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Graphics Center Right of Refusal 5.3-4


Business & Financial Management
Authorizing Body:
Vice President for Administration & Business Affairs – VP-ABA
Responsible Department:
Business Services
Applies To:

Adopted Date:
Print Policy


Saginaw Valley State University operates a graphics center to meet many of the print production needs of the University and our students.  The goal of the SVSU Graphics Center is to provide a high level of service to the campus community through the design, production, delivery, and installation of high-quality products at reasonable prices and in a timely manner.  Maintaining these resources in-house provides a valuable benefit to the University community.  It is important to the overall operation of the University that sufficient and consistent business volume is maintained to support the Graphics Center. 


The SVSU Graphics Center will have the right of first refusal for any print production jobs paid for with university funds.   The requirement to use University services for print design & production work promotes economic efficiency and cost-recovery while helping to ensure greater compliance with university branding and quality standards. 

Any print production jobs are to be routed to the SVSU Graphics Center. The work will be performed by the Graphics Center unless that is not feasible.

If the Graphics Center cannot fulfill a work request due to capacity, technical or other limitations, it will work collaboratively with Purchasing and the requesting department to manage the competitive selection process in accordance with the SVSU Purchasing Policy and assist in the purchase order issuance.


All printing related requests must be submitted on a Graphics Center Job Ticket with detailed specifications attached.  Purchase requisitions to off campus print vendors for printing related work will automatically be routed to the Graphics Center for evaluation unless the use of an offsite printer has already been reviewed and approved by the Graphics Center manager.

All work performed will be rebilled directly to the department requesting the order.

Related Policies & Forms:

Graphics Center Job Ticket
