November 20, 2014
Wow! Can you believe that the Fall Semester is nearly over? Winter is fast-approaching, and soon the holidays will be upon us. While change is inevitable, some things still remain the same in the world of technology. Here are a few notes from us in IT that you should always be aware of at SVSU.
Phishing can cost you. There is a new phishing attempt swirling around out in cyberspace where would-be hackers are sending emails in hopes of gaining financial information. SVSU has not been affected by this threat and rest-assured, there are preventative measures in place protecting us, many of which are outlined in the article. However, the threat of someone asking for your information is always out there and we wanted to take a moment to remind you to be vigilant of such efforts. If you receive email that is a phishing attempt, or you're unsure, please let the IT Support Center know. Also don't reply to the email, and don't click the links in the message body.
Of course, if you have ANY technology questions or concerns, we're here to help. Drop us a line or stop by and visit us in Curtiss 150.