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Online SCECH Approved Courses

Courses that are approved by MOECS for SCECH credits

All courses listed are at least 24 SCECH credits and can be completed between 4-6 weeks


English and Other Languages

Help non-native English speaking students easily integrate into the classroom.


IEPs for English Language Learners

Our course helps to guide educators in the development and implementation of Individualized Education Plans for diverse learners. An Individualized Education Plan serves as a blueprint for learners who are eligible for special education services. An online course approved for SCECHs. 


Spanish in the Classroom

Bridge the communication gap between you, your Spanish-speaking students and parents with essential Spanish for teachers. This course starts with Spanish basics and provides survival phrases for parent-teacher conferences so you can discuss progress, deal with academic and behavior problems, and provide grades and homework. An online course approved for SCECHs. 


Speed Spanish

Converse in Spanish in just a few weeks. This course will help you learn six easy recipes to glue Spanish words together into sentences so you can engage in conversational Spanish quickly. An online course approved for SCECHs. 



SVSU's Professional Development
Curtiss Hall C201, 7400 Bay Road, University Center, MI 48710
(989) 964-4048