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7th Annual Great Lakes Bay Collaborative Health Care Ethics Conference

Theme: Healing a Broken Brain

March 31, 2017     8am- 12pm

The Alan W. Ott Auditorium, Gilbertson Hall - SVSU

Conference Schedule

8:00 am


8:15 - 9:15 am

Keynote Speaker: Gary Dunbar, PhD

Executive Director of the Field Neurosciences Institute, St. Mary's of Michigan
Director of the Neuroscience Program and the Brain Research and Integrative Neuroscience Center, Central Michigan University.  
Title: "New Frontiers in Healing a Broken Brain"

9:30 - 10:30 am

Speaker: James Hitt, PhD

Associate Professor, Saginaw Valley State University

Title: "Healing a Broken Brain, Healing a Broken Mind"

10:45 - 11:45 am

Panel Discussion with Great Lakes Bay Health Professionals and Speakers

Panel Members:

Margaret Abbenante, LMSW ACSW (Veterans Administration)
Social Work Executive,
Assistant Chief, Mental Health
Ethics Consultant

Wayne Hales, JD (Veterans Administration)
Ethics Consultant

Christa Persyn, MD
Physicians Administrator, Dept. of Emergency Medicine Covenant HealthCare
Assistant Clinical Professor, CMU College of Medicine

The Conference was approved by the Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative for up to 3 CMEs.  Central Michigan University College of Medicine approved up to 3 CMEs for physicians, nurses and other health professionals.

 The conference is free with with on-line registration and is open to health professionals, students, and the public.




Who Should Attend

Professionals in the health care business, including:

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