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French (K-12, Elementary or Secondary Level)



Endorsement Code:


Available To:

Elementary-level Certified Teachers

Secondary-level certified teachers

Description of Endorsement:

The French (FA) endorsement allows elementary and secondary-level certified teachers to teach French language, grammar and culture. A K-12 French endorsement is available to secondary-level certified teachers who have completed an approved French major. The College of Education will recommend teachers for the endorsement upon successful completion of all required coursework and taking and passing the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) French subject-area test.

Associated MTTC Test:

023 French

(Students should indicate SVSU Institution Code #24 when registering for the MTTC test.)

Required Coursework:

To add this endorsement to an existing teaching certificate select the following link for a list of required courses.

Elementary-level Certified Teachers - French (6-8)

Secondary-level Certified Teachers - French (6-12)

Secondary-level Certified Teachers - French (K-12)

To avoid taking courses not needed, students are encouraged to first meet with a College of Education Certification Advisor to review undergraduate coursework and determine a plan of study.

Upon completion of all program requirements, students must submit a completed endorsement application on the MOECS website at to add this endorsement to their teaching certificate.

While the above information represents the most current advising information available, be aware that certain factors may change affecting the validity of this information, such as changes mandated by the Michigan Department of Education. For this reason, students are STRONGLY advised to consult a certification advisor frequently throughout the duration of their program.

Last Updated: March 6, 2024

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