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Alternative Format Math 081 and Math 082‌

The Department of Mathematical Sciences together with the Math and Physics Resource Center are running these sections of Math 081 and Math 082 in an alternative format.

In Winter 2020: The alternative Math 081 sections  is section 1.  The alternative Math 082 sections are sections 5 and 7. Students should not open the book and materials for these sections until after the first day of class. Once the package has been opened, it cannot be returned to the bookstore for a refund.

Instead of a traditional lecture-based class, these sections are interactive, and emphasize mastery. This format also addresses the needs of those students who prefer a “hands-on” approach as opposed to listening to a lecture.  Experience in the past has shown that this format works best for students who are motivated with strong self-discipline and time-management skills (however this is also true for the traditional courses as well).

In a typical class period in Math 081 class, the student enters the classroom, logs on, and proceeds to work using the software.  Students read tutorials, do practice problems, submit homework, and take quizzes using the computer.  The instructor and several student tutors will be circulating and answering questions on the material as they arise.  In the Math 082 class, each class period will begin with a small lecture on the day's topics by your professor followed by an in-class assignment on the covered material. The students will work on this assignment with the help of in-class tutors and the instructor. In this class students will also submit homework, and take quizzes using the computer. In both classes there are three paper midterms and a comprehensive paper final.

There will be additional lab times available for students in these classes to work in the computer lab (Z 214) with a math tutor from the Math & Physics Resource Center. Regular attendance to class is expected and essential to success in these courses. Students should also take advantage of the additional help available in the open lab times and in the Math & Physics Resource Center.

For more information, click on the links below for sample syllabi. 




Math 081/082 Lab Schedule Winter 2020

Note: Quizzes must be started at least half an hour before a class meets or the Lab closes.

Computational Skills Tests must be started an hour before class or closing times.

Any time the library is open, if the lab is not closed for a class, the computers may be used. However, quizzes can only be taken when tutors are available in the lab or the MPRC for proctoring.



Lab is

Tutor can be found


8:30am – 10:30pm


Math 082-5 Class

10:30am - 12:30pm


Tutor in Lab for 081/082 students

12:30pm – 1:30pm


Math 081-1 Class

1:30pm – 3:00pm


Tutor in Lab for 081/082 students

3:00pm - 5:00pm


Tutor in Lab for 081/082 students

Wednesdays only

5:00pm – 8:00pm


Tutors are in MPRC


9:00am – 10:30am


Tutors are in MPRC

10:30am – 12:30pm


Tutor in Lab for 081/082 students

12:30pm – 2:30pm


Math 082-7 Class

2:30pm – 5:00pm


Tutor in Lab for 081/082 students

5:00pm – 8:00pm


Tutors are in MPRC


10:00am – 4:00pm


Tutors are in MPRC


4:00pm - 8:00pm

open Tutors are in MPRC