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Services Provided by the Office of the General Counsel

Requests for Services:

  • Faculty:  All requests for legal advice must be made with the approval of the appropriate Department Chair or Dean.
  • Staff:  All requests for legal advice must be made with the approval of the appropriate supervisor.


Outside Counsel - Only the Office of the General Counsel may hire or retain an attorney for any purpose.  Departments or offices that wish to hire an attorney must contact the Office of the General Counsel prior to any work being performed.  The only exception to this policy is attorneys that are retained to instruct classes and give public presentations.

Subpoenas - Subpoenas for University records or testifying regarding University business must be immediately forwarded to the Office of the General Counsel.

Record Requests - Requests for information about University employees are to be forwarded to the Office of the General Counsel for handling.

Resources for Students - Legal Services of Eastern Michigan - 1-800-322-4512


General Counsel
Wickes 364