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Lacreta Clark


LaCreta M. Clark, Ph.D.
Institute Convener
Professor, Educational Leadership & Services
Coordinator, Education Specialist Degree Program

Dr. LaCreta M. Clark is a motivational speaker, administrative coach, ordained Methodist preacher, and Professor of Educational Leadership and Services at Saginaw Valley State University. Dr. Clark achieved the highest rank of Full Professor in June 2016, being the first African American to reach Full Professor in the College of Education at Saginaw Valley State University. Beyond teaching graduate courses in both programs, Dr. Clark is a School Leader Consultant and PD Facilitator. Dr. Clark is published in the areas of; Family & Community Engagement, and Leadership Development. She is the Founding Advisor of the first SVSU ASCD Student Chapter, an international professional development organization, committed to supporting teachers and leaders in education. She serves as Co-Chair of the College of Education Diversity Taskforce, and, is the Convener of this Institute. Dr. Clark is the proud Mom of four sons; two College graduates, and two in college currently.

Human Library Project -  Structured Facilitation

Come and hear the “lived experiences” of our students and their advocates, as they share their stories with us: LGBTQ, Foster Care, Homelessness, Special Education/Special Needs, Poverty, English Language Learners, and Immigrants. Then join me for a structured debriefing that is sure to empower you and prepare you!




Gina Wilson, Ed.D.
Leadership Consultant & Adjunct Faculty, Central Michigan University

Dr. Gina Wilson completed her Bachelor of Arts degree in English Education at Saginaw Valley State University in 1998. This degree allowed her to become a secondary teacher, certified in English, psychology, and sociology. In 2001 Gina earned a master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Saginaw Valley State University and completed a doctoral degree in P-12 administration from Central Michigan University in 2017. Over the past 20 years, Gina has worked serving some of the most vulnerable learners in the Great Lakes Bay Region as a teacher and an administrator where she gained experience in grant procurement, early childhood and afterschool programming, and building and program administration. For the past seven years, Dr. Wilson has served as the principal and CAO of Windover High School, an alternative charter school in Midland. She will be joining the educational leadership faculty at Central Michigan University fall of 2019. Outside of her career, Gina is a board member for the Michigan Alternative Education Organization and the chair of the Midland Area Community Foundation’s Cultural Awareness Coalition. She and her husband Dr. Shawn Wilson reside in Midland with their children Georgia (12) and Shawn Jr. (9).

Relationships 101

Positive student-teacher relationships are transformative, and intentional relationship building creates restorative and mindful spaces for students that are trauma-sensitive. Attendees will learn the importance of intentional relationship building with students and how these relationships can be incorporated into daily routines and structures. Additionally, participants will examine their classroom relationship building practices that build a positive relationship and those behaviors that may have unintentional negative impacts. Participants will also learn what research says about positive student-teacher relationships and what outcomes it influences for students and teachers.

Who’s coming to dinner?

Let’s plan a dinner party! Who are our guests? How do we make them feel welcome? Now imagine the party was your classroom and the guests are your students? The same considerations you give guests of your dinner party, are many of the same accounts you can make for your students which will allow them to feel welcome, considered, and included in your classroom community. Participants will examine which practices can make students feel included and considered and why this sense of belonging is key to increasing a student’s availability for learning and engagement.



Roy Burton

Roy Burton
Michigan Institute for Restorative Practices Training & Certification

Roy Burton is a Michigan native, whom with the help of his wife Kim of 27 years has raised four great children. He has over 20 years of experience helping individuals resolve conflicts peacefully. He is the Founder of Michigan Restorative Practices Trainer’s and Consultants (MIRPTC.ORG), a leader in restorative practices training in Michigan. In addition, Roy is certified to mediate cases for the Michigan Special Education Mediation Program (MSEMP). Finally, Roy is most passionate to have served as a Court Appointed Special Advocate in the Wayne County Juvenile Family Court, where he advocated for the rights of abused and neglected children.

Managing Relationships Using Restorative Practices

Roy’s favorite quote:  “I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.”  Abraham Maslow

Restorative circles can help keep students in the classroom, replacing detentions and suspensions with collaborative problem-solving. In addition to resolving conflicts, circles can be used for community building, new student introductions, brainstorming and debriefing. This session will teach participants how to: ● Identify situations that can be improved through restorative circles ● Establish a restorative circles practice in their classroom, school, or district ● Facilitate a restorative circle from start to finish in seven steps ● Use guiding questions to prompt student responses ● Empower students to set the circle agenda and participate with minimum input from the facilitator Roy Burton Founder Michigan Restorative Practices Trainers and Consultants.




John Micsak
National Institute of Resiliency & Wellness

Since 1977, John has worked with thousands of at-risk youth, primarily in residential and community-based program as well as training professionals on a National level. John acts as a consultant to schools, families, mental health and legal organizations providing the latest approaches from neuro-physiological research, attachment research and traumatology. Mr. Micsak was selected "Consultant of the Year" in 2009 by the National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children and highlighted in "Psychology Today" for his resiliency out-reach programs. John is the author of "Healing the Inside Child: Groundbreaking Approaches with Stressed and Traumatized Youth." Mr. Micsak provides intensive workshop for schools and organizations and more recently received rave reviews at the National Forum for Trauma Informed schools in Los Angeles CA.

Healing the Inside Child

1. Learn the number one reason why today's student can't succeed.

2. How we have immediately reduced suspensions, detentions and incident reports.

3. The latest brain and body research every educator needs to know.

4. Learn the nine roots or domains we use to help each and every student be successful.

5. A program that will reduce stress and increase teacher and student happiness.



Ken Jolly

Kenneth Jolly, Ph.D.,
History & Black Studies Advisor
Saginaw Valley State University

Kenneth is a Professor of History and the Black Studies degree Advisor at Saginaw Valley State University.  He is the author of Black Liberation in the Midwest: The Struggle in St. Louis, Missouri, 1964-1970 and “By Our Own Strength”: William Sherrill, the UNIA and the Fight for African American Self-Determination in Detroit.  He teaches courses in African American History, the Black Power and Civil Rights Movements, the History of the African Diaspora, and U.S. History.

"Let’s talk about Race in America: Implicit Biases & Privilege."

This workshop will facilitate a dialogue on race, bias, and privilege through group activities and interaction.  Participants will develop better practice and understanding of equitable and inclusive classrooms and schools.



Scott N. Sawyer, Director of Human Resources Saginaw Intermediate School District (ISD)

Scott N. Sawyer, Director of Human Resources
Saginaw Intermediate School District (ISD)

Scott N. Sawyer serves as the Director of Human Resources for the Saginaw Intermediate School District.  In his current role, Scott serves over 700 diverse staff members of the Saginaw ISD, as well as providing HR and legal services to the 12 local school districts in Saginaw County.  He graduated Alma College in 2003 and Western Michigan University Cooley Law School in 2015.  While in law school, Scott was a published member of the Cooley Law Review.  He is a fellow of the Saginaw Valley State University Gerstacker Program, and a member of the State Bar of Michigan, the Saginaw County Bar Association, and the Federal Bar for the Eastern District of Michigan.  He is an active community member serving on the Saginaw Light Up the City Planning Committee and is an active member of the American Civil Liberties Union.  He is passionate about social equity and eliminating systemic oppression.  Scott is also a partner attorney for his law firm, Dickinson Sawyer PLC, where he focuses on Estate Planning, Elder Law, Small Business, and Landlord-Tenant.  On weekends, you can find Scott playing guitar alongside his vocalist wife, Christine Sawyer, in one of their 4 area bands at a local bar or charity event across the state of Michigan.

Public Employee Social Media & Free Speech: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW!

This entertaining and humorous presentation will help public school employees understand the intersection between freedom of speech, social media, and their public employment.  Additionally, staff will learn how to safely navigate use of social media in the classroom, which can serve as a powerful instructional tool, while avoiding the blunders or being "Facebook Fired."  The presentation is filled with amusing examples of “what not to do.”



 Roberto Garcia, Ed.D., Director of Office of Multicultural Affairs Saginaw Valley State University

Roberto Garcia, Ed.D.,
Director of Office of Multicultural Affairs
Saginaw Valley State University

Dr. Roberto Garcia is native of Saginaw, Michigan.  Roberto graduated with his Doctorate in Education from Central Michigan University.  Previously, he has worked in a variety of capacities in K-12 schools and as high school teacher. Currently he is the Director for the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs at Saginaw Valley State University.  Roberto received the Mary H. Anderson Adjunct Faculty Award for his part-time teaching role in the English department. He aims to inspire his students to think differently about modern culture. To do that, Dr. Garcia's developed a course, titled "Rethinking the Dominant Culture: Jay-Z and Modern America," which teaches students about the history of hip-hop and rap in order to examine the genre's impact on modern society and culture.  Roberto believes that education is the great equalizer and his philosophy is guided by the great words off Tupac Shakur which state: “I Might Not Change the World but I Will Spark the Mind That Does”

Hip-Hop As A Legitimate Pedagogy

Hip hop has become mainstreamed in American society and has provided educators with a viable option to support learning in the classroom.  Explore how hip hop can be used to teach students content relevant to them and enhance their understandings of the world around them.  This session will allow educators to rethink how they engage students while utilizing hip hop pedagogy.



Scott Miklovic, M.Ed. Director of Technology & Innovation, Laker School District

Scott Miklovic, M.Ed.
Director of Technology & Innovation
Laker School District

Scott Miklovic earned his B.S. in Information Technology - Network Security and, his Master of Education in Principalship from Saginaw Valley State University. He has worked as the Director of Technology and Innovation for the last seven years at Elkton Pigeon Bayport Laker school district. Scott’s passions in education focus on student empowerment and engagement through problem-based learning; having students think about their thinking and adding movement to classroom learning.

Problem Based Learning: ENGAGING ALL STUDENTS!

Jump past student engagement to full-on student EMPOWERMENT! In this workshop, Scott will share how Laker schools transformed a low attended parent-teacher conference into a night their students and parents will never forget. Using problem-based learning, students showcased their skills and passions for the community. This workshop includes an inspiring problem-based learning experience so please bring your tablet or laptop to get started!



Mr. William McDonald, Educator, Leona Group


William McDonald
Leona Group

William Eugene McDonald was born in Chicago, Illinois. He is the youngest and only boy of 3 children. Due to the amount of gang activity surrounding him, William’s mother decided to send him to Saginaw to live with his aunt and uncle at age 13. He graduated from Saginaw High School in 2004.

William knew at an early age that he wanted to teach, he always wanted to be just like his 5th grade teacher, Mr. Brown. In 2015, William graduated from Saginaw Valley State University and became the first in his immediate family to graduate college. Currently, William teaches 5th grade at Francis Reh Academy. Last year, his students had the highest state testing scores in the school, which was an excellent accomplishment for him. William also coaches football and basketball at Francis Reh.

Aside from teaching, William is very active in the City of Saginaw. He plays drums for several churches, various concerts and different events around the city! William serves as an advisor for the Young Champions Association and he is also a member of Power of Dad. When he is not teaching or playing drums, William loves to workout, play basketball and spend time with his wife, Cortnie and sons Matthew and Jamil.

Creating A Sense of Belonging Through Engagement

Every educator wants every student that walks into their room to be a part of a dynamic learning environment that engages them fully!!! Join me as we peek into my playbook of engagement strategies that are sure to catch the attention of ALL your students!!!


 Alison Cicinelli

Alison Cicinelli, Ed.D.,
Secondary Curriculum & Instructional Specialist
Midland Public Schools

Dr. Alison Cicinelli is currently the Secondary Curriculum and Instructional Specialist at Midland Public Schools. Previously, she spent two years at Saginaw ISD supporting schools in Saginaw County and 14 years at Carrollton Public Schools. Dr. Cicinelli has a Bachelors’ Degree from Western Michigan University, a Masters’ Degree from Saginaw Valley State University, and a Doctoral Degree from Central Michigan University. 

MDE New Continuous School Improvement

The Michigan Department of Education is revamping Michigan's continuous school improvement process with a focus more on the whole child. This session will help frame your thinking to view the continuous improvement process through the lens of the whole child. 



Mr. Douglas Newcombe,  Adjunct Professor Saginaw Valley State University SUPO Staff Member


Douglas Newcombe
Adjunct Professor
Saginaw Valley State University
SUPO Staff Member

Douglas L. Newcombe has spent the past 37 years working in both the private and public sectors. He spent 26 of those years in the Bay City Public Schools as the finance director and assistant director from 1989 to 2009 and as Superintendent from 2009 until 2015.Currently, Mr. Newcombe serves on Board of Education at the Bay Arenac Intermediate School District and is self-employed as a public education consultant for school districts, colleges and universities, and school organizations. Mr. Newcombe obtained both his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (1982) and a Master of Business Administration Degree (1987) from Saginaw Valley State University. Mr. Newcombe holds certifications in Michigan as Central Office Administrator and as a Certified Public Accountant. He has been an instructor in the graduate program at Saginaw Valley State University since 1999 and has presented at various local and state professional development events. He also been a guest on local radio and television and participated in various education panels. In 2018, Mr. Newcombe joined the staff of the SVSU School/University Partnership Office.

Finance & Budgeting for the School Leader

In the session, “Finance and Budgeting for the School Leader,” we will discuss school funding for K-12 education in Michigan and related budgeting issues for school leaders. In addition, we will discuss other important information for school administrators and staff.