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Contacts with University Attorneys 5.9-1


Legal / Compliance
Authorizing Body:
Vice President for Administration & Business Affairs – VP-ABA
Responsible Department:
General Counsel
Applies To:

Faculty, Staff, Students
Adopted Date:
Revised Date:
Print Policy


To provide an overview and clarification regarding the role of The Office of the General Counsel including its main function, who its represents and its responsibilities.


The Office of the General Counsel represents Saginaw Valley State University and the Board of Control. The General Counsel does not provide personal legal advice to employees or students.

The Office of the General Counsel coordinates:

• Delivery of all legal services to the University;
• Drafts, or reviews drafts, of institutional policies, rules and practices;
• Receives and reviews contracts and is responsible for advising University officials how the law may affect current and emerging business and policy decisions at the institution;
• Coordinates all litigation that the University is involved in and oversees outside legal work assigned to outside counsel.

Contact with The Office of the General Counsel needs to be approved by the Department Chair, Dean or Supervisor. 

Related Policies & Forms: N/A

Appendix: N/A