April 1, 2014
Frustrated with trying to conjure up a password that no one could guess and that you’re not supposed to write down? You’re not alone.
This training bulletin is designed to help. In addition to offering the current “best practice” advice on passwords, some helpful tips are included.
Password Best Practices:
How could anyone remember a password that complies with all of these best practices? Here are some tips:
Think of some activity or place that you enjoy or find interesting, but avoid subjects that you discuss in social media, birthplaces, etc. For example, you might say that Brazil, South America is interesting. Start by making the password a manageable length, like BrazilSoAm. Next, employ some of these ideas, or come up with your own variations:
Some other ideas to get you thinking: The letter “B” looks a little like “(3” or “/3”. An “S” could be replaced with “$”.