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September 19, 2024

SVSU sees increases in incoming freshmen and new transfers for the 2024-25 academic year

Student in red sweatshirt at library table with book

More new students are attending Saginaw Valley State University this fall, relative to recent prior years.

The number of incoming freshmen rose from 1,292 last year to 1,365 this fall, an increase of 5.6 percent. SVSU saw a nearly 9 percent increase in the number of new transfer students, as 347 students transferred into SVSU, relative to 319 the year before.

“We worked incredibly hard throughout the past year, spending extra time with new students and families, and making sure our information was accurate, and those efforts paid off,” said Ken Fettig, SVSU vice president for Enrollment Management.

“This was a very challenging enrollment cycle, given all the FAFSA problems at the federal level, which put us, and others, several months behind the typical schedule. As someone relatively new to SVSU, I was impressed by the dedication and the care I saw from colleagues across the university. They were determined to help each and every student.”

Fettig joined SVSU in October 2023.

LaDonna Jones enrolled at SVSU as an incoming freshman this fall. The elementary education major from Saginaw also chose to reside on campus in SVSU’s award-winning residence halls.

“I chose SVSU because it’s close to home, and I feel comfortable and familiar with the school,” she said.

Jones credited Marcelina Fulgencio, admission representative, and Dawn Hinton, associate vice president for Academic Affairs, as SVSU staff members who helped her navigate the college enrollment process.

Overall, there are 6,822 students enrolled at SVSU for the 2024 fall semester, compared to 6,889 last year.

SVSU’s retention rate increased, as well; 77.2 percent of the 2023 freshman class returned for their second year, returning to the rate previously reached prior to disruptions associated with COVID-19.

Fall classes at SVSU began Monday, Aug. 26.