Diversity is a social concept relating to the "differences" among people – such as their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, religious beliefs, political beliefs, marital status, physical abilities, etc. At SVSU, we promote the understanding of diversity and inclusion through awareness events, programs and initiatives, showing evidence of progress, and offering a safe environment to explore our differences.
The Office of Diversity Programs takes immense pride in providing students, faculty, staff, and the community at large with quality experiences through workshops, guest speakers, cultural celebrations and other resources to broaden their knowledge of diversity. As a regional, state-supported institution of higher education, Saginaw Valley State University is committed to providing intellectual and cultural opportunities that enrich the lives of our students, faculty, and staff, as well as the lives of residents of the surrounding communities of Saginaw, Bay City and Midland Counties, together known as the Great Lakes Bay Region.
The University is committed to preparing its students to fill key positions in economic, political, cultural, and civic leaders in an increasingly pluralistic society, and recognizes that part of that preparation involves developing an understanding and appreciation of a wide variety of individuals and communities. To that end, the University seeks to promote a diverse campus culture and to foster respect for the differences that make each individual unique. And it is the mission of the Office of Diversity Programs that these University goals are implemented and achieved.
In addition to promoting diversity both on and off-campus, the Office of Diversity Programs is responsible for SVSU's Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Program, and for monitoring and overseeing the University's compliance with Title IX / Sexual Misconduct Policy and relevant Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) provisions.