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Smoke-Free Environment Policy 3.3-2


Health & Safety
Authorizing Body:
Vice President for Administration & Business Affairs – VP-ABA
Responsible Department:
Admin. & Business Affairs
Applies To:

Contractors & Vendors, Faculty, Staff, Students, Visitors
Adopted Date:
Revised Date:
Print Policy


Saginaw Valley State University recognizes free choice in the matter of smoking. However, it recognizes a more fundamental right of the majority population of non-smokers to breathe clean air. This policy is intended to protect and enhance the indoor and outdoor air quality and to contribute to the health and well-being of all.

Saginaw Valley State University is committed to providing a campus environment that promotes productivity and well-being and minimizes the harmful effects and discomfort which using tobacco products can produce.


This policy is established to promote public health and provide compliance with the Michigan Indoor Clean Air Act (P.A. 1986, No.84, MCLA 333.12601 et. Seq.); P.A. 368 of 1978 as amended, MCLA 333.12905; and sec. 20 of P.A. 227 or 1967, MCLA 408.820 and the University's Clean Indoor Air Policy adopted 3/13/78 with revisions made 2/9/89 and 8/11/97:

  • All University facilities, including University vehicles, are designated as smoke-free, including all smoking materials, including e-cigarettes, oral tobacco products or any product intended to mimic tobacco.
  • This smoke-free policy applies to all students, faculty, staff members and visitors.
  • Smoking is prohibited on campus except in residential parking lots and lettered parking lots.  However, in no case can smoking in residential parking lots and lettered parking lots take place within 25 feet of any building.  designated_smoking_areas (218KB)
  • Smokers are expected to keep smoking areas clean and to use appropriate receptacles to dispose of smoking materials. 


To lodge a formal complaint against a person who does not comply with this policy, persons must follow this procedure:

  1. Inform the individual that smoking is prohibited on campus except in residential parking lots and lettered parking lots.  However, in no case can smoking in residential parking lots and lettered parking lots take place within 25 feet of any building. It is the responsibility of each member of the campus community to educate others on Saginaw Valley State University's Smoke-Free Environment Policy.
  2. Should the problem persist, ask the person for his/her name and whether he/she is a student, faculty, staff member or visitor.  To adjudicate the alleged violations, contact the Coordinator of the Office of Student Conduct for students, the Director of Human Resources for employees, and University Police for visitors. 
  3. If the person refuses to identify himself/herself, contact the University Police, 989-964-4141, for assistance.
  4. Persons violating this policy will be subject to discipline as with other violations of University policies, regulations and rules. State law also provides for a civil fine of not more than $100 for a first violation and a fine of not more than $500 for a second or subsequent violation of the Michigan Indoor Clean Air Act (MCLA 333.12601 et. seq.).