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Bachelor of Science in Health Science


Demand for health professionals ready to compassionately care for patients and tirelessly strive to advance policy and research has steadily increased during the 21st century and is predicted to grow over the next few decades. Saginaw Valley State University has anticipated this surge with our Bachelor of Science in Health Science degree, a multidisciplinary program introducing several career paths through the intersection of science and public health with the goal of graduating resilient, outstanding professionals equipped to adapt to the ever-changing medical field and uplift patients and populations in the process.

Our program attracts a diverse, enthusiastic community of learners and leaders. You’re a dreamer perceiving yourself as someone who revolutionizes healthcare and human services, connects and guides patients, or contributes to the latest medical innovations. You’re an advocate acknowledging that healthcare access remains unequal and passionately assisting others in receiving services. You’re an aspiring researcher who realizes that data fuels progress and new ideas. Collectively, our department is captivated by what the medical field can do from clinical and administrative angles and seeks to transform the world through that knowledge.

Considering the spectrum of outcomes, the BS in Health Science degree prepares you for a graduate program of study and eventually a more specialized career through an integrated blend of engaging classroom instruction, unique study abroad opportunities, hands-on internships, fieldwork, and on-campus experiential learning through the state-of-the-art Simulation Center, a controlled environment with the goal of strengthening interpersonal communication and improving patient safety. This format provides a broad, multi-sided perspective of health and human services on local, national, and international levels, including the US healthcare system and principles and policies of public health; opens up the chance for undergraduate students to participate in rewarding research; lets you receive guidance and mentorship from published faculty members; and helps you narrow down your career goals through a comprehensive introduction.

At the same time, this bachelor’s in health science allows those with an associate degree from a health technician or assistant program to expand their knowledge; meets prerequisite requirements for medical or dental school or a physical therapy, occupational therapy, or physician assistant program; and creates a firm foundation for pursuing graduate studies in public health, emergency management, gerontology, neuroscience, or healthcare administration.

For more information, contact Department Chair Christine Noller at

Cardinal Points

  • SVSU's faculty are widely published and have presented internationally, received numerous research grants and pride themselves on including undergraduate students in their research projects.

  • Study abroad! Students have the opportunity to learn about the health systems of different countries and apply their knowledge to disaster relief areas.

  • Internships and fieldwork opportunities are available for students to gain experience working in the health science field

  • SVSU's Bachand Hall contains a state-of-the-art Simulation Center.

As a BS in Health Science student, you’ll get a snapshot of everything over the vast spectrum of providing, influencing, and managing care—from the struggles of diverse populations in urban and rural areas to crucial communication skills for administrative roles.

You’ll start with 21 core credits covering general health and human services concepts related to ethics, research methods, medical terminology, information management, policy, cultural competence, and public health principles. To commit to an advanced path of study or career, you’ll then take a series of electives (21 credits for a standard major or 39 for an interdisciplinary major) to specialize your degree here and dedicate yourself to fulfilling any graduate prerequisite

requirements. To illustrate the breadth of your knowledge and its real-world applications, you’ll complete a capstone project during the course of the program.

In studying for your Bachelor’s in Health Science, you’ll:

  • discover the tools and methods for navigating the US health and human services system;
  • gain the competencies to advocate for improving the delivery and access of health and human services;
  • thoroughly understand the field’s ethical and professional conduct standards;
  • acquire the skills to participate in basic, applied, and translational research; and
  • devote yourself to an advanced content area in line with your education and career goals.

Learn more about the program’s format, and read all course descriptions.

Whether you select a major with a complementary minor or an interdisciplinary major, you’ll earn a minimum of 124 credits, which further include SVSU’s Basic Skills courses and General Education requirements.

Highlighted Courses

Year 1

  • PHIL 205B Professional Ethics: Health Care

Year 2

  • HS 200 Introduction to Health Science
  • HS 201 Introduction to Health Science Research
  • HS 220 Information Management in Health Care and Medical Terminology

Year 3

  • HS 250 Health Policy Regulation
  • HS 320 Chronic Illness and Long Term Care
  • HS 336 Cultural Competence for Healthcare Professions
  • HS 340 Principles of Public Health

Year 4

  • HS 496 Field Experience in Health or Human Services
  • HS 497 Research Experience in Health Sciences

Key Electives

  • HS 310 Healthy Aging
  • HS 330 Death & Dying
  • HS 350 Introduction to Neuroscience
  • HS 360 Principles of Women's Health
  • HS 410 Principles of Health Behavior Change
  • HS 420 HC Supervisory Practices
  • HS 435 Public Health Education & Communication
  • HS 450 Epidemiology

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Your Plan for a Successful College Experience

The Cardinal Plan is a unique outline created by faculty for your program at SVSU and serves as a guide for student success.

Download Your Cardinal Success Plan

Our Students After Graduation...


Covenant HealthCare
Michigan Eye Institute
MidMichigan Health
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
University of Michigan Health Systems
Karmanos Cancer Institute
Autism Centers of Michigan
Insight Global
Residential Options Inc.

Graduate Programs

Saginaw Valley State University
Western Michigan University
University of Michigan

Career Opportunities

Direct Care Worker
Youth Services Worker
Outreach Specialist
Behavioral Therapist
Registered Behavior Technician
Occupational Therapist
Nutrition Educator

How do you see yourself nurturing others while tackling existing challenges within the healthcare system? With a Bachelor’s in Health Science, you have the background to apply to medical or dental school, continue your education in a graduate or professional program elevating your knowledge of healthcare administration, policy, or biomedical science, or jump into a research-, administrative-, or policy-related career.

  • Take advantage of 32% projected growth for the employment of medical and health services managers through 2029. (US Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • $99,730 is the median yearly pay for medical and health service managers in the US (US Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • With a bachelor’s degree from SVSU’s Health Science program, graduates can work in many fields like public health and hospital administration, or continue their education to fulfill positions as doctors or physician assistants.

Cardinal Successes

The stories below offer insight into how our students have turned their SVSU education into successful opportunities yielding real-world success.

Jarrod Eaton Health Science Alum

Read more…

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