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Alcohol Services 3.1-3


Business & Financial Management
Authorizing Body:
Vice President for Administration & Business Affairs – VP-ABA
Responsible Department:
Conference Center
Applies To:
{{ appliesTo }}
Adopted Date:
Revised Date:
Print Policy

Saginaw Valley State University is licensed by the State of Michigan for the sale and service of alcoholic beverages.  The Conference Center at SVSU and Dining Services are responsible for ensuring that all alcohol provided and served through SVSU complies with State law and SVSU’s licenses. 

Any alcohol service must be arranged through The Conference Center at SVSU and provided and served through Dining Services. 


Events involving alcohol may be scheduled in Curtiss Hall & Arbury Hall/Marshall Fredricks Sculpture Museum/Garden under SVSU’s liquor license(s).  Other locations will require a special one-day license initiated by The Conference Center and approved by the Vice President for Administration & Business Affairs and then the President and Chief of University Police.

The location or placement of the bar shall be determined by The Conference Center with approval of Dining Services. Three (3) bars are the maximum number to be operational at one time in our licensed locations.


Regular hours of operations will not continue past 11:00 pm. The Director of The Conference Center with approval of Dining Services will consider requests for extensions of events beyond this time on a case by case basis.  Under no circumstances will a bar be kept open past 12:00 midnight or served outside licensed allowable hours.


The staff responsible for the serving of alcohol has the authority to shut down the bar during any event where there are suspected violations of this policy, the regulations of the Michigan Liquor Control Commission, or any other laws concerning the servicing or distribution of alcoholic beverages.  The event itself may be allowed to continue without alcohol.


  • Authorized Servers: Dining Services employees who are TIPS certified are the only individuals authorized to serve alcoholic beverages.
  • If there is a ticket fee, donation fee, or registration fee to attend a special license is required or the event must take place in a licensed area.
  • Alcohol service in unlicensed areas: In general, Alcoholic beverages cannot be served on unlicensed campus sites. However, the state of Michigan Liquor Control Commission allocates twelve (12) special liquor licenses for use in any one (1) calendar year.

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