their areas of academic expertise. Faculty who are contacted directly by news media are asked to inform the Director of Media Relations, preferably in advance of the interview. If timing prohibits notice, faculty are asked to update the Director of Media Relations as soon as it is reasonable. Such notice can be particularly important if follow-up inquiries are made with other university personnel to ensure a coordinated, consistent university response.

Campus Emergency/Crisis Communication

Crisis communications have a lasting impact on institutional reputation and public support. In the event of an emergency or crisis, effective, timely and accurate communication is essential to ensuring campus safety and public understanding.

University Communications is responsible for the development and dissemination of all media statements and briefs in the event of a campus emergency, working with other departments, such as University Police, as circumstances dictate.

The Division of Administration and Business Affairs is responsible for use of the SVSU alert system to communicate with students, faculty and staff, and other stakeholders, via text message, e-mail, social media and phone messages. University Communications will assist with developing the content of these messages as the situation allows.

Media Access to SVSU Facilities

News media are not required to obtain permission before filming in public areas of the SVSU campus, but they are asked to contact University Communications to facilitate their visit. Access to classrooms, offices and to all residence halls is strictly prohibited without prior permission from the university. Media personnel who infringe upon, delay or conflict with normal operations may be asked to leave campus. During emergencies, SVSU may require news media to remain within a designated area for law enforcement or public safety reasons.

Procedures:  N/A

Definitions:  N/A

Related Policies & Forms:  N/A

Appendix: N/A