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Why Study Mechanical Engineering at SVSU?

Are you looking for a comprehensive mechanical engineering program that offers more than just theory? Look no further than SVSU! Our ABET-accredited program is taught by experienced faculty who are passionate about teaching undergraduates, ensuring that you receive the individualized instruction you need to succeed. With class sizes on average of 20 students, you'll have ample opportunities for one-on-one interaction and collaboration with your professors. Plus, our curriculum is designed with a strong hands-on approach, giving you practical experience in applying engineering concepts through projects and partnerships with various industries.

Career Potential

man sitting at table shaking hands with standing student

We take pride in producing highly competitive and sought-after engineers. Our graduates consistently impress employers with their exceptional skills and rapid career advancement. In fact, many employers ask us how they can hire more of our talented students! And the numbers speak for themselves—a remarkable 97% of our graduating seniors have job offers lined up before graduation. That's an impressive achievement we're proud to boast about.

Hands-on Engineering

Female student working on machine wearing safety glasses, in machine shop

We believe that hands-on learning is key to becoming a successful engineer. Our courses are designed with modern laboratories taught by doctoral-holding faculty members. These labs provide a platform for you to gain practical experience in diverse areas such as machine design, thermofluids engineering, robotics, and additive manufacturing. With our expert faculty mentorship, you'll develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that will help you make a real impact in the field.

Senior Design Capstone Projects

an image used for Why study

We understand that engineering education should be more than just theory and lectures. That's why we offer senior design capstone projects that provide you with unique opportunities to apply your knowledge in a real-world setting. Working closely with outside companies like Duro-Last, Nexteer Automotive, Hemlock Semiconductor (HSC), and Dow, you develop new products, custom test apparatus, and improve manufacturing processes.

an image used for senior design poster

These hands-on experiences not only help you learn the necessary skills of project management, design, and communication but also provide you with a deeper understanding of engineering principles in action. By participating in these senior design projects, you gain valuable experience that sets you apart from other graduates. You learn how to manage complex projects, communicate effectively with clients and stakeholders, and solve real-world problems using your technical skills. These experiences not only enhance your engineering knowledge but also help you develop the professionalism and adaptability needed to succeed in today's fast-paced job market.

An image used senior design posters

Discover how SVSU can help you achieve your career goals in mechanical engineering. Contact us today to learn more about our program and how it can provide you with the skills and experience you need.

Contact Us
(989) 964-2737(989) 964-2737

Department Chair

Dr. Aneesha Gogineni


Pioneer 209