Business & Financial Management
Authorizing Body:
Vice President for Administration & Business Affairs – VP-ABA
Responsible Department:
Controller's Office
Applies To:
Saginaw Valley State University offers a program which helps eligible employees purchase computer systems for personal use and ownership. The program covers a basic computer system (e.g., computer CPU, monitor, printer, keyboard, scanner and applicable software). The program includes vendor educational discounts and University-assisted financing.
Adjunct faculty, pool employees and student employees are not eligible.
The University does not maintain a computer equipment or software inventory and is not a vendor or seller of computer equipment, peripherals or software.
The purpose of this program is to assist employees in developing skills transferable to the work environment. Other colleges and universities have developed similar programs and have concluded that benefits accrue both to the individual and the institution.
Financing Procedures
Eligible employees desiring to participate in the program should proceed as follows:
Contact the Controller's Office if the employee desires to use the University financing plan.
University financing is limited and will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis.
The University may, at its option, extend financing to repeat purchasers if the needs of eligible employees who are using the purchase plan for the first time have been satisfied. Employees are limited to two computer loans outstanding with an aggregate not to exceed $4,000.00. Each loan must be repaid through bi-weekly payroll deduction over a period not to exceed two years. Additional loan payments can be made in the Cashier's Office.
Employees are not obligated to use the University financing component of the program in order to be eligible for University discounts.