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Sigma Delta Pi 2018 Induction

Modern Foreign Language Student Organizations

The department of Modern Foreign Languages supports student involvement in many organizations that are related to learning about language, culture and international travel. The following list of organizations may offer opportunities for students to meet and practice using a foreign language, attend special events related to languages, discuss cultural matters, travel on field trips, apply for scholarships related to language study and participate in other activities related to world cultures. 

9 out of 10
employers rely on bilingual employees
of employers say the foreign language demand will increase
1 in 3
foreign language dependant U.S.A. employers report a language skills gap


Maribel Colorado-Garcia, Spanish Program
Curtiss 302
(989) 964-4632

Monika Dix, Modern Foreign Languages
Curtiss 144
(989) 964-4333

Julie Foss, French Program
Curtiss 189
(989) 964-4303