March 3, 2014
What's "Social Engineering?" How does it affect me?
Criminals use manipulative techniques known as "social engineering" to deceive their victims into revealing sensitive information. Such scams play on emotions like fear and the human tendency to want to help or trust others. A common approach uses fraudulent "phishing" e-mails, as in fishing for information. The scamming e-mail is often designed to ...
March 6, 2014
Something Smells "Phishy" -- How to Spot Bogus Emails
You have probably heard about "phishing" by now. You have also probably been told to look for clues in emails that indicate that someone may be trying to get personal information from you ...
March 13, 2014
We have another round of phishing/spam attempts circulating. This time...
March 18, 2014
Microsoft Announces Windows XP End of Support
Microsoft has announced they are ending support for Windows XP on April 8th. For those that still use it, you should be aware of what this may mean for you...
October 20, 2014
Accountant studies financial impact of faulty cloud storage
Betsy Pierce-Assistant Professor of Accounting